Can I have WSO without videos PLEASE?

by sids70
40 replies
Lately, each and every WSO is coming with videos. I understand that many people love videos but I am an avid reader and like to read. I am a fast reader to so video just slows things for me.

To surprize, when they stuff more videos they consider it "bonus" while I consider it "burden" and "boring".

Infact, I avoid buying WSOs with videos alltogether. I prefer PDFs they are lovely and easy to read.

My urging to all WSO marketer please make PDFs available for customers like us. You can have videos but please make pdf available.

Let me know your views.

#videos #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    I get what you are saying. But in many cases good training requires a bit more over the shoulder style content.

    The problem with PDF delivery for many.

    1. Perception of value
    2. They are too easy to skim and make judgements without going in depth
    3. You often don't understand the training with PDF because it's written and described vs shown. People learn by seeing.

    I get where you are coming from. And I do lot's of PDF products. But sometimes video is a necessity.
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    • Profile picture of the author sids70
      I completely understand what you are saying.

      But lots and lots of time I noticed that videos are really slow and lousy and folks wtih advanced knowledge only needs finger pointing. Having said that, I think the best solution would be videos + PDF. So consumer can use anything as per their undestanding/skill level. Once you take the pain of making videos then making pdf is a very simple task because all you are taking sequential screen shots.

      I just do not like to sit in front of computer and it will be so much easier to print or read on a kindle while lying down on sofa.

      How Karma differs from the 3rd Law of Motion?
      Only difference is the reaction would be very strong and not equal i.e. good gets rewarded with lots of good and bad gets rewarded with lots of watch your actions carefully...
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      • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
        From the seller's perspective video can be faster to make and it is less likely to be stolen.

        Though I agree with what you're saying and myself greatly prefer a pdf. Don't really want 50 Gigs of video to downlad. I'll read the text. A lot of video is in my manana file to be played in the background - someday. Maybe.

        Same applies for webinar recordings.

        But ...

        You do video - people want text.

        You do text - people want video.

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        • Profile picture of the author Suthan M
          I do videos. but i have them as an optional training, and make sure the videos stay true to a length of 5 mins or less with no fluff, all content. I don't do any "10 minute intro" videos as i think that is plain wasting everyone's time.

          Whats the latest movie you watched? Anything good?

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by sids70 View Post

    I am a fast reader to so video just slows things for me.
    Video slows things down for everyone.

    Words per minute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The average American adult reads prose text at 250 to 300 words per minute. ... Audiobooks are recommended to be 150-160 words per minute, which is the range that people comfortably hear and vocalize words.
    In other words, the average person can read almost twice as fast as the average person can speak.

    In addition, when you read the beginning of a paragraph and don't care, you can almost instantly skip to the next. Video makes paragraph and subject boundaries rather difficult to find.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    I personally like PDFs better too, but I think that the best products have both.

    There's a reason why a lot of products are video now- people like it! Hence the explosion of YouTube

    IMers probably view a lot more content on a daily basis than the "average" person. If you aren't viewing content all day long, you probably don't mind watching a video because you aren't in a hurry.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      There are a couple of kinds of videos that I have seen. I do not know if they have names or not but many of the videos seem to fall into a couple of groups.

      Like Brad is saying, if someone needs to watch a process in order to replicate it, video works really well for that. Well, it can work really well if the accompanying voiceover goes along with the video. if the video maker is showing a static screen and going offon a tangent course (which happens in a lot of videos) this style winds up worse than just a list of steps in a PDF.

      But when the instruction voice goes along with the video, this is a great way to learn things.

      Many videos are done by sellers because they heard somewhere along the way that :

      1. People love videos
      2. Videos make product creation easy - just point and shoot, and forget the editing
      3. Videos have a much larger perceived value

      Those things can be true, but are not necessarily true, many of them are simply repeated to the point where people believe them.

      Especially when I get a video and it is obvious that the seller did not take any time to edit the recording, instead of thinking that the value increased, I am now thinking the opposite.

      Would I got to youtube to check out a dancing tiger video for fun, sure would and might even send it to my friends.

      Do I see any additional value in a product where video is included and it shows me how to do something I already know or it is a promo for another product - no I do not.

      Kind of like Brian, I have videos, especially those incessant 2 hour long webinars, on my computer to run in the background, but truthfully, I zip through them as fast as I can most times.

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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    I totally agree with you. I do not like videos. If I click on anything, anywhere online and it takes me to a video, I immediately get off the page.

    If it has video and the same info below it, I stop the video or turn off my volume and read the infor below, otherwise, I don't look at it at all.


