Low Searched for KW with Lots of traffic??

5 replies
Hi there,

Just don't really understand something - doing some keyword research on Google's tool and there is a keyword that is only searched for 16 times a month. I have written an article for this keyword and it was the 2nd most highly viewed article I have written with over 1500 views in a short while. I have some articles with much higher searches all with alot less views??

Does anyone get this and could explain why this happens??

thanks alot!
#lots #low #searched #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author misterwrecker
    First of all you can't take Google's search results so seriously. Look at it more as a guideline than something set in stone. Google provides estimates of the search volume and can be way off many times. Secondly if your article was submitted to a popular directory you could of received the views from there or maybe somebody put your article on their site/blog that had some decent traffic. Okay that's just some suggestions. Hope that helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    traffic could be coming from a keyword you dont know about or even a link. How are you verifying the traffic source?
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    • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
      thanks, some good points already here.. ...and I was looking at the traffic source via Ezine where it just lists articles and number of views in order.

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      • Profile picture of the author misterwrecker
        Originally Posted by Moneyland View Post

        thanks, some good points already here.. ...and I was looking at the traffic source via Ezine where it just lists articles and number of views in order.


        Yes, Ezine is a good example where you can achieve continuous traffic without being ranked high on Google.

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        • Profile picture of the author Moneyland
          thanks John, trying to figure this- is it likely to be general visitors finding ezine and then their topic of interest or would you say people using the ezine service!?

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