Read This Slowly

by 149 replies
The Universe responds to your frequency.. It doesn't recognise your personal desires, wants or needs. It only understands the frequency in which you are vibrating at. For example; if you are vibrating in the frequency of fear, guilt or shame you are going to attract things of a similar vibration.

If you are vibrating love, joy and abundance, you are going to attract things that support that frequency. It's kinda like tuning into a radio station. You have to be tunng into the music you want to listen to just like you have to be tuned into the energy you want to manifest into your life. Change your mindset, it will change your life.
#mind warriors #read #slowly
  • You are going to love it here.
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    • I am already loving it.
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  • I read it slowly. And dismissed it instantly.
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    • Hahaha Funny Frank .. I bet you dismissed it since you replied. Anyway thanks for the reply.
  • I read it fast - no time to waste.

    With about 8 billion people on the planet I doubt if the universe notices my 'vibrations' at all. if all of us vibrate at once it could get noisy....
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  • Haha Kay . The universe doesn't care about our desires, wants or needs. It only understands the frequency at which you vibrating at. By the way there are ways to practice the Law of Attraction and I use them everyday.

  • I wondereed when this would go 'there'. Dozens of old threads on that subject here already..but some are always ready to discuss it.

    Please use the multi-quote or quotes - rather than make a separate post when responding to several people. Thanks.
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    • I read it slowly and nothing happened. Should I read it backwards too?
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  • I says to the wife, I says Darlin, My little Darlins, Did you know if you adjusts the speed you vibrate at, your world will be filled with more Love, Joy and Abundance ? Don't know what happened much after that, but She slapped me bloody Hard is all I Know.
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  • ...that identify you as a victim and take everything you have of value.
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  • Well i am totaly agree with this ,but this its ot as easy as it sounds .As you can have blocks in your subconstiwntind that sabotage you
  • Slowly me read it I did and nothing happened. Grabbed a roll of tin foil, made a hat and Wow what a difference aka Law of Attraction.
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  • now say this is true .. can you even measure the frequency you are vibrating at.. or are you wishfully thinking you are vibrating at such a frequency .

    if you don't learn the power of words and the real meaning of the words you use ..

    your vocal cords vibrate and send a message outside of you .and it is with your words you describe the experience you created .

    technically you never practice the law of attraction it is always present ,the best you can hope to manage is to retrain yourself on the way you use words to describe experience ,emotions, the current state of reality .

    it is hard to believe or really vibrate abundance . when you are trained to value thing in short supply, or rare .. or unique .. the sunrise or the sunset.. who cares about the rest of the day .

    you create with your words .. that is the main way you send vibration into the universe .
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    • Thanks for commenting. Look some people might agree with this post but some might disagree with with. I respect that in your response you provided so much value and this shows that you read the post slowly and understood the concept behind it.
  • Slowly makes a low pitched noise.
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  • I have read excellent tips and information here ... I am grateful to all of you
    • [1] reply
    • No, you didn't.

      Oh, wait, you read it extra slow and it revealed the meaning of the universe.
      I wish I could read as slowly as you. Bane of my life, I just can't read slow slow. I try, I really do, but before you can say, Amen, brother, I'm reading hundreds of words a minute. I just don't know what's the matter with me.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • supposed to be "Change your Vibration, it will change your life."
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    • All you need is a good tuning fork, Amazon has them on sale.
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    • You can also say that, it's all up to you.
    • Allen Says, from his blog.

  • Not a suggestion - a requirement. Suggest you click your user name in the black toolbar at top of page...from the dropdown menu click on the 'gold' box that says "view classic" - and switch to the more user friendly view of the forum.

    It is NOT acceptable to make several posts of one line each one after the other.
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    • I see our OP has changed his sig to now spam his / her affiliate offer and that the only vibration they want is clicks on that link.

      What a sad fecker coming here and playing switch with seasoned people who can smell bullship from a green horn a hundred yards away.
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • Banned
    Personally I think there's a lot of truth to the "Law Of Attraction" premise: As it's been said: "What a Person thinks about, they bring about." It could have been completely dismissed -- and that would have been it -- with the arrival of "The Secret" movie back in 2006.

