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    What Are You Doing Today in This Positioning 4.0 Era of Marketing?

    Al Ries & Jack Trout wrote "Positioning is a Game People Play in Today's Me-Too Marketplace", a seminal paper that was published in 1969. This introduced a novel concept. And ... [read more]

  • 57 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Coldest Milk and Positioning and Slogans and Winning

    DABK in Offline Marketing

    I heard an interview with a store owner in an area where there are a lot of dollar stores. He sells food. The dollar-type store sells food, albeit not as ... [read more]

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    Positioning and specialization = the keys to the kingdom.

    DABK in Offline Marketing

    Ran into a therapist recently. Does family therapy. Does not call it family therapy but has a fine, fancy name... And argues that her stuff is not about family therapy ... [read more]

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    Logo Positioning, can you help?

    Aemilia in Programming

    Hi all, coding newbie here. I am very new to magento 2 theming. I need help with the right code for moving the logo from this position to this position. ... [read more]