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    Can I add second Ad Account to my FB business manager if my 1st Ad Account has been disabled?

    lowriderzzz in Social Networks

    Hi! This morning I was "happily" greeted with a default Facebook message that my Ad Account has been disabled due to advertising policy violation. Let me tell that I have ... [read more]

  • 12 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Facebook Ads Disabled

    MarianWrites in Social Networks

    Hello all. My facebook marketing/ads had been successful for the last 18 months, no hitches or glitches. With a gross income of approximately $30,000 monthly (travel/tourism services) derived from the ... [read more]

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    While creating new Facebook Ad campaign at ad set level, CPC option is disabled... Please help

    CSRavi in PPC/SEM

    Hi friends, I have started my e-com business very recently and wanted to run Facebook ad campaigns my account is relatively new only 15days old and when I am setting ... [read more]

  • 14 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Facebook Ads Account - Disabled and No Help. Move on?

    Writingman1421 in PPC/SEM

    Tried to run a campaign. Campaign froze, ad account disabled. Didn't panic. I knew I was new the game and had my ID and any verification they needed ready and ... [read more]

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    My Google Account Disabled. Now How to Delete or hide My YouTube channel?

    ashikjibon in Beginners Area

    Need Help. Recently Google has disabled my Gmail Account. I have already contacted Google Account Team and Google Team have replied - Hello Google user, Thank you for your report. ... [read more]

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    Host4Profit.. Script Disabled on your Account

    arshi in

    Hi Today I rtecive this email from Host4profit and did any one know what is it or how to fix that problem...... Hello, Domain: piprofit.com A script running at "/libraries/tcpdf/tcpdf.php" ... [read more]