    However People are still talking about it, discussing it, and using it to be more successful in their lives.

    Unfortunately I don't think LOA works quite like it was portrayed/illustrated in the movie "The Secret." For example a Person sitting in their arm chair visualizing driving a Ferrari won't instantly "manifest" that into their Lives. In fact some of the beliefs could actually be "dangerous."

    For instance "The Secret" states that a Person "attracts/creates" everything in their Lives. Something that many cults do is mix a lot of truth with a lot of lies -- so it's difficult to tell the difference between the two. And some of the quotations in the Movie/Book are actually taken out of context.

    I could be wrong however I think some of it was meant to be "controversial". Why? So that it would get People talking/discussing it.

    "There's no such thing as bad publicity" as they say. And every time a Person argues against it, many People respond for it -- creating more publicity.

    Actually "The Law Of Attraction" concept began in the early 19th Century with The New Thought Movement: Everything from "The Science of Getting Rich" (Wallace Wattles) to "Think And Grow Rich" (Napoleon Hill). An important part of the "creation/manifesting" process is taking action. As Wallace Wattles said: Napoleon Hill was also clear about "Organized Planning."

    Essentially I think a Person's thoughts creates their reality. And "positive thinking" can do a World of good in the success process. I don't know 100% how it works, just that we really do "attract" what we think about.
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    • We don't attract what we think about.Your brain filters your reality based on past experiences, beliefs, whatever.

      You see the world through your own lens. That's not attraction, it's filtering.

      Your conscious reality is tiny. No way could your brain give you access to an unfiltered world. Way too much information. Not efficient based on your beliefs. You'd be overwhelmed to the point where you wouldn't be able to even function.

      That's what a filter is for. We all have our own filtering system.

      So, you don't attract. Your brain filters.

      You can look around your room at all the objects. Do a quick scan now. What did you see? You saw all of the objects in the room. You didn't set your brain to filter anything in particular out, or in.

      Now, look around the room, only this time just notice everything that's red.

      What happened?

      Did your brain "attract" those red objects? Or did it filter out everything else and just looked for red objects?

      That's your filtering system. That's your brain. That's reality. LOA is fluffy tripe used by con artists to prey on gullible people.

      But it works, you say. Yes, your filtering system works. All our filtering systems work.

      The Universe doesn't think you are special.
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  • Anywan guess what frequency ima vibratin' at rn?

    Guess right ... an' you could win a STELLAR PRIZE.

    "The Law of Stupefaction turns to jelly all who lay their heads on its dumbass belly."
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  • But last time I heard energy follows thought process!
  • That's nice.
  • Nice read. I have seen a lot of negative people giving out negative vibes to positive people.
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    • No you haven't.
      • [ 5 ] Thanks

    • Gotta figure always whether we wanna be eternal voyeurs of eternal inconsequence or chilled out cultural schwingdingers holdin' sway ovah whatevah happnin' next for evrywan.
  • Banned

    What does a yellow light mean?

    And this post makes as much sense as Rev. Jim's life as a taxi driver.

  • Funny thing - I've never met a financially successful person who told me he sat around 'attracting' money - or that his 'vibrations' brought wealth.

    But - no dearth of those with metaphysical leanings and '6 figure income' clickfunnel sigs, is there?
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • Same here. I've never known a wealthy person who became that way through "attracting money" to them...or through positive vibrations.

      The closest thing I've seen are offers to teach "Wealth Attraction" to people who are inclined to believe it. But the people selling the using real marketing and selling methods. They aren't at all using what they teach.

      Like the people who sell "How to make money on Facebook" that use email lists, PPC advertising speak at events, and use direct mail.

      Selling something that sounds cool, trendy, or fantastic...but selling it by traditional methods.

      And......I still suggest asking millionaires how they got that way. After 100 or so, you'll get the idea that positive vibrations and "Manifesting wealth" aren't really part of it.
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  • how many hertz am i vibrating at and why does the universe care?
  • I think you mean 'confirmation bias' - that's when you believe the information that reinforces YOUR beliefs and ignore any evidence that discredits your pre-conceived beliefs.
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    • Banned
      Yep: That's it. Thanks: And that's what many People do with "LOA".
      (Both for and against.)
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • John I'm to lazy to quote and erase most of your post . But have you used the trick that you used to find ciggarets. Which are not the best things to manifest . To manifest things that will lead to better health or better long term life improvement.

