How to make money out of nothing

6 replies
I thought this was funny, so would share it here.

Was watching a t.v. commercial, and this is great marketing.

Convincing someone to give you $10 for $4. 250% return on your investment.

Basically. It's 'custom' US $2 bills, "valued at $30, yours for only $10 plus shipping and handling. Plus, act now, and get an EXTRA free $2 bill. $60 worth of value, for only $10 plus shipping and handling". ('Yellowstone' national park $2 bills).

I know its a 'collectors' item - but what makes it a collectors item? Positioning, scarcity (limited time offer), and uniqueness. It's a fancy piece of paper that other people attach value to. If you try to use it at a grocery store, you'll only get $2 worth of goods. Yet -- this commercial can convince people to pay $10 for $2 (or $4 with the 'free' item).

But I thought it was interesting. Kind of like selling clothing that has been 'touched' by a celebrity for thousands of $$$, selling an 'air guitar' on e-bay (yes, that is been done -- if you don't know what an air guitar is -- it's an imaginary guitar that people 'pretend' to play).

Anyways. Just positioning, USP, and so forth. Obviously something you can apply to your own products.

#make #money
  • Profile picture of the author corycrabb
    I'm always very careful about these types of offers as they can be very risky at best...

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    • Originally Posted by corycrabb View Post

      I'm always very careful about these types of offers as they can be very risky at best...
      This was actually advertised on t.v. Just saw it a little while ago.

      Here is the commercial (similar to those kinds of collectors plates, etc).

      I.e., regular ballpoint pen. $0.99. "Collectors" ball point pen - $10.99. "Collectors" ball point pen "touched" by Michael Jackson. $50,000.

      It's still a ball point pen. Only thing different is the perceived value in each case.
      Pick a product. Pick ANY product! -> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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  • Profile picture of the author SageSound
    OTOH, I ate at a restaurant a while back and when we paid our bill, the change included three silver quarters. I asked if they had any more, and she said, "Oh, yes, I have a whole role of them." I asked where she got them and she said someone gave them to her to pay their bill.

    I bought the rest for $8.50 or so. (Not quite a whole role.)

    I sold them later on for $2.25 each. Today silver quarters are worth a bit over $3 just in sliver content.

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  • Profile picture of the author leiden
    Just because it's "valued" at $30 and was advertised on TV, it doesn't mean it is actually worth $30. It might of course, but most likely it's not.
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  • Profile picture of the author webapex
    I just saw the TV commercial again,

    Buy 1 for $10 get 1 free, just pay separate shipping. Pretty standard, charging shipping & handling that covers all production costs.

    Their web site:

    reveals in fine print that S & H = $5.95 making your actual total $21.90

    More tricky than some, they don't mention total cost until after entering credit card info.

    There' a lot to learn from the big boy direct marketers, have you seen the CNBC production:

    As Seen on TV ; Inside the Infomercial Industry

    Work At Home Business Resources » Learning From the Direct Marketing Masters’ Infomercials

    “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” Niels Bohr

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    • Profile picture of the author KevinTorrence
      Those commercials always make me smile. Classic example of perceived value attached to a hot seller in a rabid market. Coin/Money collectors snap that stuff up like crazy.
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