WSO Refunds - where do we stand?

15 replies
I bought a WSO a couple of weeks ago and have not been able to figure it out at all. It was supposed to be newbie friendly, but then I ended up having to figure out adding folders to my server etc. etc. (prob not the right lingo, but I am not good with that end of things). In the end I had enough and asked for a refund. Got no answer, but in the meantime two more autoresponder emails from the 'guru' who I bought the WSO form. I noticed the email address was different from the one in the WSo receipt email and tried that but it bounced. Then I noticed in their latest autoresponder message they had added the number 2 to the end of their name in the email address. Tried that and it bounced.
Admittedly, only a day has gone by since I started emailing, BUT when I went back to look at the WSO page I found I wasn't the only one who had been looking for a refund and had been ignored. In one of the WSO collaborator's public profile there are unanswered conversations where again they have been asked for a refund and on both pages those asking have stated that they have emailed and contacted support more than once and have heard nothing back.
What do I do now? Just wait and see?
Or is there something that can be done through this forum?
Or do I lodge a complaint with PayPal?

Any advice welcome
#refunds #scam #wso
  • Profile picture of the author the_icon
    What you will find is that the vast majority of people on this site who sell WSO's are legit and will refund str8 away, however there are some that are just sthere to scam your money and you may be in the 2nd bracket.

    You can always go through a dispute with Paypal but I would exhaust every avenue with the seller first. If they have changed their email address to add a 2 to the end, it does look fishy but there could be a valid reason, keep trying them and if no answer go to Paypal.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    First question - was a refund clearly offered in the WSO? Were there any conditions attached to obtaining the refund?

    If the answer to the first is yes and the answer to the second is no or you've met any conditions, then your best bet is to post your request in the WSO thread.

    Next question - have you asked for support from the seller? Again, you could do this in the WSO thread, if the only issue is getting a script set up and configured.

    At the very least, professionally and objectively make your request in the WSO thread along with any factual information/reasons why you're requesting the refund. Don't get into a pissing match with the seller - just state the facts.

    Whatever you do, don't mention the name of the seller or the WSO here as the thread will end up deleted.
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    • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
      Hi Big Mike - Yep, it does say a refund is available, and I also left a message in the thread (although the WSO is closed now) and thanks for the warning, although I wasn't planning on mentioning it here. Although if I don't get a refund I will leave that info on the thread also. I am hoping there is just a hiccup in support for the WSO at the moment and I caught them at a bad time.. but it is frustrating nonetheless - it was one of the pricier WSO's I have bought!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
    Originally Posted by Truelove View Post

    You should tell us what is that thread at least
    That's against the rules of the forum.

    To OP: If the seller stated some sort of guaranteed refund, then, it is within your right to get your money back.

    There isn't much you can do beside wait and see, open a dispute with Paypal and post your experience in the WSO's thread.

    Anyway, best thing to do is take this as a lesson to always do your due diligence before sending money to people.
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    • Profile picture of the author thedog
      Can you not just dispute it on paypal?
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      • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
        Originally Posted by thedog View Post

        Can you not just dispute it on paypal?
        Yep I can - but was hoping not to have to go that route - as I am reasonably new here I thought I'd ask in case there was an alternative, less drama-laden, option I was unaware of.

        On the thread there are people posting the usual - 'hey man I have bought from you before and you are great' posts. I guess I will just have to wait till I get to know more people here before I can figure out who's genuine and who's not.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    You could also raise a ticket with the help desk here. They can do nothing about getting your refund, but if a refund was clearly offered and you and others haven't received one, then the help desk should know so that they can ban the member, or at least prevent them from posting further wsos
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    Dave, did you go through their support desk? I saw they have one - try that.

    I saw the refund conditions they offer and I think you need to attempt to use the help desk, along with the emails you've sent and then give them a 3 to 5 days to respond.

    You can't meet the terms of their refund unless they communicate with you, so if they're unwilling or unable to respond, then yeah, I'd file a dispute with PayPal. (You have up to 45 days to dispute this with PayPal.)