    The reason much of this information was restricted or hidden or kept secret because it is so much easier to manifest vices than virtues
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    • Banned
      Where did you get that information from, just out of curiosity.
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  • "Where empirical evidence fails to persuade, illusion will surely delude."

    I read this in a fortune cookie when I was 7.

    Spoke to me so trooly I nevah ate the noodles an' kept 'em undah my bed till I was 18.

    Then when I dated a chemist guy, we got the rottin' remains preserved in a faux amethyst ornament array.

    An' evah since then, them noodles been my touchstone.

    Soul & spirit & truth floweth from Moi an' through Moi an' to Moi.

    Tellya, it is so easy it is like frickin' diarrhea.

    All I know 'bout LOA is ... anywan loads up the schwango my way gets slapped in the chops.

    If'n you srs, I'm gtg at $500 per hour, plus also I will DRESS UP.

  • No, but a good salesman sells what people will buy. LOA did NOT begin with the movie 'the secret'. Good old Joe Vitale - perhaps best known prior to the 'movie' as a marketer who provided 'testimonials' for every new MMO or IM product launched online.

    The 'mirror' experiment is flawed - most likely deliberately flawed to prove a nonexistent point.

    People would not know it's a 'one way' mirror - only that it's a mirror and a chance to look at themselves because that's what people do - or because the movement (THEIR movement) reflected in the mirror draws their attention.

    If 'manifesting' is real - why would you waste that 'power' on a pack of smokes? Why not create a passive income or a thriving business or a lottery win?
    • [ 4 ] Thanks
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    • Banned
      How do you know? Or is that just an opinion? Again I probably didn't explain it enough.

      Good question. Personally I don't necessarily think LOA works like my example ... However I found it somewhat interesting and have read many similar experiences. I don't think a Person can create a "passive income" or a "thriving business" just by thinking about it.

      Thanks for the post though: I found it interesting. : )
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    • [DELETED]
  • By that logic, all teenage boys vibrating 'horny' would be getting laid. And we both know that's not the case. And do not tell me they do not vibrate ''horny' well.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • tbh if LOA were true, my bloodstream woulda been SUCCESSED OUT by alcohol since I was 12yo, Benedict Cumberbatch would be hellacntd steada jus' eloquent TO THE DETRIMENT OF HIS CAREER (PLUS ALL HOOMANITY), an' evrywan's electric toothbrush would DIE so dolphins could STRESS THE FRICK OUT LESS.

    Like King Arthur said, "Every soul commanded to wrest ultimate power from God-given gift gotta be crappin' their pants or so way stoopid evrywan in trouble if'n they fall for that schwango. Naturally, I followed the instructions from on high, and humanity has been paying the price for misplaced optimism ever since. Why in hell did I never quit my delusions of grandeur and simply hook up with a gal with great tits who could cook decent? And why was I born too many centuries before ARMOR got ditched in favor of SPARKLY THONGS KINDA MAX OUT MY HONEY BUTT CRACK?"

    Likely we gonna cover GRATITOOD in anothah thread ...






    bcs, yanno ...
    kinda hey ...
    anythin' is probable if'n you stoopid af
    which it kinda is already, you dope
    unless ...
    the fyooture turns out to be so impossibly cruel you end up readin' this & hatin' yourself for bein' HAULED INTO NOPLACE OBLIVION for ZERO REASON WHATSOEVAH.

    1 Period = Effective Punctuation Tool Kudos
    2 Periods = likley a typo
    3 periods = ETERNAL OBLIVION

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Everything is energy so yes it all comes to your mindset as we know your thought process is where the energy follows right?
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    • Thanks to a manager of a local OLSON'S electronic store, I was able to build a working model of a Royal Rife, FREQUENCY machine. One of these days, I'll tell the story about OLSON ELECTRONICS of Akron, OH.

      I later worked at that store at Chapel Hill Mall.

