Vimeo Shut Me Down. Other Video Sites With Restrictions?

by SeanyG
4 replies
Hey guys,

Vimeo shut down my account due to having content used for business purposes.

All good, I had a good run!

That being said, where else I can updload the videos for a video training course I offer?

I need them to NOT show up on the video site and I need them to be restricted to only that page. Youtube's "unlist" won't cut it because people can just share the link with their friends.

What video site do you recommend for hosting my videos?


#restrictions #shut #sites #video #vimeo
  • Profile picture of the author Cru
    Originally Posted by SeanyG View Post

    Hey guys,

    Vimeo shut down my account due to having content used for business purposes.

    All good, I had a good run!

    That being said, where else I can updload the videos for a video training course I offer?

    I need them to NOT show up on the video site and I need them to be restricted to only that page. Youtube's "unlist" won't cut it because people can just share the link with their friends.

    What video site do you recommend for hosting my videos?


    I still need to do more research but I have heard the best and most affordable way to do this is through Amazon's S3 service. It costs money, but is still very affordable.
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  • Profile picture of the author gushy0202
    Doesn't Vimeo have a paid version for business purpose? Did you try for upgraded version?

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  • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
    Thanks for the advice guys.

    I begged their community help forum to bring back my videos so I could upgrade to pro. They did. everything is back and working now!
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