    Even when I purchase something, I only want it in writing, not video training. I do not want to have to go back over videos for one little thing I want to review.

    The only videos I like are under 40 seconds that just interest me to read more about it.

    When it comes to getting information, I want it brief, to the point and about action steps to take. Not a lot of explanation or fluff.
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Richards
    As a bona fide misanthrope, I want to avoid seeing or hearing people as much as possible, so videos are out for me.

    But then again, I also can't read, so I guess I'm in a bit of a pickle.
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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by Adam Richards View Post

      But then again, I also can't read, so I guess I'm in a bit of a pickle.
      Of course you can't read. You're in a pickle. It's far too dark to read inside a pickle.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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      • Profile picture of the author James Vang
        Videos have more perceived value than an ebook so it only makes sense for marketers to include videos in their offer. That, and the fact that videos are much easier to make most of the time.

        There are ways to give your customers the best of both worlds though. You can make a video series then hire someone write an ebook based off of it. Or you can do the opposite and pay someone to write an ebook then turn it into a video series.

        In any case the more options of digesting the info you give your customers the better.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        Of course you can't read. You're in a pickle. It's far too dark to read inside a pickle.
        Just curious, are you a Firesign Theater fan?

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        • Profile picture of the author Amy Harrop
          I am a very fast reader, and I much prefer reading to videos. I also retain the information better when I'm reading compared to watching.

          The only time I like videos is when I really need to follow step-by-step instructions, and even then screenshots will usually work better.

          I think some marketers prefer to make videos because they are faster and they don't need to be as polished and professional as written content. I've seen some okay videos, but many more lackluster ones that have been sold as training or content.

          I also really wish more marketers would provide transcriptions of their videos if they do videos. I appreciate being able to refer back to the content quickly.

          I am about ready to go on a rant I'll stop.
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        • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
          Originally Posted by JMichaelZ View Post

          Just curious, are you a Firesign Theater fan?
          Not familiar with their work, actually. I'm only vaguely aware they existed. Much more a fan of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and Monty Python's Flying Circus.
          "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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          • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
            Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

            Not familiar with their work, actually. I'm only vaguely aware they existed. Much more a fan of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and Monty Python's Flying Circus.
            Of course you can't read here its dark inside a pickle, just struck me as being so close to something off of Private Nick Danger, Third Eye cut, that I had to ask.

            I usually say something next like "My grandmother used to listen to Firesign Theater LP's when she was a kid" but I already posted in another thread the old Cold War rueful joke about Pravda and Izvestia, so I guess I won't be talking about Grandma Z today.

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        • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
          Just curious, are you a Firesign Theater fan?
          I think that may have been a play on the old Groucho Marx quote: Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

          Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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      • Profile picture of the author Adam Richards
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        Of course you can't read. You're in a pickle. It's far too dark to read inside a pickle.
        It's a tough life I lead, but someone has to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan92
    I guess I'm kind of old fashioned like yourself, but clearly there certain strengths to making videos.

    There certainly are some things which are way harder to communicate with the written word. With that said, I found it very hard to make a PDF without actually including some images.
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  • Profile picture of the author wordydiva
    I'm also not a fan of videos in a WSO. However, I agree that if you just make a PDF someone is going to want a video and vice versa. The only way to please everyone (in theory) is to do both.
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  • Profile picture of the author SteveDolan
    I also prefer PDF's to videos. Most of my products have both, but the MAIN focus is always the PDF. Sometimes it's just easier to show and tell rather than write, especially when things become more technical.

    Also I prefer writing to doing videos - I'm getting better with video but it still does not yet come naturally to me.

    What I really hate are video only sales pages that have no controls. You have no idea how long they are, what they are about and generally there's 10 mins of 'intro and how great I am'.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Huang
    I agree with you a little bit, I love reading more but videos are there to explain everything and showing you the step by step process of doing something. Although there are some slideshows where they just do a lot of talking (these are more like audio books) but you can consume all of them during your free time. Like when you are bathing or waiting for someone it can be useful to listen instead of reading. In fact, you can still rewind to parts where you didn't understand but I am going to point out that individual slangs and audio problems can make it hard for you to understand something so take your time to understand it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Harbourmaster
    Count me solidly in the You MUST Provide a Written Document camp!!

    One thing that has not been mentioned by others above is that I often print out the PDFs and take them along with me so that I can read them whenever I have a few moments to spare. This cannot be done easily with a video even with the nifty new smartphones we all have.