      Since we have a couple of you who are all "energy" and frequency guys, then I assume you know all about Royal Rife and getting on the right frequency of success and healing, eh?

      The brain is electrical, no doubt, it is chemical. Those energies can be measured. And we know how a brain functions, and what happens when it is damaged or not working as "normal". But it is a leap to equate the chemical-electrical activity of the brain into a mindset or thought process. If that were all thinking was, then we would have advanced Rife machines (and some conspiracy types believe we do and they are being used on us)...then controlling the masses would be a much easier thing to do, wouldn't it?

      People do things. People achieve things. What their mindset really is goes for the most part unknown, unless they have something to gain by telling (or selling) us about it.

      • [ 3 ] Thanks
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  • Personally I think there's a lot of truth to the "Law Of Attraction" premise: As it's been said: "What a Person thinks about, they bring about." It could have been completely dismissed -- and that would have been it -- with the arrival of "The Secret" movie back in 2006.

    However People are still talking about it, discussing it, and using it to be more successful in their lives.

    Unfortunately I don't think LOA works quite like it was portrayed/illustrated in the movie "The Secret." For example a Person sitting in their arm chair visualizing driving a Ferrari won't instantly "manifest" that into their Lives. In fact some of the beliefs could actually be "dangerous."

    For instance "The Secret" states that a Person "attracts/creates" everything in their Lives. Something that many cults do is mix a lot of truth with a lot of lies -- so it's difficult to tell the difference between the two. And some of the quotations in the Movie/Book are actually taken out of context.

    I could be wrong however I think some of it was meant to be "controversial". Why? So that it would get People talking/discussing it.

    "There's no such thing as bad publicity" as they say. And every time a Person argues against it, many People respond for it -- creating more publicity.

    Actually "The Law Of Attraction" concept began in the early 19th Century with The New Thought Movement: Everything from "The Science of Getting Rich" (Wallace Wattles) to "Think And Grow Rich" (Napoleon Hill). An important part of the "creation/manifesting" process is taking action. As Wallace Wattles said: "By thought, the thing you want is brought to you ... By action you receive it." Napoleon Hill was also clear about "Organized Planning."

    Essentially I think a Person's thoughts creates their reality. And "positive thinking" can do a World of good in the success process. I don't know 100% how it works, just that we really do "attract" what we think about.

    I agree with that
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
  • Blah
    I believe the law of attraction exists . But I am a creator not and attractor .

    And the path I have been on has kicked my butt pretty hard in order to get me to own the roll of being a creator .

    Whatever outside force there is it has definitely made it is not going to pop out an endless chain of blessing ..but with every disaster . It has become clear while the debri is still scattering or thing are blowing apart why and what I am supposed to learn to create a better life from what is going on.

    Even if going through what ever it is suck pretty bad .apperently the universe is willing to bring large amounts of crap until you break down and create better .
  • You need to kill your bloated ego and use deep trance programming if change is what you're after.

    Killing the ego is denial of your formerly pathetic self. Then everything changes like your vibrations,
    magnetism and perception. Then comes whatever you wanna call it.
    • [3] replies
    • What if your self was not pathetic but awesome?

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    • Claiming one has killed their ego is an extremely egotistical statement

      The typical human ego is built to usually attempt to project to others a version of you that you hope gets them to think a certain way about you

      So claiming to others to not have an ego or to have killed you ego is an ego based statement
    • Read This Slowly..
      I call it.. BS
  • Banned
  • Sorry to rock you off the cradle guys but what I said is at least part truth.

    You have to read between the lines. Believe in you and of course...

    when the student is ready the _________ will come.

    You know the drill.
    • [2] replies
    • So, when do you think you are going to be ready do that the __________
      can come?

    • Stunning certainty and depth of awareness.

      I agree. Why state plainly what you can conceal in nonsensical woo woo?

      Watch this!

      The shedding of the outer self liberates the core self, or Inner Self (as the Mystics call it).
      The Ego poisons the true self, and must be exorcised...before true enlightenment can take place.

      See? I can do it too.
      • [ 5 ] Thanks
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  • It is completely meaningless like many statments of path to true enlightenment .

    You have obviously read enough mystical garbage to pop out a convincibv piece of mystical garbage .

