Warrior Success with Info Products?

by locke
2 replies
I wanted to reach out to fellow warriors and see their opinions regarding info products. I am planning on creating some sort of info product in the next few weeks and I have done a ton of keyword research and market intelligence scouting to figure out highly searched for terms i.e. problems and relevant solutions.

What types of info products have you been most successful in promoting through your affiliate networks i.e. things you have created that other people are selling for you...

1.) Ebooks
2.) DVD Training Tutorials
3.) Software
4.) Services

I'm willing to admit that I know very little about being successful in this arena except the products and services I have bought in the past and have found useful (or not useful...)

thanks in advance.
#info #products #success #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author staxx
    I think that there is a place for all of the above. Stick to your strengths as far as
    the types of media you produce. Information is definitely what people want
    but it is the information that is most important, along with great presentation.
    If you can writet ebooks well but your DVD tutorials aren't so good, even though they may contain the same info people wo't be spreading the word about your great DVD's.
    However If you can produce all with the same degree of success you could offer them all and make a lot more money from the same happy customers.
    Just like repackaging content. Once you have a happy customer who purchased your ebook, it will be easier to sell him a dvd, software... I think thats more important to look at than which format is better. Get out there and sell em all
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  • Profile picture of the author locke
    nice approach staxx! it makes sense that it's more about the info than the medium it is presented, does it seem like paying for an ebook is becoming less popular nowadays? i can't remember a single time when i purchased one...
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