Are bing and yahoo back in the race

by Bguk73
5 replies
I run quite a few websites and have noticed recently that both bing and yahoo are sending a lot more traffic to my sites.

Are people switching from google since the new privacy policy was introduced? Has anyone else noticed an increase from bing and yahoo?
#back #bing #google #race #yahoo
  • Profile picture of the author TheStarGazzer
    I haven't got any traffic from them. My site is listed on first page of google but no where to be found on bing and yahoo search results -_-
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  • Profile picture of the author TMW
    Wait just a gosh darn minute!! I just realized that my newbie site is at the *top* of bing for a couple of our most profitable keywords (basically THE keywords of our biz)!!

    So all of this reading about titles and tags and stuff like that...must be doing something right!! Thank you for this post...much needed today!!
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  • Profile picture of the author James.N
    I prefer microsoft for PCC but I'm still not seeing any of my sites ranked well in Bing
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    • Profile picture of the author mraffiliate
      I have noticed more traffic from Yahoo and Bing in the past week or so. It seems more targeted as well.

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