New to all this and need Feedback with my site please?

5 replies
Hi all,
Thanks for checking this out, basically I am a little lost and need some help and guidance and feedback.
I just lost the majority of my income through redundancy, and so have been buying every good WSO and Affiliate product out there and trying to implement them, but the only thing i am half good at is knocking up websites and trying to use software to automate them.
I have made a few amazon websites to make affiliate commissions, I think this is hard, but its the only thing i think i might be able to get working.

Please look at - Reviews, Video Training, Downloads, and more... - and advise if i should change anything and also why i am not really getting any traffic and sales?

My first attempt at one of these sites was WHERE TO BUY RASPBERRY KEYTONE - FULL REVIEWS, TOP RATED AND BEST PRICES ON THE NET, it got some traffic and i have made $1.62 so far, which is terrible, but i guess it is a saturated market.

My other site is performing terrible, no real traffic, Adsense Tips For Beginners

Any feedback would be great as I want to know how to effectively set up sites to get times are now desperate financially, so I am working constantly trying to make a better future for myself and family.

Kindest regards

#feedback #site
  • Profile picture of the author TomerN
    I didn't check out the other two sites, but I can tell you that you definitely have some work to do on your guitar site. Here are some things I noticed off the top of my head:

    For the most part, it seems like you have the general idea; I see that you built some content, but at the same time you have only been adding content for about two days so there is not much more to say here except continue adding a couple of posts every day to few days.

    Also, I would do a slight redesign of your page if you can. Since you are going with an affiliate I would change your header to look better and be more user friendly. Also, I like the Quick Quiz, but is that really what you want the main focus of your homepage? I doubt it. Move that off to the side and make it poll which links to a page that has a link to one of your affiliate offers. I might change the color scheme as well, the white and grey text on a grey background makes it difficult to read at times. It might be good for you to add one of your "Top 3..." guitar choices to the home page instead of the quiz.

    Also, I am an opponent of being an Amazon affiliate. I am not saying they don't provide a great and easy to use service which is very intuitive. I just think that the margins they offer you on sales is really low and hard to monetize in general, you might want to simply talk to the major distributors or retailers specifically of music instruments and see if you can work directly with them although this might be a lot of work.

    Finally, great job in get started with your website! Doing is always the hardest first step and just keep going and improving and I'm sure you'll get to where you want to be.

    Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author icemonkey9
    I personally REALLY disliked that your "trivia question" was just a bad attempt at linkbait and took me to a completely different site (amazon) in the SAME browser window.

    It's bad because:

    1) I was absolutely not expecting that to take me to Amazon
    2) It just enrages the visitor
    3) It totally takes away the visitor from your site
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  • Profile picture of the author GailTrahd
    Amazon does have low commissions and so if you are working with them then please sell high products - over 100.00 or your commission check won't be worth sending

    Because you are an affiliate you have to generate your own traffic - so I would stick with products in the same general arena and develop some social media traffic around it - Pinterest, FB page, Twitter.

    If the product is high end and appeals to business people then don't forget LinkedIn.

    Get on to forums packed with people who love to - whatever you are selling - and provide great comments and content for them so you can add links to your signature line.

    Create a hub blog where you discuss this niche/product line with articles and content and put banners on for your Amazon products. AND, develop a list of people interested in these products so you can continue to market to them. If it's guitar (but I don't know if the price on these is high enough) then I would gather the list to sell guitars, picks, sheet music, stands, straps, cases etc.

    Also - Colleen Slater has a great product out about being an Amazon Affiliate - which she does WELL - She is easy to work with and knows her stuff. It's selling right now for $47.00.
    Content, Video, Infographics in the lucrative relationship market

    Accurate, Researched and REFERENCED
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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      Your site is Acoustic Guitar but the 1st book looks to be Rock Guitar. Then down the way it's bass ect... This would not be the best overall fit for your prospects, they want Acoustic.

      Free eBook =>
      The Secret To Success In Any Business
      Yes, Any Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author rayray7
    What I have learned is that the more cluster you have on your page, the less likely the customer would stay. Just ask yourself, what is in it for the customer. Some Minor points:

    Stay away from content plugins and all the snippets they pull in.

    Quality content will always win in the end..

    Write 500 to 700 words about the products you're recommending. Try to show the customer:

    the product features

    the product benefits

    why they need to buy this one

    any bad points, if any

    and then urge them to make a decision and buy one today.

    Using snippets of information is not the right way and your traffic would suffer regardless of how many backlinks.

    Also been indexed is not the same as been loved by Google!

    It was not my intention to criticize your hard work, but try to concentrate on quality work and your money would eventually pour in.
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