Page Views to Conversions

19 replies
Hi guys,

I just started a website and I am averaging roughly 1,500 page views per day with an average of 50-100 users viewing my site. My problem is, I do not have users signing up and engaging. I run a forum for Cybersecurity and offer features such as blogging, awards, a point system and a few other things. I've created some of my own content and I believe my SEO is decent considering the traffic I'm gaining with zero marketing costs.

What am I missing?
#conversions #page #views
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Sounds like a miss-match between the traffic and your lead magnet.

    Are you offering them something they ABSOLUTELY crave?
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    • Profile picture of the author Disruption
      You may have to explain some stuff to me as I am really new to obtaining traffic and targeting. I'd argue yes. I mean, users are constantly always trying to find a way to protect themselves online. Many utilize software right away without understanding the necessity of knowledge online. When I think of cybersecurity, I really feel that in order to have true protection, it starts with you. No software will provide you with a strong level of security without you understanding the field and the scope of the Internet nowadays.

      I am slowly producing content on that type of material however, it's a bit hard to engage when I have one or two users who post and if they post, it's very infrequent. I'm SUPER happy with what is going on however, I feel like I am missing something.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    No worries, I'll do my best to help you. Other Warriors will too.

    Do you know what segment of the market you're trying to appeal to?

    That can be anything from complete newbies who don't even know there's a potential security risk, all the way down to people who regularly purchase security related products, and everything in between.

    You're obviously passionate and knowledgable about security, so you're already in better position that 90% of the people who try this stuff.

    I just had a look at the link in your sig (might wanna reduce the number of lines in your sig btw, 2 line max allowed).

    It looks like you're trying to promote a forum?
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    • Profile picture of the author Disruption
      Yep! That is correct in regards to the forum and passion. Ultimately, I am trying to create an area for discussion of content in the computer sector. However, I want the main strong point to be cybersecurity information. I wasn't sure if a general computer tech forum would be the best approach. However, you guys may have way more experience. Do you think such a niche is too close minded and should be expanded upon?
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
        Originally Posted by Disruption View Post

        Do you think such a niche is too close minded and should be expanded upon?
        Niche is good.

        Sounds counter-intuitive, I know; but online the more specific you can get, the better. It lets you know exactly who you're talking to.

        So, if I were you, I would start with a very specific problem and teach people how to begin solving that. Once you have that converting, move onto another problem. This is one of the ways to build an authority site, while making profit.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    As Mike said, you may have a mismatch between your forum and your audience.

    One quick thing - I'd think about renaming the "Lounge" section. Your description makes it look like a discussion area for security professionals to talk shop. If that's your intent, then you may have to change the way you target your audience.

    From what you wrote (I didn't have time to dig too far past your home page), my guess is that many of your visitors are not looking to discuss cybersecurity. They're people with problems or concerns, and they're looking for solutions.

    Personally, my interest in cybersecurity begins and ends with my own activities, and those of my clients I might affect. If I end up in a security forum, it's because a search result indicates I might find an answer. I'm not interested in subscribing to anything, nor am I interested in drawn out discussions. My feeling is that my behavior is more common than you think.

    Check your server logs or analytics to see what kind of queries people are using to find you.
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    • Profile picture of the author Disruption
      Hi John,

      Appreciate the feedback. Would you argue that focusing on such a niche topic could be harmful in the wrong run and that diversifying may impact my conversions?
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    The entire forum has 50 threads.

    The global news sub-forum has 36 locked threads. So you have at the most, 14 possibilities to get a reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    I am averaging roughly 1,500 page views per day with an average of 50-100 users viewing my site.
    Where are you getting these numbers?

    I just did some quick addition and the total views of all posts don't come anywhere near 1500, let alone 1500 per day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Bozarth
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Bear in mind, I have other areas of the site that are not just forums.
    So people are just bouncing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Disruption
      But their active session is roughly 2-3 minutes per view. Which is odd to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomopalinski
    It is pretty challenging to get high conversions for most of us. If you look at the average conversion rate for sales pages, it is only around 3%.

    You can actually see that huge difference between the number of people being exposed to your message and the number that actually decide to take the action just by looking at your impressions/clicks ratio.

    What is even more challenging, the similar conversion should be expected on your site as well. So if you have 100 visitors, few percents of that usually decide to take the action. Now, if your message and copyright are not optimized for the audience you are attracting, your numbers could be lower than the average.

    The message that captures enough of somebody's attention to cause him/her to click on the website is definitely not enough to result in greater commitment, like signing up.

    Make sure that the message you have on your website really targets their painful problem. Explore that pain a little bit, make them sit with those thoughts for a moment so they get a little uncomfortable.

    If you are able to craft your message this way and then offer that they can find a quick and free solution to at least a part of a problem once they sign up, I'm sure you'll get better conversions. People will almost always act to remove the discomfort, but they hardly ever do if they act from a place of contentment.

    I hope this helps. Good luck and enjoy the process.

    Good SEO work only gets better over time. It is only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change. -- Jill Whalen

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Disruption View Post

    Hi John,

    Appreciate the feedback. Would you argue that focusing on such a niche topic could be harmful in the wrong run and that diversifying may impact my conversions?
    Actually, just the opposite. Honing in on a specific niche will never harm you as long as there are enough potential customers. Cybersecurity has plenty of customers, with more created every time the news announces another data breach.

    Diversifying may impact your conversions, but not in the way you hope.

    There's an old saying -- try to please everybody and you end up pleasing nobody.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maxima123
    I would like to share that at first target the right kind of the audience and use the appropriate content with exact facts and figure so that visitors get the good material to read and follow. Add blogs, article and other with relevance and quality oriented. Then it will encourage the visitors for sig up and encouragements.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    What's the freebie that you're offering? Here's a quick test to gage the quality of your visitors. Go and create a hover ad, and then for everyone of the unique 1500 visitors that visit your site, have the hover ad appear immediately - and see if they sign up for your freebie item.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I'd focus on building 1 to 1 bonds with humans. When I stopped quoting stats and seeing numbers as my solution, I began genuinely helping humans 1 to 1, by commenting on their blogs, answering their questions, promoting them. I never had a conversion problem; I had a "I am focusing on numbers versus focusing on people" problem. Give that a shot.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Nortus Fitness
    same was my concern but now it can be solved by the expert guidelines. Thanks for putting this question here.
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