What improvements can I make

6 replies
Hello Warriors,

I am writing to potential advertisers this is the letter I am sending

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I am the owner of The Plasterers Forum The forum is two years old and has grown from strength to strength it attracts a lot of people looking to get in to the plastering industry while the time served members give great advice and tips. The community is definitely thriving and is constantly growing.

we will soon be the biggest plastering forum on the internet with over 500 members and with over 12000 posts we take pride in our buzzing community.

We are currently receiving nearly 8000 visitors a month with 20% of them being unique visits and every month this is growing.

The website itself is also changing rapidly with new updates planning to take place on the 1st December. There will be sections for training centres, where they can be reviewed there's going to be maps where people can find there local school there will also be videos training material and special discounts to our members

This is the reason I am contacting you, would you be interested in advertising? Our rates are very competitive and we do discounts for long bookings.

So if you are interested just reply to this email and we can discuss your requirements

All the best

Daniel Cutts
The Plasterers Forum

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What can I do to make it better?


#improvements #make
  • Profile picture of the author mookinman
    Hi Danny - fellow UK guy here...

    The first thing I would say is that not everybody you're going to be pitching to will even know what a forum is. If you add a sentence that explain that your forum is a website where hundreds of plumbers from the UK and beyond discuss this and that, exchange ideas etc... Most people know what a website is, so tell them it's THE main website where plumbers hang out. Sell them the benefits of being able to advertise directly to plumbers who are on the forum actively looking for things that can help improve their work and their business. Make your prospective advertiser realise that if they offer a product or service that can help plumbers, they'd be daft NOT to advertise on your site.

    Hope this helps. Good luck with it - let me know if you need any help (hosting, graphics, t-shirts printed etc).
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    Ah yeah that is a good point, I should make that change I need to explain more what the forum is.

    Thanks for that

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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Simons
    Danny I was wondering how do you do on the adsence I have a couple of blog that i have been trying to drive traffic to and was wondering since yours is so established maybe you could tell me how many click you get from those a month?

    Doug Simons
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    Adsense is pretty poor on the plasterers forum, the click through rate is 1.65%

    I never want to charge my members so I want to make as much by using them rather than charge

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  • Profile picture of the author mookinman
    No problem Danny.

    I just thought of another thing. This is a tip I used when selling printed t-shirts & polo shirts to local business (when I go round the local trading estates, shops etc)...

    Rather than be vague about the price, it might work better to come straight out with how much it is going to cost them. Put together say 2 or 3 "packages" or options, complete with a list of what they'll get, and the price. Most people are scared of advertising salesmen because they know it's expensive - but if you're up front with them about how much you're going to charge, it makes your service more accessible (i.e easier and quicker to get going).

    For example, I might approach an MOT garage and say "I can kit out your entire staff in brand new black polo shirts, logo printed on the left hand breast, name of the garage & number on the back across the shoulders, design free of charge, and you can have them by tomorrow afternoon - £8 each." Then it's just a matter of "yes" or "no". Most say yes, and the only question they need to ask is do I prefer a cheque or cash!

    I've just looked out of my living room window and there's 2 plumbing supplier shops! Never really noticed before (not lived here long). When you've got your pitch together, shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can get them to sign up for ya.
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Cutts
    Hello again,

    I have done a sort of rate card any ideas to make it better?

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    To get full effect of advertising that it is proven that people need to see your ad more often so we would recommend that you do a minimum of 3 months this will give continuity.

    £65 per month this will appear on the home page of plasterersforum.com and throughout the forum.

    Package 1 £190

    Is the 3 month deal which gives you banners on plasterersforum.com and banners on the forum

    Package 2

    Is the 3 month deal which gives you banners on plasterersforum.com and banners on the forum


    A Review of your service on plasterersforum.com just like http://www.plasterersforum.com/Plast...orth-East.html

    This will give maximum exposure, your review will also have place where people have used your service can leave a testimonial.

    All that for £250

    Package 3

    Is 6 months with banners on plasterersforum.com and on the forum

    We will also throw in the review for the same price

    So 6 months advertising + review

    All that for £390

    Package 4

    Is 12 months with banners on plasterersforum.com and on the forum
    Also the review on the site

    You will also have a teaser of the review on the front page of plasterersforum.com

    All that for

    £700 That's a saving of £80

    Package for gives you maximum exposure at the best price.

    ================================================== ========================

    Any help would be appreciated


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