4 Ways To Develop Faith

by 19 replies
To achieve something you must believe that you will achieve. This is where faith comes in. If it doesn't seem possible to you don't expect to complete a task.

4 ways to develop faith.

1 - Perform affirmations.

Repeat it. Believe it. Our beliefs are founded on consistent affirmation, in many cases other people's affirmations.

Don't worry, you don't have to live your parent's or friend's lives. Perform affirmations to adopt a new belief system.

2 - Visualization.

By seeing things as you want them in the imagination you feel confident the vision will come to pass.

3 - Surround yourself with people who believe in themselves

Birds of a feather......Hang around worryworts and many of your thoughts start with "I don't want......" or "Now I have to worry about....."

Hang out with people who have faith in themselves and you want to be like them. Faith is contagious.

4 - Face your fears

Face your fears and you will have fewer fears in the future. Courage is a powerful ally.

How do you develop faith?

Ryan Biddulph
#mind warriors #develop #faith #ways
  • You make some excellent points Ryan. Now I'm seeing where alot of problems are coming from. Thanks
  • Just a note!
    Have faith and ambition in yourself with no denial if you do!
    Affirmation,visualization,fears and other people in your life will all become a very nice reality.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • There is 5th one i think .. and most important one for me. Make a measurable progress, even if negligible when compared to what has to be done (translate to action... faith breeds action, action breeds faith).
  • I salute you for great post and hoping that you always provide us such type of valuable posting.
  • Great points. Thank you for sharing, this has certainly changed my point of views.

  • Hi Ryan ,

    I think if you start backwards , the process will work a lot better

    You face your fears , you have new experiences and new thoughts , You meet who share the same believe as you , your visualisation changes (rather than seeing disaster you see success because you have done what you are afraid of and seen that is much easier than you thought) and your affirmation changes

    It is now easier than ever before . you have done it many times and your visualise and affirmation naturally become positive

  • a man without faith is nothing, doesnt matter if its in god or ala or whatever, you gotta have faith in something!
  • Don't lose faith is the very key towards success. If you have this whatever trials come still you are eager reaching the top.
  • I like your point Ryan. So true!
  • It's very hard to stay on task when you keep doubting yourself. This is my 2nd attempt at building sites for monetization. And even though this new site I made looks a lot better, I'm still already having my doubts...
  • Great point ryan. If you visualize, HAVE FAITH, take inspired action, and persist, then I guarantee you will achieve your desires.
  • If there is something that you want to achieve, always believe that no matter what happen you will have it. Don't look at the circumstances you might encounter while in the journey of pursuing it, just fix your mind and eyes to your goal.
  • Thanks for your points..
  • don't know what to add about how to develop faith. But would like to point out about the importance of it. As only those succeed who have some high kind supreme goal and faith, not just generating some profit.
    Bill Gates wanted to see a computer in every desktop and in every home, hopefully, to let people share and gain knowledge globally)
  • A really good book to read on this is A Purpose Driven Life. It helps you keep a positive mindset and keep driven. I belive a positive mindset and self belief are the 2 keys.
  • Thanks for posting this!
  • What keeps me focused the most is when I visualize where I want to be. thank you
  • Faith is seeing things into existence, though it is not visible yet at the very moment. That is what we need.

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  • 23

    To achieve something you must believe that you will achieve. This is where faith comes in. If it doesn't seem possible to you don't expect to complete a task. 4 ways to develop faith.