    Get that printed in books or printed on enough tee-shirts and people might thing it's a true statement of enlightenment and spend centuries pondering the meaning .

    I bet many of these mystical teaching passed down through the ages where just the result of people tired of the same questions over and over again .and basically here is something to think about no go away and come back when you find the meaning.

    The last few years has highlight that human being generally do not construct their reality bas on facts .the pick the facts that will support their version of reality . Or just make them up .and it is happening all over the world not just one person.
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    • I have a theory about that.

      I think most of the ancient sages were either brilliant, or schizophrenic. Mental illness wasn't known centuries ago. It was thought that these people who rambled to themselves were talking to spirits, and had insights we couldn't grasp. Some of their ramblings became texts...and then the gospel.

      The brilliant sages?

      I come from a martial arts background (decades ago). And most of our ancient texts are mysterious in nature, and are difficult to comprehend. But why is that so?

      Because at the time, nearly everyone was illiterate. There was no real science. Superstition and rituals were the closest thing we had. So we did the best we could with the understanding of the world at the time...And....more importantly....these texts were translated by people who were not familiar with the subject matter. So the meaning was skewed or lost in translation.

      So what we read now, is a miss-translation of something said centuries ago. These texts were not meant to be interpreted. They were solid books of advice. But the meanings of words change over time, and translations into different languages, loses some meaning.

      So now we read what Rasputin said...and we think he is a mystic with the power of foresight. But he could have just been schizophrenic....or his meaning was skewed over the years.

      And...ancient texts are rewritten to fit the times...or to fit a political or religious agenda.

      So now we have ancient texts that seem like deep secrets, because they aren't easily understood. But they are hard to understand, because now...they make no sense.
      • [ 5 ] Thanks
  • Very Sad to see this as the warrior forums number on attention getter for the week. It's like reading a trashy magazine only worse.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • True words.
  • Davinchi I believe to protect many of his ideas from being stolent wrote them in code then in reverse . So you needed to read the code in a mirror to then decypher the code . And it is possible many of his drawings where not really far ahead of their time . But thing that could not really be made and if someone stole the idea .they would waste a lot of time with it .

    If you want monks to stay in your order even after they learn to read and write .the best way is to not make it easy to learn all the secrets of the order with a few scrolls . So you write many scrolls and have a bunch of flowery filler .while the monks learn over time what the secrets really are .

    And most where much easier to remember and recite .

    Writing them down was more a function of developing discipline .

    So I will go with a lot of the meaningless stuff was meant to be meaningless to protect core ideas from theft . Or simply people who actually achieve enlightenment would rather live their enlightened liveds than spend all day answering the same questions .

    So the here is something to think about now go away an ponder this idea for many years .

    It was also rwalativly common for those who taught enlightenment to be executed once they started drawing a big enough following .and the teaching not to be written down for many years .

    Hi t we can't go into specific religions.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • Banned
    I read this fast.

    We should enforce the religion rule and make this a secular forum.
  • Agreed T.

    Live through your heart, be generous, face your fears, and even though the journey feels scary at times, it gets so much easier to succeed. Like going downhill.

    Live through your mind, be skeptical and cynical like a prideful badge of honor, and you swim upstream wearing a weighted vest. Makes no sense to me. Well, it made sense when I was a skeptic hehehe...not now though.

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    • Banned

      But what if you're landing at Omaha beach and the vest is bulletproof.
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    • Banned

      But what about Kemal Ataturk.
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    • And there was the majority of the world that questioned nothing, and fell for everything.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I wish what you was saying was true however sometimes you attract things unwillingly and unwanted despite putting forth the total opposite into the universe all the time.
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    • True. One way is called a DDOS attack. <joking>

      Seriously, there is a whole lot truth to what you said about the universe. Sometimes we have good intentions with the wrong actions and to me that is one of the reasons why we sometimes attract thins unwillingly and unintentionally.
      • [1] reply
  • HaHa, We all know any universe doesn't care about our desires.
  • There is no such thing as The Law of Attraction!!!

    The Law of Attraction (LOA) was first muted in 1906 and appeared in a book called 'Dynamic Thought' by William Walker Atkinson.

