How much do you spend to to be profitable online?

by BurtL
3 replies
No one really talks about expenses when it comes to making money online. There's inherent cost to making money online, hosting, development cost, seo, advertising etc...

You always see headlines like "Make $10,000 in one month!" but the backend quesiton, how much do you have to spend to make that amount.

I was curious to those making a good living making money online, for every $100 you spend, how much do you earn?
#online #profitable #spend
  • Profile picture of the author gasman
    This varies greatly. Depending on the method you use to make money this could be from literally zero to thousands or even millions. This question is way to vague to just put a number on it. I myself started with $10 for a domain name. I have used my earnings to outsource, but would not necessarily need to it just frees up more of my time. Other than outsourcing I really don't spend much money at all and started with piratically nothing.

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    • Profile picture of the author BurtL
      Originally Posted by gasman View Post

      This varies greatly. Depending on the method you use to make money this could be from literally zero to thousands or even millions. This question is way to vague to just put a number on it. I myself started with $10 for a domain name. I have used my earnings to outsource, but would not necessarily need to it just frees up more of my time. Other than outsourcing I really don't spend much money at all and started with piratically nothing.
      Without being specific, of your earnings, what percentage of that goes to your outsourcing costs?

      Aphasia: Loss of Language NOT Intelligence.

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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewNeer
    Gasman knows whats up. Its a really open ended question.

    Things like SEO literally have almost ZERO startup cost. Just your domain name and hosting.

    But things like being a product vendor require you to advertise your product or attract JV partners.

    I am always buying new solo ads, split testing my sales pages, sales video and squeeze pages to see what is converting best.

    Oh and BTW, JVs ARE NOT FREE TRAFFIC. In most cases, you are spending HALF (50%) or more of your profit to acquire a new customer. Which is incredibly value, but usually I have found that advertising yourself is where you can start turning a profit on the front end product and then make even bigger profits from building a big email list, selling backend products and all that kind of thing.

    Then theres things like CPA where you are spending a direct amount of money to drive traffic, usually PPC or PPV traffic to a landing page in hopes that its conversion will make you most than the click it cost you to get the visitor there.

    So again, what do you wanna do online? Pick that, learn about it, and master it.
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