    Yes, video can add value IF they are done properly, have good audio and controls so that you can easily skip ahead or go back if you don't understand something, but they should not replace a written guide!

    A video of how to do somthing technical can be invaluable, especially if the steps are tricky or there are hidden settings that are not obvious to someone of average intelligence. If this is the case then by all means include them, or some screen capture video tao walk us through the tricky parts but please Please PLEASE include a PDF for your product too!

    If you can't write the stuff yourself PAY someone a few dollars to do it for you.

    Likewise if your not good on camera or have a thick accent and people might have trouble understanding what it is you are saying then by all means hire some one else to do the "Training" portion of your video, you can alwasy shoot a quick introductory video that explains who you are and letting your customers know that you really want them to get the most from your product and that is why you are NOT on camera doing the training!
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Originally Posted by Harbourmaster View Post

      Count me solidly in the You MUST Provide a Written Document camp!!

      One thing that has not been mentioned by others above is that I often print out the PDFs and take them along with me so that I can read them whenever I have a few moments to spare. This cannot be done easily with a video even with the nifty new smartphones we all have.

      Yes, video can add value IF they are done properly, have good audio and controls so that you can easily skip ahead or go back if you don't understand something, but they should not replace a written guide!

      A video of how to do somthing technical can be invaluable, especially if the steps are tricky or there are hidden settings that are not obvious to someone of average intelligence. If this is the case then by all means include them, or some screen capture video tao walk us through the tricky parts but please Please PLEASE include a PDF for your product too!

      If you can't write the stuff yourself PAY someone a few dollars to do it for you.

      Likewise if your not good on camera or have a thick accent and people might have trouble understanding what it is you are saying then by all means hire some one else to do the "Training" portion of your video, you can alwasy shoot a quick introductory video that explains who you are and letting your customers know that you really want them to get the most from your product and that is why you are NOT on camera doing the training!

      I have a client from Hungary and English is her third language. She produces great videos in her market, but we have found it is much easier for the two of us to communicate in person or by writing because there are some things we each miss with the other one just talking.

      Everyone has an accent, and localized ways of expressing themselves in whatever language they grew up speaking. I know I do, I am originally form New York, so that part is in there, but I have also lived in the American South, so I have some words that I say like I am from Mississippi.

      And now I live in the Southwest and have gotten so used to saying some things in Spanish in regular everyday conversation that I don't even notice anymore until I have to explain to someone what I just said.

      I make quite a few videos, I even sell a membership where I produce a video every week for paying customers, so I know it is important to be able to produce quality stuff. Those are not training videos, but any of my customers who wnats the pdf can have it because that is what I start with.

      When video was new and people were shooting screencaps in Camtasia 2 and 3, it was different. People would buy stuff because it was video, but these days I think, especially in paid products, that it would be OK for the standard to be raised.

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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    I think I'm going to go with, I like both.

    But I agree, a PDF seems a must. If nothing else, go with the PDF. I think it actually takes more effort and time to watch a video, yes. And I've been guilty of it, too, but you can just start talking and talking on video and saying the same things over again, more than once. It doesn't really help anything.

    but video is a definite must sometimes.
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  • Profile picture of the author dnic
    I like to watch to have the PDF's for step by step but I like the videos to watch over the shoulder. I really like the videos that cut out the life stories. Just give me the juice that's it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Demanse
    Having both PDF and video is a good compromise, as it caters to both types. If you prefer to read, you have the PDF and if you'd rather watch then you have the video.
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    • Profile picture of the author ankur sharma
      If the video contain powerpoint slides, it bores me to death
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    I would like to meet the guy that first started the rumor that "VIDEO INCREASES PERCEIVED VALUE"...I'd just like to get him alone for a few minutes in a room.
    Yes, that's what I'd like.

    He may not know it, but he has unintentionally given permission to more people to make more lousy videos than ever. The internet marketing "quickie" videos that are used to support many wso packages are mostly bad and often show no preparation.

    Many should really be called, "Here's a slide, I'm going to talk while you stare at it for 15 minutes" then I'll go online and hunt for the site I want to show you, with this very slow connection," then another slide etc." At least I realized VLC lets you play back at a faster speed!
    Bruce NewMedia
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  • Profile picture of the author Damielle
    I prefer videos myself, but I also love to read.
    Videos tend to have a higher perceived value though.

    I think because more and more people are doing videos it can feel like you're being bombarded by video.

