MVK Minimum Viable Knowledge for making money online or off.
Minimum Viable Knowledge (MVK), what you must know to make money online (or off). From Warriors for Warriors.
From Jason Kanigan; TRAFFIC and CONVERSIONS, and some add targeted traffic. As for the conversion part of it, savidge4 says; Title (headline), Image, Price.
And even before this how-to, you need a product/service to offer. The two primary schools of thought would have you either find buyers for a product, or create/acquire products for buyers already spending money.
This is the minimum viable know-how you need to make money online, or off. It is simple, until you begin to answer the questions of who, what, where, when, why and how? For one of the most simple examples you can look at eBay, etsy, or even Facebook marketplace, where everyday millions of dollars exchange hands between buyers and sellers.
I know a guy who makes clay products, like mugs and bowls, and offers them on these platforms where known BUYERS exist. He would then focus on the 3 parts savidge4 talks about; creating good images, having the price and a good headline (title) so as to be found in the noise of these giant platforms. But this is MINIMUM info, cause he also has to send his products out, adding another layer to the business.
One reason why guys like me chose information over in-hand products was to eliminate that part of the process, although many, if not most of the businesses selling products need to send them to customers.
It is a reason why there is so much interest in DROP SHIPPING, where someone new to the game has that back-end of the sale taken care of for them...and also why AFFILIATE marketing is so popular, no product creation/acquisition needed. The downside of these are tons of competition, so many selling the exact same things.
But just because there is a ton of competition, that doesn't mean you can't join in, and if you do some of the things better than those already out there, you stand a chance of success.
These are basic questions you might try to answer BEFORE you dive into IM,MMO or marketing at all:
WHAT will you be offering? To WHOM? WHERE are these prospective buyers at right now and how do you plan to let them know about your offer? What price and why do you offer it at that price?
HOW will your offer be delivered, will it require mail or delivery? Can it be a download or digital thing?
Now this is a few minutes of thought, doesn't require years of study, so feel free to add to what you think is the MINIMUM KNOW HOW, so one can begin to make money online (or even off)?
Do you have a more complicated thought process to get started?
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