
  • 159 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    FACEBOOK FAN PAGE THIEF - Discover How I "Stole" 44,247 Visitors From OTHER PEOPLE'S FB Fan Pages

    JamesPenn in

    Discover How I “Stole” 44,247 Visitors From OTHER People’s Fan Pages In My First 100 Days On Facebook And How You Can Copy My Six Devilishly Simple Facebook Strategies & ... [read more]

  • 3 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Someone JUST stole my 3.3 million follower FB page. Now what?

    shawnjohn in Social Networks

    I can't believe I fell for it. They said they wanted to advertise with me on my page. Got me to create an ad account. Added them as co-advertisers. As ... [read more]