Overwhelmed and confused... help?

6 replies
Hi everyone,

This is embarrassing.... I need help but I don't know what kind. I have a pretty big site that I built under the guidance of another program but I have really messed things up. I know that I am not making the money I should.

I have learned a lot (lot!) here but too late to fix this mess. I cannot "start over," as I feel I have put so much into this site and I want to get this right. It is a pretty big site (around 300 pages) and I'm pretty good at my niche (holistic health, body cleansing, weight loss, anti-aging). I had a land business and sold it. I wrote a book and the editor who is pretty skilled in this type of work called it the best book she's ever read on the subject. But my problem is this: I've only sold like around 20 of them this year. I wrote another one and only sold a few copies so far. I understand a book is no good unless it is well-marketed.

I know my sales pages suck, I'm still learning. Unfortunately the program I had been "studying" gave no mention of this. I constantly tweak the headlines, the colors, etc. and my sales have actually went down. I'm such an idiot I forgot to save each headline. (I know.)

I do article marketing and backlink with a blog and social bookmark program. I wrote a free mini-course and have gotten around 40 sign-ups this last week but no sales from it. It has been a week, but I don't know how long I should give it until I just pull it down. (I know I have to work on those to make them "sell" better as well.)

So, I keep the same freaking site because it has been up for a couple years and I don't want to start all over with a brand-new domain. I will not use CB affiliates yet because I need to get my own sales up and get a decent sales letter. I will not bring on affiliates until I can convert.

I try everything that I have read about sales pages from what typically works to psychology of the sales letter, etc. But I must really, really suck because nothing is working.

I joined the war room on Friday but had to leave town the last 2 days so will be reading more tonight and tomorrow. My "regular" job is to play in a band, but we play mainly at the snowboard/ski lodge and the season is over so I am not making too much $$ besides what I make from Adsense, CB and the few books I sell. In other words, I just don't have much money to buy good sales copy - besides I'm now scared that I might pay hundreds of dollars and it won't work, anyway.

So..... now I am overwhelmed. I don't know what to focus on or when I should just give up. I have gotten myself so confused, and I feel like nothing I do works anyway, but I can't stop! :confused: I just keep at it even though nothing is working and this makes me feel like I must be crazy. Maybe I need to just get organized.

I guess my big issue is, if I just stop, take a breath and re-start, what should I focus on? Article marketing? Changing my sales page? Hire someone to change my sales page? I'd like to just walk away for a week, which I should cuz I should be practicing for a show next weekend. But I can't, I'm so weird that when something is not working I'll just keep trying cuz I get this like, "this will not defeat me" attitude. I have heard this should be a good thing, but it doesn't feel like it. At all.

For anyone who has read this long, thank you so much. And, can you help me? Any tips on what to do and how to fix this huge mess I have created? My work is really important to me. But I don't know how to fix this.

Cindy P.
#confused #overwhelmed
  • Profile picture of the author JeffMitchell
    Keep at it and learn some blogging strategies...

    Here is a good thought. Find a "tribe" of people who are interested and blogging about the same thing that you are, and instead of competing with each other....help each other promote each others content through social media syndication.

    Also, Find a ton of Facebook groups that revolve around what you are doing and start building relationships with the people in those groups.

    Don't promote you business blatently, just ease into the conversation. I'm sure that there are buyers for you product, you just have to get enough targeted people there to find it.

    use Onlywire.Com to syndicate to all the mahor social sites. If needed find a couple twitter tools that will allow you to find targeted follows and promote you blog to them. There are a ton of things that you can do.

    If you would like to chat just im me. We are in completely different niches but I think I could help you with a few things...

    Jeff Mitchell

    HELP NEEDED! My Mother And Her Brother have been taking care of the mother with the help of Hospice. He just had a Massive Heart Attack while taking a short vacation. My mother had to go to Florida from Indiana to be with her brother and is not financially stable from being off work to be with grandma. Any Help Would Be Appreciated. http://www.gofundme.com/vg5kt4c

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  • Profile picture of the author KhadijahChapman
    Hi Cindy,

    You have a nice site, full of awesome information, but really quite boring.. I am not sure what program you were involved in, however if i were you, i would probably make quite a few changes to my site, and I would start with my title and my keywords.

