Having Gratitude for a Healthier Life...Yes It's Science Really !!

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One thing I have implemented in the last couple of years in my Life is when I wake up I purposely take a few minutes to give thanks and gratitude for the things I already have.

Instead of waking up full of worry and fear what the day may bring, I take these first few minutes to set the tone for my day with this gratitude.

The reasoning behind the benefit of this is really Two things :
1. When you give gratitude ( happy for my family, happy to have breath, happy for the roof over my head etc..etc..) you are intently creating a positive state of Mind where fear, worry, resentment, anger, jealousy, lack etc..etc..has NO place to dwell. There is simply no room for it in your Mind.

2. You are strengthening the positive neural pathways in your brain and diminishing the negative ones. In essence this is what determines whether you have a Life worth living or a Life that is not. Remember every thought, perception, habit, behavior etc...etc.. has a corresponding neural pathway in your brain ( you touch and turn a door knob well that fires a particular neural pathway in your brain or you hate Principal Smith that triggers another one ).So its simple Math: Positive neural pathways - negative neural pathway = state of your life !!!!

Anyway, practice and try this. Remember though, don't just say it in your Mind but really feel it throughout your whole being. Also, whenever you start to feel worried or anxious during the day about a situation in your Life take a pause and do the Gratitude "thing". It really works !
#gratitude #healthier #life #lifeyes #science
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    Yes but the fun part is still being able to improve or upgrade or replace. While you are in a state of gratitude for something. Especially when better is available and it's leads to better lives for you and those you care about.

    Forgive me for how this may sound What if you just train yourself to have gratitude or have your subconscious start injecting more gratitude based thoughts into your current state even when you are consciously try to be miserable and ungrateful about something actually currently effecting your life..
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