Yellow Pages vs. Wix vs. GoDaddy website packages

5 replies
I know there's not a whole lot of context here.
Just trying to avoid overwhelming you guys.

Are these platforms effectively the same website platform compared to content management systems such as Wordpress/Joomla/Drupal?

Are the control and SEO aspects of the websites the primary consideration factors when choosing between let's say Yellow Pages and hosting your own website?

Thanks in advance!
#godaddy #packages #pages #website #wix #yellow
  • Profile picture of the author Tim3
    The control aspect hosting your own site is vital, everything else is of secondary importance.

    With free hosting/sites you can have your site closed/deleted at any time, for any reason, it is just not worth the risk unless you just want to practice a bit first, if so use otherwise get your own self hosted site.

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  • Profile picture of the author jamalexa2819
    Back end control is very important as well. I am so used to cpanel that I have problems with a non cpanel or custom system. I also find the drag and drop systems of some free sites too inflexible to give me the look Iwant.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    If your planning on having your website as a business website, where you depend on it to bring you money or bring you clients, etc.... DO NOT use a thrid party web hosting platform, JMHO.....

    These types of platforms may be promoted as easy to use etc.... blah, blah, blah, you still have to do work no matter what, you still have to learn to use their system, plus they own it, you don't. They are in control of it, if they go down, you go down with them.

    Of course subject to those who provide domains and hosting also, but why add another party to the mix?

    Just hire a web designer, from this forum, who can affordably and quicly set you up a website and even probably show you simply how to manage it... that way your in complete control of your own site....
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  • Avoid using free platforms to use as your primary business resources because you don't know when it will get down without any prior notice.
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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineStoreHelp
    Originally Posted by stanigator View Post

    I know there's not a whole lot of context here.
    Just trying to avoid overwhelming you guys.

    Are these platforms effectively the same website platform compared to content management systems such as Wordpress/Joomla/Drupal?

    Are the control and SEO aspects of the websites the primary consideration factors when choosing between let's say Yellow Pages and hosting your own website?

    Thanks in advance!
    The only one that would come close to functionality and control that a CMS like Wordpress/Drupal/Joomla gives you would be Wix and even then I would avoid them. Yellow pages sites are complete junk (IMO) and I can tell a GoDaddy site the minute the page loads.

    For the cost of decent hosting ($10/ a month) and $55 for a nice mobile responsive theme you can have something about 400% better than what you get from those other providers at a fraction of the cost with more flexibility and the ability to grow. Spent $5 a month for Google Apps and you have a robust and professional looking website and hosted email through an enterprise provider. If you are a local business you can even start with Mailchimp or Madmimi on their free plans.

    About the only one of those hosted platforms I ever really suggest is Weebly but even then you only get a fraction of what you get with a CMS. Hope this helps.
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