No consensus on Product Reviews

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From what I see, there will never be a consensus on what good consumer products are the top.

I will go to a review site, some very respected, and you just get more conflicting information.

Before I realize it, 45 minutes until an hour has passed when I get thru reading, and cross-referencing information.

The Editors say its good, Users say its bad.

Users say its bad, Editors say its good.

Thats after you sort thru the biased editors, user-paid PLANTS, users reviews who NEVER used product but got a beef, users who are tech-illiterate and simply did'nt know how to operate product, product was never used but delievered with damage, on and on.

The only thing, for sure, I see is when USER reviews are 75%-80% in agreement that a product sucks, like, real bad.

Then you think ," I going to listen to the I.T. users, they'll know, but even they disagree in large margin.

The only thing I see in products lately in the last 25 years is that the manufacturers mostly rush in new models of a product line fixing very few, if any, bugs and complaints of previous version, in an effort to get present product at some pre-designated premier date for sales schedule.

Products like Craftsman, solid, reputable, part of Sears empire built on this type of product, good luck in finding products and brand names that are "no-brainer" dependable and lasting, like what Honda and asian markets did to show up american manufacturers shortcomings.

For instance, Digital TVs.....anything under $1500, forget it, I gave up.

Most, if not all, were rated by both users and editors, on average, 30%-60% satisfaction, at best.

So how many brand products can you name, for sure, that they got you for a life long customer?

Theres always a market for high quality products, even if they cost more than the leading brand if they last longer, are dependable and there is good customer service.

Quick bucks, quick and cheap places to manufacture,disposable products are the way of the future , I suppose.

The 13 th Warrior
#consensus #product #reviews

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