How can one change the domain name one gets from clickbank as an affiliate?

2 replies

How can one change the domain name one gets from clickbank as an affiliate?

When I for example put the domain name in an email I send out, I don't want to use the domain name, but something like "click here".

How can that be done?

#affiliate #change #clickbank #domain
  • Profile picture of the author WarTiger
    Originally Posted by Frank29 View Post


    How can one change the domain name one gets from clickbank as an affiliate?

    When I for example put the domain name in an email I send out, I don't want to use the domain name, but something like "click here".

    How can that be done?

    You know when you are typing an e mail you can insert link in the text
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8794264].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    <a href="url">Click HERE</a> or you can select Click here and ember the link with the WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) tool that most autoresponders or email services have.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8795231].message }}

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