1 replies
So today I had over a hundred visitors to my Time Management blog. Adsense was pennies and I make a few sales here and there on my new ebook. Am I being foolish by giving away the free ebooks without making people give me an email address or take a cpm offer so I can somehow monetize them? My hope has been to give something of value away in hopes they like my writing and ideas and come back and buy an ebook. Thoughts are appreciated.
#free #monetize
  • Profile picture of the author Social Experts
    I don't know much about the niche and I personally wouldn't look into it as a consumer but thats just me. If there is enough demand for a free ebook you're giving away what you could do is ask them to opt-in to get to the free ebook page but have a cpa gateway over it. So even if they don't complete a survey or whatever you have their email address.

    Just an idea


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