Starting an Internet Business - Do You Have the Right Mindset?

7 replies
Hey guys,

I just had a little writing session and brought together some ideas that have been floating around in my mind for a while. Hope it helps


Starting an internet business begins with the correct mindset...

Compared to a physical 'bricks and mortar' business, an online business is SUPER fast and SUPER cheap. This of course is an absolute dream come true! But the faster they rise, the faster they can ... any guesses? ... Fall. Online business is definitely not an exception.

Dubai may be able to build the world's highest skyscraper at the rate it takes England to build a row of toilets for the 2012 Olympics, but if they were to build on sand it would be destined to fail.

If you're in the early days of building an online business or perhaps have aspirations to build one, let me be bold and hazard a prediction about you...

You're someone who checks email more than 3 times a day. You're someone who diverts themselves to the occasional YouTube video when the impulse presents itself. You're someone who can't resist getting up for a tea or coffee when the craving kicks in.

Am I describing you here?

Well I actually hope I'm not, because that would mean you have the discipline and determination to get things done.

But if you are, don't sweat it. This is how 99% of us are....

In fact, I'd hazard a guess that most people are actually worse than this!
I was an email junky and had 'YouTube A.D.H.D'. This is how I was 12 months ago. But then something changed - priorities.

My day job became so irritating that when the idea of a nice hot tea found its way into my mind during a hot session on the keyboard, the very thought of going back to my 9 to 5 motivated me to carry on tapping those keys!

"You've got to have a greater motivation to succeed than that of the motivation to become distracted."

There're two emotions that will cause you to take action -- either in the right direction or the wrong direction.

  • Love
  • Fear

Now love and fear are the two most powerful emotions that we humans experience. Each one is 10 times more likely to make us TAKE ACTION than with our willpower alone.

Simply saying, "I want to 'fill in the blank'" will not get you results. You want to be going with the flow of your emotions, not against. Otherwise you will always lose out to your emotions -- period.

In order to make them work for you, you've got to leverage them.

Let's have an example here:

1. You fear your 9 to 5 job because the idea of spending the next 30 years of your life pushing paper sends shivers down your spine.
2. You love your family because they are always there for you.

Which one here are you more likely to be motivated towards?

Another example:

1. You love the dream lifestyle you're working towards.
2. You are afraid that your family may disagree with your intentions.

Which one here are you more likely to be motivated towards?

Are you motivated more towards fear or towards love? It's one or the other, and if you want to succeed you need to be on the crest of one of these emotional waves.

Here's a way of understanding it...

Imagine that you have control over 10% of your mind - this is your decision making/willpower.

Now imagine that the other 90% of your mind is out of your control. This is the realm of your emotions -- love and fear.

So do you want to work WITH that 90% of your mind that's out of your conscious control, or AGAINST it?

Closing up here, you need to put your internet business in a position where it is the only option you have. If you give yourself a way out, you won't make it.

How do I know this? The massive influence our emotions have over us is undeniable. We are emotional creatures -- it's a matter of fact.

  • Identify the fear of what NOT succeeding in your internet business would bring. That fear has got to be an absolute nightmare to you.
  • Identify the love you have for the vision you're trying to achieve. That dream has got to be a drug to you.

If this article hasn't resonated with you don't let it discourage you, because anyone can succeed if they take the right steps with the right mindset. It's just learning how to moderate fear and how to develop the right habits.

By looking ahead in your personal life and your business life, you can't help but improve in both of these areas because vision brings you persistance.

If you struggle with vision, try this:
  • Become aware of yourself when you are living in the past or the present, particularly when you're talking about your online business.


Dave Hawkins

Did you know that the absolute worst 'bad job' to have is one that is tolerable, because those are the jobs you drown in for 40 years of your life!
#business #internet #mindset #preparation #starting
  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Great stuff Dave --

    One of my passions is entrepreneurship, and internet entrepreneurship in particular. The possibilities online are not only incredible and outstanding, but within all our reach.

    The ability to build a million dollar business from a computer in a library and without ever risking a penny of your penny is absolutely fascinating to me.

    Your points here are great...

    A lot of this comes down to whether entrepreneurs are born or made. In fact, in the latest issue of Entrepreneur Magazine that just came out, the first article by the editor discusses this very thing. There are two passionate sides to this debate, one that thinks the above traits and mindset of an entrepreneur are substantially result of genetics (born) and the opposite side which believes entrepreneurial personality is result of environment and one can learn how to be a good entrepreneur.

    In truth, the truth probably lies somewhere in between both sides!

    Thanks for the great read and good luck to everybody who has started, is starting, or will start internet businesses!!!

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    • Profile picture of the author papacuppa
      "I would stay away from psychological rationale for behavior unless you're quoting direct research or established minds on the issue."

      Oh, I haven't plucked this out on an optimistic whim :p I've come across it from various credible sources (i.e books, not the internet) over the years.

      Typically I can't remember any of the books now, though The Power of Full Engagement by Joe Loehr and Tony Schwartz does jump to mind...

      Donnie Darko is a great movie
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  • Profile picture of the author Domenic Carlson
    The two driving emotions are love and fear?

    Have you ever seen Donnie Darko? This reminds me of this.

    I would stay away from psychological rationale for behavior unless you're quoting direct research or established minds on the issue.

    Otherwise, interesting food for thought.

    Always interested in news about Bing, SEO, SEM Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization.

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  • Profile picture of the author papacuppa
    Thanks for your encouraging response!

    Yes, the 'born or made' argument will simmer for several more years until neuroscientists get the tools they need to truly play God.

    But I'm a strong believer in conditioning, which is to say that I am for the environment argument.

    The human brain is incredibly plastic and humans are known to be fantastic at adapting. I watched a series recently called This Emotional Life on PBS. At one point the program explored the human ability to adapt.

    The result was that when given no other options, we are resilient to the bone - phenominal. But give us more than 3 choices and we're scatterbrained to say the least ^^

    By the way, how much is the Entrepreneur magazine and is it really worth it when we have the internet?

    (I might try it out myself if you sing its praises!)
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  • Profile picture of the author saintemp
    David, you're a very philosophical guy if I may say so. I'm not half the thinker you are. But one thing I know about Internet marketing. To succeed you cannot do things alone. You need assistance not only in practical things you can't do yourself, but also the moral support from other marketers when the chips are down.
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    • Profile picture of the author papacuppa
      What you say is completely right. But of course it warrants a whole new thread of its own ^^ -- perhaps even a book!

      "I'm not half the thinker you are"

      I thank you for saying that but I'm sure it's really not true :p I pride myself on always being concerned with the brutal facts but I ain't no Bertrand Russell lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    Good stuff, Dave! Thank you for posting!
    My favorite part of all, actually, is your "P.S."
    "Tolerable" is the nemesis of joy, and therefore success itself.
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