Scrub your Aweber lists and save some money each month...

4 replies
Why pay for subscribers each month who don't open your e-mails? Here's a tip for Aweber users (mostly newbies) on how to scrub your list and erase the people who aren't opening your e-mails...

Sorry for the sound... I hope everyone gets the idea...

Select a date range which is 30-60 days prior to todays date.
#aweber #lists #money #month #save #scrub
  • Profile picture of the author Nonny
    Wouldn't that also scrub your list of recipients who are opening your messages but don't load images?

    Based on this thread:

    My own email default is to not have images load, and I only do so something in the message makes that compelling to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkH45
    In the past I have clicked on each individual name and checked if the e-mail was "opened" or not. I have also setup "demo" e-mail address before scrubbing my list to make sure I was not getting rid of "real" subscribers.

    In the end, my open rate is usually about 40%-45% before the scrubbing which tells me these are truly "dead" subscribers (my % is much higher after a scrubbing for obvious reasons).

    "At AWeber, if someone does not register an open but does
    click a link, we will infer an open for that person."

    That is why it is a good idea to send out both HTML and plain text versions of the e-mail and turn link tracking on.

    Either way, if you are sending e-mails to your list several times a week and over a period of 60 days that person has not opened OR did not click on a link then I am not going to pay for them to be on my list.

    I made this video and shared it with everyone because this is what I do in my business...
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  • Profile picture of the author jasondinner
    You can actually ask them to do it for you on live chat.

    I had them remove about 30K unsubscribed/unconfirmed leads from my list
    saving myself about $30 per month.

    Remember, you pay for duplicate leads that are on more than one list.

    I advise you to back up your lists first before you do this just in case anyone who unsubscribed cries SPAM!!

    - Jason

    "Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale

    Super Affiliates Hang Out Here

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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    Wouldn't it be simpler to ask for another opt-in?

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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