    Then in 1910 the ground breaking book 'The Science Of Getting Rich' By Wallace D Wattles, following this came the bestseller 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill in 1937.

    The real success of LOA came in 2006 when 'The Secret' was published by Rhona Byrne (and subsequent film), this really brought LOA to the attention of the public.

    However the LOA doesn't exist, although it seems like a great marketing term, there is no law of attraction in the universal laws, there is however the Law of Cause and Effect which is really what most of these books allude to.

    This is where things get interesting, The Emerald Tablet or Tabula Smaragdina was written cira 3000 bc (Not a typo) and talked about 'The Law of Cause and Effect' Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text and its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries. The text was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century.

    The bible (the greatest self help book ever,(until organised religions decided to use it to control people) also refers to the law of cause and effect.

    Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

    Another example of the Law of Cause and Effect appeared in the main philosophical Hermetic texts which have come down to us and are contained in the Corpus Hermeticum, a collection of approximately 17 treatises originally composed in Egypt and written in the Greek language.

    Also containing the 7 Hermetic principles

    The exact date for the composition of the texts is unknown, but most scholars place at least the main texts of the Corpus in the second or third centuries

    In 1908 these principles were translated into a book called 'Kybalion'.

    All of these writings talk about you being at one with the universe, you are the universe or you are God.

    It's only fairly recently that science, especially Quantum Physics has started to make sense of this.

    In his incredible book 'You are the universe' by Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos, demonstrated how everyone individually is connected to the universe.

    The idea of manifestation is as old as the hills and fact based, everything must first start off as a thought or intention, (name anything that hasn't started with a thought?) that thought goes into the ether as energy.

    The amount of energy expressed as an emotion behind that thought will create that thought into matter and will appear, maybe not immediately, but it will appear.

    The universe will give you signs that it's appearing, you must take action on these signs and have faith.

    This reminds me of an old joke.

    A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.
    Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."
    The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."
    So the rowboat went on.
    Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."
    To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
    So the motorboat went on.
    Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."
    To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."
    So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.
    Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"
    To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"

    There is a lot more to the Law of Cause and Effect such as being on the right vibrational level as the OP referred to, being able to connect to your unconscious mind and be free of limiting beliefs.

    Language plays a big part in 'asking' the universe to manifest your dreams, for example if you say "I want" it immediately implies a lack as in 'I want' because 'I don't have', that sends conflicting messages which cancel each other out. If you are asking for anything you must state it as if already achieved as in 'I have' or 'I am'.

    Does it work?

    I have used it to create amazing things in my life including, my partner, 3 months all expenses trip to Hawaii, all expenses paid trip to Greece, new cars, jobs, unexpected money in the thousands and exceptional health!

    I also created £8,000 in front of an audience of 200 people.

    So if you have faith just go and create the life of your dreams, for those of you that don't believe, you are manifesting anyway!


  • Banned
    I enjoyed TheScience of Getting Rich from a guy wayyyyyy before his time. Very similar.

    More of a focus on being grateful for what you want as if you already have it.

    "All things are made of one substance"
  • I read it quickly.

  • If you think in negative terms, you will attract negative things.

    If you want to succeed, see yourself as a success. You can't have a negative mind and expect good results in what ever you are doing.

    But you can't just think positive and expect to get results coming in. You have to take the RIGHT actions. It's kind of like the boat theory.....

    If you are on the beach and there is a boat in the water to take you to safety, you can't think positive to make it come to you. You have to get in the water and swim to reach it.

    OK, I don't know if that made sense ;-)
    • [1] reply
    • In Florida we tie a rope around our girlfriend's waist, have her swim out to the boat and then we pull both of em up to the beach.
  • Banned

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    The Universe responds to your frequency.. It doesn't recognise your personal desires, wants or needs. It only understands the frequency in which you are vibrating at. For example; if you are vibrating in the frequency of fear, guilt or shame you are going to attract things of a similar vibration. If you are vibrating love, joy and abundance, you are going to attract things that support that frequency. It's kinda like tuning into a radio station. You have to be tunng into the music you want to listen to just like you have to be tuned into the energy you want to manifest into your life. Change your mindset, it will change your life.