The No.1 secret to make big money.

15 replies
Recently, I have been in touch with a client who wants to make big bucks in "online-money-making" niche. While discussing on his USP, I asked him what he is passionate about?

His answer: Making mobile applications.

Cut long story short, it turned out his sole motivation was some of his friends who were making money online by teaching people how to make money.

He was not enthusiastic about it. Neither he was specialized in any of the money-making sub niches. He was just doing it because others were making money doing it.

And that's the biggest mistake wanna-bees make.

I remember reading one of Gary Helbert letters on the similar topic (I am going with my memory on this).

The No.1 secret to make big money is to do what you are enthusiastic about. Choose a niche/career that has greater potential/scope is the BIGGEST lie we were ever told.

Remember, money is where your enthusiasm is - and not where your friend's enthusiasm is. If you are passionate about making hand-made jewelry but decide to sell carpets - you are doomed. If you are enthusiastic about being an architect but move to real estate - you are doomed.

I am not saying you won't make any money. You can. But big money?No, never.

I believe, this should be the no.1 lesson taught to us the day we went to school. Even today, I have noticed career counselors giving career advises based on "scope" and "potential".

I would appreciate if other warriors would add in their valuable views.

#big #make #money #no1 #secret
  • Profile picture of the author Djwillster123
    That is definitely true. I would much rather do something I love then something I hate
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy McLean
    I get what you're saying.

    One time I tried to do a niche site on "skin tag removal" because I thought it would be profitable. And I am sure it is.

    I just found writing the articles was so mind numbing that I abandoned the project altogether. Better to do what I love.

    It was a lesson learned and I never did it again.

    I would rather earn less doing what I enjoy than earn more doing what I hate.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I agree enjoy the niche you're targeting, but, what about the folks making BIG money doing nasty jobs?

    Look at Waste Management, one of the largest trash collection business in the world ($14 billion in 2015). Did the founder Harm Huizenga in 1893 just one day say, dayum, I'm gonna like me some trash?
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    • Profile picture of the author dave147
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      I agree enjoy the niche you're targeting, but, what about the folks making BIG money doing nasty jobs?

      Look at Waste Management, one of the largest trash collection business in the world ($14 billion in 2015). Did the founder Harm Huizenga in 1893 just one day say, dayum, I'm gonna like me some trash?
      That's the "Do what others are not willing to do" secret

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Business systems are the number one way of earning big money. Don't work a 9-5 if you can avoid it. Create a business to earn you money. Get rich, and then invest in the stock market.
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    • Profile picture of the author LandonLennon
      Originally Posted by Michael Ten View Post

      Business systems are the number one way of earning big money. Don't work a 9-5 if you can avoid it. Create a business to earn you money. Get rich, and then invest in the stock market.
      I agree if we select right stocks we can definitely gain more money, it grows from 10% to 50% .Long term investments are better than short term.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10957927].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IMarketers2500
      Originally Posted by Michael Ten View Post

      Business systems are the number one way of earning big money. Don't work a 9-5 if you can avoid it. Create a business to earn you money. Get rich, and then invest in the stock market.
      Do you have any good stick tips?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10960661].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author many10s
    Originally Posted by Junaid khawaja View Post

    Recently, I have been in touch with a client who wants to make big bucks in "online-money-making" niche. While discussing on his USP, I asked him what he is passionate about?

    His answer: Making mobile applications.

    Cut long story short, it turned out his sole motivation was some of his friends who were making money online by teaching people how to make money.

    He was not enthusiastic about it. Neither he was specialized in any of the money-making sub niches. He was just doing it because others were making money doing it.

    And that's the biggest mistake wanna-bees make.

    I remember reading one of Gary Helbert letters on the similar topic (I am going with my memory on this).

    The No.1 secret to make big money is to do what you are enthusiastic about. Choose a niche/career that has greater potential/scope is the BIGGEST lie we were ever told.

    Remember, money is where your enthusiasm is - and not where your friend's enthusiasm is. If you are passionate about making hand-made jewelry but decide to sell carpets - you are doomed. If you are enthusiastic about being an architect but move to real estate - you are doomed.

    I am not saying you won't make any money. You can. But big money?No, never.

    I believe, this should be the no.1 lesson taught to us the day we went to school. Even today, I have noticed career counselors giving career advises based on "scope" and "potential".

    I would appreciate if other warriors would add in their valuable views.

    What you are saying is so true. It sometimes takes some time and effort to focus what you are excited about into a complete revenue-producing enterprise. This is why we're here anyhow.
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  • Profile picture of the author eComCoder
    But what if I'm enthusiastic and passionate about making money?
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    • Profile picture of the author velvetcake
      yes, some people are like that. mj demarco (millionaire fastlane book and website) was passionate about money.... specifically to buy exotic cars. he wanted money for a lambo. end of story.

      he ended up making a website for limousine referrals and sold it for a good sum (I forget exactly how much.... $2 million or something) but his passion for what money could buy was what excited him to build his business. everyday he worked on that was another step closer to his lambo. he did get it.

      if your passion is money.... that's kind of the best passion because it's so flexible.
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  • Profile picture of the author hubertkoh
    Passion does not always equals to profit. More so than anything, I would rather find the right strategy. There is always a strategy for anything.
    Personal Development Solo Ads That Converts
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  • Profile picture of the author drewgood
    Loving something is awesome. But being good at it is even more important at times. My suggestion: make sure you're at least one or two steps ahead of your prospect in the result that you're selling them on.... and make sure this fact is clear to them.
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    • Profile picture of the author shmol
      Originally Posted by drewgood View Post

      Loving something is awesome. But being good at it is even more important at times. My suggestion: make sure you're at least one or two steps ahead of your prospect in the result that you're selling them on.... and make sure this fact is clear to them.
      I agree with this.

      And to that point,

      Can you actually write about it--or promote it in such a way that people will either buy it from you, if it is your own product, or will they click through your affiliate link to purchase

      If you cannot do this--then you are not going to be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author velvetcake
    The No.1 secret to big money is to do what you are enthusiastic about.
    yeah, heard that advice from a guy who made a million by age 23...... and 10 billion at the time of death. steve jobs would agree with your advice as he said the same at the D5 conference.

    "people say you have to have a lot of passion for what you're doing and it's totally true. and the reason is because it's so hard that if you don't any rational person would give up. it's really hard and you have to do it over a sustained period of time. so if you don't love it, if you aren't having fun doing it, if you don't really love it, you're gonna give up. and that's what happens to most people actually. if you really look at the ones that ended up, you know, being successful unquote in the eyes of society and the ones that didn't, often times it's the ones that are successful loved what they did so they could persevere when, you know, when it got really tough. and the ones that didn't love it quit because they're sane, right? who would want to put up with this stuff if you don't love it? so it's a lot of hard work and it's a lot of worrying constantly. and if you don't love it, you're gonna fail. so you gotta love it. you gotta have passion."

    D5 2007 clip (1:09)
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  • Profile picture of the author AL Hummel
    Yes, so true... doing what you love in this life the most is the way all kids should be taught. Me, I am still seeking what I love the most. Crazy to say but at 45 years old I really dont know what that is. I do love helping people... I have faith an idea will manifest so I can work from home and be comfortable with security. Blessings to you!
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