Regarding Newsletter "Subscribers"

4 replies
I have an aWeber form on my site for newsletter subscription sign-ups (double opt in). Every day I get several "sign-ups" from people who have not used the website form. How can I tell? I temporarily removed everything except the email address box and I'm still getting names. It looks like these "people" are going to the source code and signing up by emailing the aWeber subscription address directly (who knew you could do that???)

My question is "Why???" I even removed the sign-up incentive just to see what would happen. They're still signing up. (Got to put that back up, because there's been a noticeable drop in real subscriptions!)

aWeber promptly cancels them because the email addresses bounce.

So can someone give me a clue why these "people" are signing up for a newsletter they'll never get, and where there's no incentive? They're coming mostly from Germany, China, the Ukraine, as well as the USA.

AWeber is handling this just fine. I'd just like to know...what's the point? Is this typical? Is this some kind of robot?

#newsletter #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author Britt Malka
    I've never heard about this before. Really strange.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[16385].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author myob
      They will be using your email to send out spam; using your address as a false header. This is a big problem, and you should encrypt your source code or use php.
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
        I get this, too. People sign up via emailing the autoresponder and unsubscribe within a few minutes.

        I don't know that encrypting the code would help, since as soon as they get a message from your autoresponder, they can easily tell what its address is (something @

        This also means if you're selling something delivered by autoresponder, people can get it by emailing that address directly.

        Does anyone know if aweber lets you turn off subscriptions via email (i.e. someone must fill out the form)? I remember GetResponse has that feature but haven't found it in aweber.
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      • Profile picture of the author Angela V. Edwards
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        They will be using your email to send out spam; using your address as a false header. This is a big problem, and you should encrypt your source code or use php.
        I seem to be having that problem WITHOUT having placed an autoresponder on my website. Do you know how that might be happening?
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