Keywords and how to use them properly??

2 replies

I am putting up another site, and this time I have spent a bit of time searching on keywords etc.

I understand there is a lot of talk about keyword stuffing, getting sites knocked down the rankings.

My questions are as follows:
How many keywords would you put on each page,( say I have a 5 page site) and I have 10 really good key word phrases?

or would it make more sense to call my page description the keyword phrase instead?

Also with choosing a site Url is it better to use hypens in the domain name, or pick a short keyword phrase as the url?

I have found a bit of info around on these subjects, but it all seems to contradict itself, so I would like to hear what some of the warriors do.

#keywords #properly
  • Profile picture of the author jan roos
    Have your keyword phrase in your domain name, also search engines places bigger importance of the first 3 words of your title and subscription so try and start those with your keywords or keyword phrases.

    Also when you post your content on your website make sure you have those keyword phrases in there a few times maybe 3 or 4 times and spread them out so that you have a keyword in the first paragraph middle and end etc.

    That has been working for me pretty good so far and then talso make sure You build good quality backlinks.

    Hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Don't use hyphens in the url, but try to put your best keyword phrase in there (preferably jut the phrase but if it is already taken you could add "guide" or "tips" or something to the end).

    I usually use 1 keyword phrase per article, but if I have 2 that will fit great together in one article I go for that. I usually try to put the phrase in the 1st sentence, middle of the article and last paragraph. that's for about a 450 word article.

    Put your keyword phrase in the title and if you can add a photo with the phrase in an alt tag.

    Don't stress too much about the on-page SEO - the off-page stuff (the anchor text in the backlinks) is 80% of it IMHO.

    Also, bear in mind that the SE's algorithms are always changing so what works good today might not work good next week.

    Gone Fishing
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