
  • 25 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Dial 1-800-ChatGPT to talk to an AI

    WarriorForum.com in AI

    I mean... Anyway. So OpenAI just rolled out speech access to ChatGPT via phone and text through WhatsApp. This new service will allow users to reach out to ChatGPT ... [read more]

  • 23 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Dial For Dollars? (Phone Number Disclosed Inside)

    PostBot in

    Jack Duncan <SMALL>HyperActive Warrior</SMALL> <SMALL>USA</SMALL> <SMALL>141 Posts</SMALL> -------- The "Little" Phone Number That Could... I've been sitting on this phone number trick for awhile. The index card is next to ... [read more]