Can we do bulk Permanent 301 redirection in a website*?
Hi SEO Experts! I am curious to know about the topic on Bulk Permanent re-direction (301). I would like to re-direct 50+ website old URLs to new URLs in a ... [read more]
Hi SEO Experts! I am curious to know about the topic on Bulk Permanent re-direction (301). I would like to re-direct 50+ website old URLs to new URLs in a ... [read more]
I am sure that many members would have experienced this problem. Recently when I typed in the URLs of my sites, they were being directed to some other sites. Finally ... [read more]
Got Traffic But Need The Secret Make It Convert?... Discover ONE SIMPLE TRICK UPDATED FOR 2018 Instantly Turns Your Non Converting Traffic Into Massive ClickBank Cash Forget About Banners - ... [read more]
I have a website where members earn referral points but I will not always use links. Sometimes I will use a business card where the member can write their username. ... [read more]
I want to use old URL of the permanently redirected page. What are the consequences of it?
In my webmaster I found 100+ url that showing 404 not found error and its increasing gradually. When I click on that I found a spam website that redirecting their ... [read more]
Hey, I'm Shailesh Shakya... When I started blogging, I bought a domain ( After 2 years, I redirected it to another domain (say And then after 1 year, I ... [read more]
Hi Warriors !! I confess i am an SEO Noob, so i have a question to ask. How google treats traffic that is generated from social media to a domain1 ... [read more]
I am working with online gifting portal. i.e From few last days the ranking of keywords "birthday gift" and "birthday gifts" falling. So, I am planning to redirect ... [read more] development/mobile development/mobile when i create a page i put that page by mistake in wrong category after some months when i add new category i put this in ... [read more]
Hi, I have a domain that I use for the redirect of my affiliate offer. I want to add a layer to that. I want something like that: For geo ... [read more]
Hi there everyone, This is my first post at Warrior Forum. I would like to share and ask for some advice. About 10 months ago I purchased an expired domain ... [read more]
Dear Warriors, I wish to give a link to my audience which landing on the vendor's blog articles. Yet, I wish to cookies my affiliate link in between. mean I ... [read more]
Is it possible to create a website on wordpress or any other free online site builder platform (including free domain name and hosting) that automatically redirects traffic from clicks on ... [read more]
I have website and subdomain so i redirects whole domain to all redirects are done properly but when i access website with it is not ... [read more]
Hi, One of my website loose it's ranking. And the reason is unknown to me, I am unable to find it. So I decided to move all my website content ... [read more]
The Ultimate CPA framing tool is here, GODcpa Quadruple your CPA earnings! Http:// My AIM: vexusdev My MSN: Free personal support/forums support+lifetime upgrades with purchase! GODcpa is a revolutionary ... [read more]
Is there any SEO expert or dev tell me that how can I stop spam link redirection for my website. There is a xxx p*rn website that doesn't exist but ... [read more]
Hello fellas, I want to redirect my old domain to new domain? How to redirect it? Should I have to add 301 on .htaccess? Will my old domain backlinks or ... [read more]
I am setting an e-commerce store when I want to display sliders on my homepage. The way my theme works is that it first wants me to create a post ... [read more]
I have a question about redirecting a domain to another domain. I'll use a hypothetical situation... Say you have your PIPS sales page, which looks obviously like an affiliate URL. ... [read more]