Simple Formula to Double the Effectiveness of Your Landing Page Headline

8 replies
Headline is one of the most important elements of a landing page. It’s the first thing that gets noticed by the visitor and if it doesn't get their attention and interest, well then you really shouldn’t bother with the rest of your landing page copy.

Advertising godfather David Oglivy, said this about headlines – “On average five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

So, creating a powerful landing page headline isn’t optional it’s essential.

There are many types of headlines that you can use on your landing page like:
  • To the point headline
  • How to headline
  • Curiosity generating headline
  • Number/point headline
  • Question headline etc

All of these bring different results depending upon your audience. But, there’s one simple way to make these headlines more powerful and that’s what we are going to discuss today.

So let’s get started:

The Method

Let’s say you’re trying to increase your search engine ranking and you want a tool or service to track your backlinks. You searched on Google and found some services that’ll help you do so and here are their headlines which one will you choose:
  1. Boost your search engine ranking. Today.
  2. World’s most accurate backlink tracking and keyword software
  3. Track your backlinks, keywords, brand mentions and know what your competitors are doing

I’ll go for the third one and I guess you’ll do the same. But why?

Even though the above two headlines include power words like – ‘Boost’, ‘Today’, ‘Most accurate’ etc. they don’t make the same impact as the third one does because the third one is really specific towards the benefits.

That’s what the formula is for a powerful landing page headline. In fact the above headline isn’t made up it’s real and is used by a huge backlink tracking company Ahrefs

This method of creating headline works extremely well. You can see a similar simple and specific headline on the landing page of Unbounce too

Unbounce tracks and split test every element on their landing page for maximum conversion and if they are using such a headline then it’s obvious that it works amazingly well.

How to create such a headline for your page?

In order to write a headline like this you’ll first need to understand your audience. Think from their point of view - What they want? What they fear? What motivates them? What’s their ultimate goal? Etc.

After that, you’ll need to define your product - How it will help them? How it’s better than the one they are currently using? What are the main benefits they’ll get from it? Etc.

On the basis of these factors design a simple and specific headline that you think will clearly define your product and excite your audience.
#conversion #double #effectiveness #formula #headline #landing #landing page #page #simple
  • Profile picture of the author Verena
    Curiosity gen headlines works well for me. Nice read, thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    Originally Posted by maniarora View Post

    Headline is one of the most important elements of a landing page. It's the first thing that gets noticed by the visitor and if it doesn't get their attention and interest, well then you really shouldn't bother with the rest of your landing page copy.

    Advertising godfather David Oglivy, said this about headlines - "On average five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar."

    So, creating a powerful landing page headline isn't optional it's essential.

    There are many types of headlines that you can use on your landing page like:
    • To the point headline
    • How to headline
    • Curiosity generating headline
    • Number/point headline
    • Question headline etc

    All of these bring different results depending upon your audience. But, there's one simple way to make these headlines more powerful and that's what we are going to discuss today.

    So let's get started:

    The Method

    Let's say you're trying to increase your search engine ranking and you want a tool or service to track your backlinks. You searched on Google and found some services that'll help you do so and here are their headlines which one will you choose:
    1. Boost your search engine ranking. Today.
    2. World's most accurate backlink tracking and keyword software
    3. Track your backlinks, keywords, brand mentions and know what your competitors are doing

    I'll go for the third one and I guess you'll do the same. But why?

    Even though the above two headlines include power words like - 'Boost', 'Today', 'Most accurate' etc. they don't make the same impact as the third one does because the third one is really specific towards the benefits.

    That's what the formula is for a powerful landing page headline. In fact the above headline isn't made up it's real and is used by a huge backlink tracking company Ahrefs

    This method of creating headline works extremely well. You can see a similar simple and specific headline on the landing page of Unbounce too

    Unbounce tracks and split test every element on their landing page for maximum conversion and if they are using such a headline then it's obvious that it works amazingly well.

    How to create such a headline for your page?

    In order to write a headline like this you'll first need to understand your audience. Think from their point of view - What they want? What they fear? What motivates them? What's their ultimate goal? Etc.

    After that, you'll need to define your product - How it will help them? How it's better than the one they are currently using? What are the main benefits they'll get from it? Etc.

    On the basis of these factors design a simple and specific headline that you think will clearly define your product and excite your audience.
    Interesting.. however since I am already doing email marketing/newsletter I wonder how can I measure my success if I offer promotions? I am currently using campaign builder to track clicks on it but I want to dig deeper to it? what can I do?

    12BET | Live Casino Malaysia

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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Scott Jr
    Totally agree. That it why it is important to understand who your audience is and to be able to think like them. I have seen many people in the forum ask if it is necessary to have to know anything about the niche they are promoting.

    If they can't think like their audience, they are not going to be able to market effectively and create ads and headlines that convert well. Therefore yes they need to know the niche or work hard at getting to know it doing research and testing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Augustinus
    I always want to create some emotion with headline and then direct them to do something.
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  • Profile picture of the author reachintan
    thank you for extensive information...

    Chintan Mehta

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  • Profile picture of the author enjamulahsan
    I love bootstrap for landing pages, I can create easy landign pages from bootstrap. The aboves are good as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumon2k7
    Thanks for providing very useful information. Making a good landing page is highly necessary in term of making sure 100% sales. By adding products benefits on the landing page we can attract people at glance to buy a product.
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