
  • 7 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    Dropshipping - How to pay taxes?

    daxshop in eCommerce

    I recently started dropshipping on eBay (using amazon as a supplier). I have received roughly $2,700 in revenue resulting in $800 profit so far in October. My question is - ... [read more]

  • 12 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    300 Tax Deductions for the Self Employed

    jroh in

    Tax season is around the corner. I found a list of 300 potential tax deductions for US citizens who are self-employed. You might find some things you didn't know you ... [read more]

  • 4 {{ upvoteCount | shortNum }}

    understanding taxes for new e-commerce business

    jakejverse44 in eCommerce

    I'm completely new to establishing an e-commerce business and I 'm very confused about the whole process of sales tax. I heard you need a tax exemption number, is this ... [read more]