    Hopefully the sellers will get back to you and provide the support you need to succeed with their product.
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    • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      Dave, did you go through their support desk? I saw they have one - try that.
      Thanks BIG Mike - tbh I couldn't find the support email (if it's different to the one I was sent when i bought the WSO?) Is there any way you could PM me the email address? Sorry - I am either being thick, or am sooo otired this morning that my eyes aren't able to focus properly!
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  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    Go back to the WSO and look at Post #2 - they have the words Support Desk in a large blue font linked to the URL of their help desk
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    • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      Go back to the WSO and look at Post #2 - they have the words Support Desk in a large blue font linked to the URL of their help desk

      Oh, DUH! Thanks Got absolutely zero sleep last night - thanks for helpin me out - will try there and give it a couple more days...
      Thanks all for your feedback and suggestions
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Are people forgetting in a lot of countries it is still the holiday season? I know it's not great to wait days for a refund but seriously, we have just had Christmas and New Years and there's every chance the person is on holidays. As I said in another thread, you need to understand most WSO's are just created by one-man shows. If that person is away or taking time off then obviously there will be a lag in their delay. If it were any other time of the year I would also be annoyed but I think you should at least give a little grace seeing as though it's the first week of the new year and all.

    America doesn't have a big holiday at this time of year but a lot of other countries do. Everyone here in Australia is still in holiday mode and very few people are back at work this week -- next week at the earliest for most.

    Just sayin'...
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    • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
      no answer, but in the meantime two more autoresponder emails from the 'guru' who I bought the WSO form. I noticed the email address was different from the one in the WSo receipt email and tried that but it bounced. Then I noticed in their latest autoresponder message they had added the number 2 to the end of their name in the email address. Tried that and it bounced.
      Admittedly, only a day has gone by since I started emailing, BUT when I went back to look at the WSO page I found I wasn't the only one who had been looking for a refund and had been ignored. In one of the WSO collaborator's public profile there are unanswered conversations where again they have been asked for a refund and on both pages those asking have stated that they have emailed and contacted support more than once and have heard nothing back."

      " I am hoping there is just a hiccup in support for the WSO at the moment and I caught them at a bad time.. "

      " thanks for helpin me out - will try there and give it a couple more days..."

      Just sayin...

      PS - I am in Ireland. Please to meet you

      PPS - UPDATE - Thanks BIG Mike - don't know how I missed that link to support! It seems like a genuine support page, so I am feeling a bit more at ease... prob my fault for not seeing the link and following correct procedure. Will know in the next day or two I suppose
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by DoubleOhDave View Post

        no answer, but in the meantime two more autoresponder emails from the 'guru' who I bought the WSO form. I noticed the email address was different from the one in the WSo receipt email and tried that but it bounced. Then I noticed in their latest autoresponder message they had added the number 2 to the end of their name in the email address. Tried that and it bounced.
        Admittedly, only a day has gone by since I started emailing, BUT when I went back to look at the WSO page I found I wasn't the only one who had been looking for a refund and had been ignored. In one of the WSO collaborator's public profile there are unanswered conversations where again they have been asked for a refund and on both pages those asking have stated that they have emailed and contacted support more than once and have heard nothing back."

        " I am hoping there is just a hiccup in support for the WSO at the moment and I caught them at a bad time.. "

        " thanks for helpin me out - will try there and give it a couple more days..."

        Just sayin...

        PS - I am in Ireland. Please to meet you

        PPS - UPDATE - Thanks BIG Mike - don't know how I missed that link to support! It seems like a genuine support page, so I am feeling a bit more at ease... prob my fault for not seeing the link and following correct procedure. Will know in the next day or two I suppose
        1. One thing you can do is go to the person's public profile on the Warrior Forum and see when their last activity was. I have caught others out by doing this before. If it shows they have been on the forum since the the time you left the message then it could mean they have seen it and are ignoring you.

        2. Remember that just because you are receiving emails does not mean the person is sitting their sending them. If they are autoresponder messages then they go out automatically -- even whilst the vendor is sitting on a beach sipping cocktails.

        3. You don't have anything to worry about because you can always go down the Paypal dispute route if you need to. Speaking from a vendors point of view, I certainly appreciate customers like you who are more interested in sorting out the problem directly rather than just running straight off to Paypal like some others suggested above. I would only use that as a last resort. Things happen so it's always good to give someone the benefit of the doubt... at least for a little while.
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