    Guess the best way is to just offer multiple options and let the customer choose what they like
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Most of us prefer video over PDF. Most of us learn better by seeing and hearing, rather than just reading. That is why most products are done with video as a part if not the whole item. Most providers are going to appeal to the majority, and your position is in the minority. Sorry about that but it just happens to be so.

    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author coredesign
    Well..........I love watching than reading. Videos are really impressive and click-able in mind in one shot.
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  • Profile picture of the author browie
    I feel the PDF is perfect for everyone but then I add videos to really show what I'm talking about. Sometimes people need to see it to really grasp.
    *** Browie dot com *** - Yes, I'm The Browie
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  • Profile picture of the author CheapTrafficDude
    If a picture is worth a thousands words, a one minute video with a 30 FPS rate is worth 180K words per minute, no one can read that fast. As a visual creature and a book/literature "hater", I rarely buy WSO's that have over 10 pages of written content and will always prefer video "courses" as, while the video is playing, I can do other things in the meantime; hence why I never did good in school in anything else other than the logical stuff like math.

    Of course, I know some people prefer reading and I respect that but everyone learns in different ways. Some learn by reading, some people learn by watching and some people learn by trial and error and a mixture of those. It depends on the targeted audience and knowing what the larger slice of the pie wants. I'd say tho, if it's known as being a 50/50 then it might be a good idea to do it in both.

    The only thing I don't like are CB product where they ONLY have a video. Some of those videos are rather uhm, lenghty, and if your ISP bills-by-bandwidth or has bandwidth throttling or even worse, are on dial up, they're (the vendors) losing on potential sales an wasting their own server's bandwidth...
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    • Profile picture of the author Ram
      If you offer a product that is video only, then I won't buy it. Period. End of story. You lost me.

      Give me both a pdf and video, fine. I'll download the pdf and forget about the video. I don't have time or interest enough to get the information on YOUR terms, I want it on my terms. I just will not watch online video.

      Of course, you can do what you want. If testing shows video gives you better ROI, fine. Hell, I know I may not be the typical customer. But I would suggest testing both video and written vs. video alone.
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  • Profile picture of the author sids70
    Another bad trend I noticed.

    Some smart marketers who are basically snake oil salesman have taken old pdf based information converted to videos and now charging $495 for a material which was probably worth $45.

    I am sure you must have come across one of these products.

    For me, I still prefer pdf at any day mainly due to convenience and time issues.

    I always try to avoid WSOs which states that once you buy there are "tons of videos" because I do not have tons of time.

    Best case scenario would be videos + pdf to satisfy both worlds.

    Just my 2c...
    How Karma differs from the 3rd Law of Motion?
    Only difference is the reaction would be very strong and not equal i.e. good gets rewarded with lots of good and bad gets rewarded with lots of watch your actions carefully...
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    • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
      Originally Posted by sids70 View Post

      Another bad trend I noticed.

      Some smart marketers who are basically snake oil salesman have taken old pdf based information converted to videos and now charging $495 for a material which was probably worth $45.

      I am sure you must have come across one of these products.

      For me, I still prefer pdf at any day mainly due to convenience and time issues.

      I always try to avoid WSOs which states that once you buy there are "tons of videos" because I do not have tons of time.

      Best case scenario would be videos + pdf to satisfy both world.

      Just my 2c...
      So... this problem has been bothering you for three years? LOL
      If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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      • Profile picture of the author LynnM
        Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

        So... this problem has been bothering you for three years? LOL
        At least the thread was resurrected by the OP and not a spammer...

        One thing that can make videos slightly more bearable is to download them (with something like DownloadHelper) and watch them with VLC player, which allows you to speed them up.
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  • Profile picture of the author sids70

    It has actually gotten worse recently...
    How Karma differs from the 3rd Law of Motion?
    Only difference is the reaction would be very strong and not equal i.e. good gets rewarded with lots of good and bad gets rewarded with lots of watch your actions carefully...
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  • Profile picture of the author DylanCoogan
    I've never bought WSOs that had video, unless the video was just a run-through of what's already in the PDF. It just wastes too much time to have to go back and forth through a video, and let's face it, most IMers are NOT video producers. There's just too many "ummms" and "hmmms" and long, long segments about how to sign up for an email account.

    But the reason they do this is because a lot of people complain about it when they receive a WSO that they feel isn't plumped out enough.

    If you ask me, a WSO that can outline an amazing method or trick or technique within 1 page would be the IDEAL. But imagine how angry customers would be to receive a 1 page WSO. Even if that page contained INCREDIBLE content, it would have a much higher refund rate than a 50 page, 7 video WSO with nothing but re-hash from 2007.
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