    I would keep the site you have, however i would go to godaddy.com and find a web name that would be comparable to your topic - one that is aged, and if possible some backlinks and page rank, but at the very least an aged domain - with a good key word related to your topic..

    second I would put together a squeeze page for opt in only.. and i would make sure to begin to build my list and then run a campaign to those who come to my site to sell to them later..

    Begin to edify yourself and position yourself as the expert.. you are very pretty.. and I am sure you have an even cuter picture.. wow you are 47 !!! you look awesome, and when i say better picture, i don't mean one where you have on tons of makeup and look like you are going to walk the red carpet, but just a little makeup but still very plain and down to earth. very close to the one picture that you have...

    have a coupld of really good thought provoking quotes that get people thinking go to quotes on google search and find one or two relating to your topic ...

    article writing is only effective if you do it correctly; and you have to make sure that your resource box is set up ... also add video.. video marketing is huge... and you can include it will of your other marketing.. i have a link on my blog for $20 bucks you can turn any article into a video, however I am sure there are other programs out there as well..

    You have a great site with lots of excellent information, however you need - in my opinion a better format or way of showcasing.. and a better way of highlighting the importance of why anyone landing on your page absolutely just has to have your book.. all of them..

    Also you could break down your site and have 10-100 mini sites all making $30 a day... there is so much you can do with all of that content... so many ways...

    also get some testimonials.. even if they are from family and friends.. or sell the book at a reduced price or give it away for exchange of testimonials..

    Be sure to outline the problem.. then give a powerful reason or solution.. which includes purchasing your book.. and your FREE information that you give away through your email campaign.. needs to be so awesome that everyone who signs up for your FREE information can't wait for the next email and eventually will become buyers, becasue you ahve developed or earned their respect from all the free advice that you have shared with them..

    look at your competitors and swipe bits and pieces of their ad copy... just change it enough to make it your own... you have the content now you have to arrange it more so that it shouts, hey this is awesome information and you will die without my information..
    give the reasons why people just have to have your information.. why they just have to purchase from you..

    In addition, there is a ton of information on this forum.. so be sure to go through and just take the time to read... and on a final note, always always add great affiliate products that you believe in... they are great for monetization, and at the end of the day you want to create value and also be able to pay the bills..

    I hope this helps..
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    • Profile picture of the author sydneypm
      Thank you. You guys have given me some things to think about.

      I do have testimonials on a couple of the "sales pages." I like the idea of breaking up the site. I do feel likes it's "TMI" as it is.

      With this info, I will write up a "new plan" and see what I can rework. Thank you for taking your time, I really do appreciate it.

      The only true colon cleanse and whole body cleanse info on the net.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2029181].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sanssecret
        I think the site looks great. And I've just signed up for your newsletter, lol.
        Not what you were looking for I know, but if you can help me lose the weight I'm all yours.

        The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. ~Muhammad Ali
        Pay me to play. :) Order a Custom Cover today.
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  • Profile picture of the author cschristo9
    i guess cindy now your website looks great good work done
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  • Profile picture of the author sydneypm
    I came back today to read this again and I just have to say, thank you again. Khadijah and Jeff, you have given me some excellent tips and have a great start to rework my strategy. Looks like enough to keep me busy with a new focus and energy. I really appreciate both of you taking your time to help me.

    I am intrigued by the idea of the smaller sites, but not sure how I would go about that because I have so many articles linked to the inner "sales" pages (well, what are supposed to be sales pages, anyway). I am considering keeping the large site, yet creating a few mini-sites, and possibly purchasing some aged domain names for those.

    Sans, thank you for signing up even though that was not my intent. (You might find this page more useful: Weight Loss Detox) Please feel free to post or pm me with any criticisms or suggestions.

    Take care.

    The only true colon cleanse and whole body cleanse info on the net.

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