8 replies
Hey guys, what is a ping? I've heard this term thrown around here so I searched it and couldn't find anything explaining what it was, then I googled it and I'm not sure if the meaning we are using here is the same.
Is a ping, "a measurement of time between two networks or computers?"
  • Profile picture of the author thesuccesscoach

    Originally back in the dark ages of networking, a ping was a signal sent from one computer to another. If you wanted to see if a computer was "alive" or to tell another computer you were "alive" you'd ping it.

    If you are on a windows computer you can go to the run dialog box and type cmd or command, a black screen will appear and then you can type for example:
    ping warriorforum.com
    that will then send out a "ping" to see if you can contact the warriorforum via your internet connection
    if you can't it means two things either the wf is down or there is a problem with your internet connection

    now in internet marketing terms, or more speficially in blogging terms a ping is a message sent to a number of websites that tells the sites that your blog has been updated. rather than waiting for the blog search engine to visit your site you effectively say
    "hey guys i've updated come check it out"

    Hope that helps


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  • Profile picture of the author udskiii
    a ping is something used to inform the search engines and other sites about new content.
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  • Profile picture of the author udskiii
    ping is informing the search engines and other websites that you have updated your content
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  • Profile picture of the author Svennn
    For pinging websites, www . pingoat . com is a good service!

    (Without the spaces, can't post links yet)
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    • Profile picture of the author TKO
      The best site for pinging and most reliable is pingler.

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      • Profile picture of the author edhan
        I use ping to test whether my sites are up as sometimes it may be down. Also for the time response, I can tell whether my internet connection to my servers is getting a fast connection. When I get timeout for pings then I will use tracert to test and see where it has gone wrong.

        So ping is like a test from point A to point B connection though it is not so direct as you can test with tracert to see how many hops it has to go through before reaching from point A to B.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Best PING sites are pingler, pingomatic and pingoat
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  • Profile picture of the author Adaptive
    Ping comes from sonar - the system used by submarines. Sonar sends out an acoustic pulse. If there is a ship or the ocean floor nearby, the sound will echo back (with a "ping"). The direction and distance to the other object is shown on a screen.

    In computers, a ping is a test data packet that is sent to another computer. The response can be timed, and checked for accuracy.

    There is a network protocol called ping to confirm that another computer can be reached through the network.

    There are automated testing tools for web sites that try to retrieve a page from the site. Sometimes this is also called a ping test, but it's measuring not just the computer but also the web server infrastructure.

    In the world of blogs, a ping is an announcement that your blog has been updated. This automated announcement can then be included in someone else's blog.


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