I don't know what to title this thread to get read!

3 replies
I have gone through most, if not all the outsourcing threads, and this question I have not got answered:

How do you tell someone how to do something that you have never done?

I bought a book on site flipping and some of the sites that the person described, I understand what they do but I don't know how it is done.

I don't want to build the site myself (the first one being the learning site) but I don't know how to tell the outsourcer what needs to be done to make the site....

Any suggestions?

#outsourcing #thread
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    What you do is tell the outsourcer what you want the site to do in the end - whether it works or not depends on hiring someone who knows how to do it.

    It involves detailed instructions of what functions you want available on the finished site - any vague instructions leave details open to interpretation. That means you need to know at least what you want to accomplish with the finished product.

    What you get back from an outsourcer depends on how much info you provide in the beginning of the project. If you don't know what you want - he can't know either. You don't have to tell him how to do it - but you do have to tell him exactly how you want it to work.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    It actually doesn't take much to be considered a 'difficult woman' -
    that's why there are so many of us.
    ...jane goodall
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnDBrewer

    Thank you very much for helping with this. That makes more sense and I CAN do that.

    Thanks Again,

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  • Profile picture of the author WarriorDiscount
    try to make it clear on what you want and then just write your biggest problem that you need to outsource
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