Research/spinner software

3 replies
Is anyone familiar with the subscription software Instant Article Wizard?
What are your thoughts, good or bad?
Thanks in advance for any help.
#research or spinner #software
  • Profile picture of the author Jerry Tellier
    Early results have been very disappointing for me and based on the their forum, I'm certainly not the only one.

    The frequency makes no sense (for me anyways).

    One search of keywords produce over 4000 frequency and after switching the keywords around, produced only a 21 word article. When doing a fact finder check, it could only produce 15 facts and this is on getting over 4000 hits.

    Another popular keyword search (wedding favors) produced a 500 frequency and an article of 241 words. Problem was, the article was pretty well useless.

    It did however produce over 500 facts and I could make an article out of those.

    Another thing that has been disappointing is their Forum. This problem is been brought up by a few people and their only answer has been "watch the videos" or "read the troubleshooting section". As this is a problem for some of us, give us better help then that.

    I intend to give it a further workout and hopefully it's just the operator (me) that's screwing up, but based on the forum I'd say there's a glitch in the program or a number of us are screw ups.

    If was able to install Spinner Chief on my work computer, I'd be using that. The forum
    support there is great, but for whatever reason, my computer (or operator) just can't
    get it loaded. And that program is FREE.

    Also, no syntax option is available that I can find.

    I sure hope either IAW (or myself) get things to work as advertised, otherwise I need to check on the refund policy.

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    Do you know what the 4th is?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerry Tellier
    Early results have been very disappointing for me and based on the their forum, I'm certainly not the only one.

    The frequency makes no sense (for me anyways).

    One search of keywords produce over 4000 frequency and after switching the keywords around, produced only a 21 word article. When doing a fact finder check, it could only produce 15 facts and this is on getting over 4000 hits.

    Another popular keyword search (wedding favors) produced a 500 frequency and an article of 241 words. Problem was, the article was pretty well useless.

    It did however produce over 500 facts and I could make an article out of those.

    Another thing that has been disappointing is their Forum. This problem is been brought up by a few people and their only answer has been "watch the videos" or "read the troubleshooting section". As this is a problem for some of us, give us better help then that.

    I intend to give it a further workout and hopefully it's just the operator (me) that's screwing up, but based on the forum I'd say there's a glitch in the program or a number of us are screw ups.

    If was able to install Spinner Chief on my work computer, I'd be using that. The forum
    support there is great, but for whatever reason, my computer (or operator) just can't
    get it loaded. And that program is FREE.

    Also, no syntax option is available that I can find.

    I sure hope either IAW (or myself) get things to work as advertised, otherwise I need to check on the refund policy.

    You Require 4 Elements to Stay Alive
    Do you know what the 4th is?
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