
  • 178 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    QUALITY >> Web Development (Ruby, PHP). 250+ Projects Completed!

    Damien Roche in

    "Over 150 Verified Projects Completed Across Two Established Freelance Profiles" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elance.com Profile | Freelancer.com Profile Spogster Buzzblaze CouponCroc (Formerly DiscountVouchers) Not Just a Developer! I am not just a web ... [read more]

  • 12 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Discover why I'm The #! Ranked Copywriter on RentACoder

    lisag in

    Hi, Looking for a talented and versatile writer with plenty of references? Let me introduce myself. Please review my portfolio at Lisa Giannetti Copywriter. Choose the "Press Release" category from ... [read more]