Quick Newbie Question!

by TFyler
7 replies
Hello everyone! I am brand new to IM, so new I dont even have a full week under my belt . I have been browsing around some of the posts and I always come across the same phrase, where my question is based around and it goes somewhat like this:
"Create a website for your product and drive traffic to it."
What if my specific opportunity already has a terrific website lined up? Do I still need to create my own website to market my specific opportunity, in addition to the one thats already created?


Never give up on your dreams!
#newbie #question #quick
  • Profile picture of the author jcepeda
    TFyler, the main reason most of the marketers talk about getting a website and getting traffic to it is because that is where you will eventually make your money.
    If all you do is lead people to a great website, the owners of that website will control what happens with their visitors. If the visitor is just looking for info, they will come back to that website. If the visitor is looking to do business they will with that website. If the visitor decides to buy something that the website is offering that isn't part of your business, you don't get paid.

    Having a website is like having a business storefront. You want people to come to your store and buy from you. You then get them to whatever section they want to go to but you control how they get there. The shelves they pass, on the way; the impulse purchases they want and so on. If all you do is carry a sandwich board that says, buy at Joe's BBQ, that's all you are going to be doing for a long time.
    The suggestion to have a website is great and it doesn't take much either. And, your great site owners should be able to provide you with a lot of materials to help you promote their product.
    It really makes sense to have your own site. If you want to be in this for the long run.
    Hope this convoluted reply answers your question.
    Best wishes,
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  • Profile picture of the author PJ Harmsworth
    Originally Posted by TFyler View Post

    Hello everyone! I am brand new to IM, so new I dont even have a full week under my belt . I have been browsing around some of the posts and I always come across the same phrase, where my question is based around and it goes somewhat like this:
    "Create a website for your product and drive traffic to it."
    What if my specific opportunity already has a terrific website lined up? Do I still need to create my own website to market my specific opportunity, in addition to the one thats already created?


    Never give up on your dreams!
    I think what you are talking about is the 'pre sell' website. There are different waves of thought on this. Some affiliates just advertise on PPC (for example) and hop link to the product sales page. However, the general consensus is that you get a much better sales conversion rate with a good pre sell website (i.e. Your website linked to the product website).
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    • Profile picture of the author webwriter
      A good website can be a terrific asset, but you shouldn't stop there. You need to figure out how to get traffic to it before letting it go live. So to that end, you should line up strategies that you can use right off the bat to drive traffic to your live website, then make sure you implement them religiously.

      Otherwise, your website will sit.

      Just something I learned the hard way.
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  • Profile picture of the author chattervine
    it is not an easy way but you can put a high effort on it.gudluck
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  • Profile picture of the author michaelbnielsen
    Originally Posted by TFyler View Post

    Hello everyone! I am brand new to IM, so new I dont even have a full week under my belt . I have been browsing around some of the posts and I always come across the same phrase, where my question is based around and it goes somewhat like this:
    "Create a website for your product and drive traffic to it."
    What if my specific opportunity already has a terrific website lined up? Do I still need to create my own website to market my specific opportunity, in addition to the one thats already created?


    Never give up on your dreams!

    If I were to start any business today, mortar or online, the first thing I would do would be a website where I can capture peoples contact information or in other words their permission to keep communication with them going.

    As to the mean of how to exchange this information, you have as many options as you can imagine. Offers, free products, reports, questions they answer to indicate their area of "needs" or "wants".

    After this you own that lead and you can send them on to the existing website...

    So to answer your question. I believe it is a must.

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    • Profile picture of the author TFyler
      As a reply to everyones posts... WOW WOW WOW! Thank you to EVERYONE who posted, great responses and great instructions. I was smiling the entire time I was reading, thanks a million!

      Never Give Up On Your Dream!
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  • Profile picture of the author Easypick
    Great question so here goes.

    Your main product or business website I am sure is awesome but at the end of the day you do not want to look like everyone else. Like someone said before its all about offering your prospect something in exchange for their information. In doing this you have created a lead what you can show how to make a hole on the front end and sell your drill on the back end.

    If you were a REALTOR you could offer a free mini report on the 5 biggest money saving secrets for first time home buyers. In doing this you offer value in exchange for their contact information and by the end of the report you can offer your services since you are a REALTOR....This was a kinda short explanation but I hope this helps.
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