Online Password Manager like RoboForm?

3 replies
I use RoboForm and would like a similiar solution that's web based so when I'm traveling and using different computers I can access all my saved passwords. Does anyone use a service like this they can recommend?

I know RoboForm has a USB version but I'd like to not need any hardware that I need to keep in synch.
#manager #online #password #roboform
  • Profile picture of the author Wakunahum
    Foxmarks (firefox addon) can sync your firefox passwords with other computers as well as your bookmarks. It's free.

    I don't like firefox password manager as good as roboform but it's the only solution I can come up with.
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    • Profile picture of the author radhika
      I just all them written down in my pocket book. Usually I remember unless I haven't logged in for a while. I just carry my book with me when I am out of town.

      The way I have written those passwords, people can't recognise where to login/what to use.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnWilliams
    I bought RoboForm when Allen Says recommended it.

    The Roboform2Go USB version takes very little work to manage and their support is good.

    I do not know anything which has the same reputation and I do not mind trading a little effort for RF's peace of mind.

    I recommend a pocket notebook for non-RF owners and I still have one, but you could leave that behind and trying to find the particular password is not as easy as the flashstick.

    John Williams
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