Anyone using elegantthemes for wordpress?

by bugzy
4 replies
Need feedback guys! Especially their support.

Their $69 all access is very tempting.
#elegantthemes #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author origin
    I have been a member since it was $19 per year. Quality themes, I have used several over the years, I don't need any other template membership.
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  • Profile picture of the author IgniteFeed
    Excellent products, I have memberships in several others, but Elegant themes is what I keep using for clients. They have some excellent plug-ins, and their customization ability is excellent. They keep things up to date which is important.
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  • Profile picture of the author CageyVet
    They build nice and working themes that are kept up to date....can not ask for much more.
    I'm just an opinionated ******* Today!
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  • Profile picture of the author deu12000
    Same as above reviews. I'm still on the $19.95 a year plan and I didn't use them for some months and then literally last week I used one of their themes. They are an insane value for the money no matter what; as long as you use at least one or two of their themes. They also always keep their themes and plugins updated. It's funny that you created a site 5 years ago and can still update the theme. Most themes are dead by then.
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