What's next step for my site?

by totoma
8 replies
I made a website about funny video, picture, story, news.

My site has been online since April 15th. In the past moth, the daily visitor number grow from 0 to about 130.

In the last week, the daily average visitor (independent IP) is around 120.

I used free tools to submit backlines. And I also submit my new pages to Share site like Delicious or Digg. Besides, I also have facebook page and I twitter my new story. This is all what I have done.

So, I have 2 questions:

1 : How's the visitor number of your site when you started it? I mean, like , when after 1 month, or 3 month ,or half year, how dose the number grow?

2 : What should I do next to improve my traffic?:confused:
#site #step #traffic #visitor
  • Profile picture of the author lalitbansal004
    You Should have to do Very Good Link Building for Your sites..If Your site Link Building is in Good PR or Good Traffic Website....Then m Very sure There is Quaility And Good Traffic At Your Web site...
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  • Profile picture of the author pilotemt963
    It sounds like you are planning on getting a large chunk of your traffic from the organic search engine traffic. If you haven't done so already, You really need to come up with a plan on specific keywords that you are going to try and target.

    The next step would be to continue building content and links to that content to help the ranking and start to drive more traffic.

    I am also assuming that you also want to start making some money with the site so you can start monetizing it using adsense, clickbank, or any other affiliate network that works best for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author pilotemt963
    I also failed to mention that the new content that you build to the site should be based on some of the keywords that you are trying to rank for in the search engines. I would recommend shooting first for some of the lower hanging fruit that is easy to rank for and then going for some of the more competitive terms after you have a good handle on your SEO processes
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    • Profile picture of the author totoma
      Thanks! Now I have about 300 articles on my site. I ‘ll try to make more content.

      But , generally, what's a common traffic number for a site that just been started for a month?

      I heart some one got 10,000 visitors per day, after 1 month. I can't believe that.
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    • Profile picture of the author totoma
      Originally Posted by pilotemt963 View Post

      I also failed to mention that the new content that you build to the site should be based on some of the keywords that you are trying to rank for in the search engines. I would recommend shooting first for some of the lower hanging fruit that is easy to rank for and then going for some of the more competitive terms after you have a good handle on your SEO processes
      Thanks! Now I have about 300 articles on my site. I 'll try to make more content.

      But , generally, what's a common traffic number for a site that just been started for a month?

      I heart some one got 10,000 visitors per day, after 1 month. I can't believe that.
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  • Profile picture of the author pilotemt963
    It really depends on the keywords that you are trying to rank for. It would be hard to give a time period on what a normal amount of traffic would be. With the sites that I make they normally start to get traffic after about a month and then they gain momentum after 2-3 months.

    I have a little different strategy and go after keywords that take a little longer to rank for, but are more lucrative when I do end up ranking well.

    Is your site currently structured around a specific niche or is it more generalized around a broader topic?
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    • Profile picture of the author totoma
      Originally Posted by pilotemt963 View Post

      It really depends on the keywords that you are trying to rank for. It would be hard to give a time period on what a normal amount of traffic would be. With the sites that I make they normally start to get traffic after about a month and then they gain momentum after 2-3 months.

      I have a little different strategy and go after keywords that take a little longer to rank for, but are more lucrative when I do end up ranking well.

      Is your site currently structured around a specific niche or is it more generalized around a broader topic?
      I don't have a specific topic, my site is a funny news, video, and picture collection site. But it's also not that general because most of these funny stuff are from China. Of course, they are selected to be easy understood by anyone around the world.
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    • Profile picture of the author totoma
      Originally Posted by pilotemt963 View Post

      It really depends on the keywords that you are trying to rank for. It would be hard to give a time period on what a normal amount of traffic would be. With the sites that I make they normally start to get traffic after about a month and then they gain momentum after 2-3 months.

      I have a little different strategy and go after keywords that take a little longer to rank for, but are more lucrative when I do end up ranking well.

      Is your site currently structured around a specific niche or is it more generalized around a broader topic?
      BTW, my site is chinanetstory.com , I cant post link cause this account is new. Thanks.
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