Thoughts from the 1800`s - Still Relevant, Timeless

4 replies
Excerpt from a book printed in 1879 -

Note: Truths are Truths - regardless of the age in which they are written:

Excerpt: (Not a word was changed)

`None out of every 10 who fail in life - get discouraged and give up before the battle is fairly won. They lose hope and heart. They lack courage and faith. They become impatient at the slow results of their toil. They cannot learn to `labor and wait`. But no one can succeed in life by pursuing such a course.

It is only by a resolute holding on, and a patient continuance in well-doing, that the end of a journey is reached. Nearly all really great men began life at the foot of the ladder, and worked their way up by slow degrees, and through many trials and difficulties. And so, my reader, you must make up your mind to do the same, or stay where you are and abandon all hopes of preferment`.

Hope you found this of interest, and of some value!

See ya!
#1800`s #positive thinking #relevant #self-esteem #thoughts #timeless
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Great stuff here.

    I find the older stuff to be more inspiring. Some current day motivational material are watered down, or a little bland for my taste. Plays too much on the emotions and doesn't provide enough substance.

    That's why I prefer authors like Wallace Wattles and Napoleon Hill. Straight-shooting and powerful content!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Great stuff here.

      I find the older stuff to be more inspiring. Some current day motivational material are watered down, or a little bland for my taste. Plays too much on the emotions and doesn't provide enough substance.

      That's why I prefer authors like Wallace Wattles and Napoleon Hill. Straight-shooting and powerful content!

      Some? I'd say most! Let's be real a second -- the self help industry is loaded with shams and fools just trying to make money. It's not the only industry with such a plague, of course.

      Anyways, back to OP, what book is that from?
      "You don't get onto the high road accidentally!"

      How to Get Motivated, Get Informed and Stay Inspired

      Are You an Avid Student of Life? - Personal Development Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I feel some of the modern say self-help gurus are inspiring. A select few carry an energy which has helped me to attract wonderful things into my lives. And the ones who are more out for themselves....I don't pay them mind. Karma deals with them just fine, without my judgement.

    Remember GIT, that which you focus on, expands

    Enjoy your day!

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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