Outbrain - Any results?

3 replies

I have been contemplating using Outbrain to generate traffic to my new site and hopefully some sales as well.

Read about it on the internet but no review seems to show whether users have had any outstanding results. They simply talk about traffic statistics which is great but if your not getting any sales in return, your running at a loss.

Has anybody used Outbrain or know of anybody that has, if so what sort of results were you or your friend getting?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

#outbrain #results
  • Profile picture of the author Rozanne
    First time heard about Outbrain; looks quite interesting, but there is no clear information about how they distribute content; at first glance it looks like an advanced version PR distribution services. And it works on CPC basis so it can turn into costly solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author wbee
    Same here, never heard any solid feedback about Outbrain...so I'm def curious as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMPromocoder
    Outbrain is one of many content recommendation services ( the related sponsored links below the articles, " you might also like.."). Other companies are Taboola, Nrelate, Engageya, Zemanta, Reverb, Disqus and many more. Outbrain are the largest and distinguished by the fact that they do not allow to promote anything other than informational/editorial content. Meaning, if you are trying to sell something or ptomote an affiliate offer, you have to hide it pretty well. Other companies don't seem to bother with that too much, however they do require a larger budget to begin. This type of traffic is consider of high quality, engaged traffic, however, it's not an easy traffic to convert into a sale.
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