Meta offers $5000 for influencers
Meta is offering up to $5000 to high-profile creators to post to Threads. Image source: Social Media Today Of course there's a catch. If such creators get more than 10k ... [read more]
Meta is offering up to $5000 to high-profile creators to post to Threads. Image source: Social Media Today Of course there's a catch. If such creators get more than 10k ... [read more]
How do you make the conversion flow appear less awkward when you wish to capture the email for your own data base, before sending the prospect to the CPA offer ... [read more]
So guys, I have tried Google and Bing PPC ads with no conversions. Tried running Maxbounty Offers with traffic from Propeller Ads and PopAds with no conversions. Tried running Afllliate ... [read more]
Commission Gorilla Review + Best Commission Gorilla Bonus Offer Finally, You Too Can Start Making Commissions On Autopilot Using A Breakthrough Affiliate Marketing Software Responsible For 50,000+ Sales And ... [read more]
Due to Back Surgery, I must work at home. I'm looking for decent SEO software to help me market Affiliate offers of all kinds. Most of the recent SEO offers ... [read more]
Hello, James here again, and I have a brand new joint venture opportunity for my fellow warriors. I find, promote, and scale legitimate products and services to my growing network ... [read more]
What is the best free way or strategy for promoting CPA offers according to your experience?
Does anyone have a current (general) sense of what I might expect to pay as a cost per lead MMO/IM advertiser on affiliate networks? (trying to determine whether the certainty ... [read more]
Hello all I have seen in various WSO threads, users asking for a review copy of the offer. Usually, the user then posts a positive review of the WSO for ... [read more]
Over the past couple of years I've built up an email list of people who have purchased physical products from me. They've all opted into my list with the provision ... [read more]
I bought Russel Brunsons book (following a recommendation here) and it was "free, just pay S&H". I'm starting to see a lot more of this and am wondering what the ... [read more]
Can anyone point me in the right direction for high paying CPA networks that have alot of adult and dating offers??? :confused:
I've heard that SEO is low converting method for dating offers...what do you guys think ?
Live Leap Review With My Special Live Leap Bonus Get The Worlds Only Facbook LIVE Tool That Lets You Make 6 Figure Income From Facebook Live & Fetch Thousands of ... [read more]
[Rank Your Offers In Google Using Chrome Extensions NEW METHOD USES MY FREE CLOUD-BASED EXTENSION BUILDER And here's a nice unsolicited review: and and Not Sure If This Is For ... [read more]
Hello... I started with Cash Network late last month and so far I've done $735 with them in 2 weeks with their Biz Opp CPL offers. Now I want to ... [read more]
"Penny Per Click 1 WAS WSO OF THE DAY - WarriorPlus" 2000+ Copies Sold! Pages of Positive Reviews! Awarded Top 10 WSOs of the Week - WSOscout Penny Per ... [read more]
I am stuck between "Druts web hosting" which is a $65 CPA available to pretty much anyone & "USA green card" which is $130 CPA available to about 15-20 Asian/European ... [read more]
Push Connect Notify Review Plus Best Push Connect Notify Bonus Offer Discover The "Unblock-able Technology" That Captures 100% Of Your Traffic And Allowing You To Send Unlimited "Push Notifications" ... [read more]
WE JUST MADE TOP 10 WSOs Of The WEEK!! Thank everyone for all your support! [read more]
I'm an affiliate and built a bridge page promoting a offer where people can enter their details to get offers from venders. I need to do some research but fast ... [read more]
Hello Warriors: Question please about CPA offers and how the typical company operates. If you were promoting 10 CPA offers (I always use fake names as I am not attempting ... [read more]
Is it possible for a more experienced marketer to check to see if I'm doing this right? I'm up to the stage of advertising but I'm getting cold feet because ... [read more]
Hey there, new to the forum so apologies for the dumb question. Im seeing heaps of those "get paid $10 over and over" type of bizop offers, are they legit ... [read more]
I saw some great discussions about postcard direct mail in the past so I thought I would post that here. I received some postcards at home for and from ... [read more]