The Law Of Attraction

by 56 replies
When we talk about , four reactions are possible:

1 - Some strongly believe
2 - Some say that it's nonsense
3 - Some say that it is dreams served on a silver platter to hold those who have nothing else to do
4 - Some say "What If?"

And you, what do you think? You already have tried? What was the outcome? If it worked, great, you are good. Otherwise, have you asked the question of why it did not work? Is it because this is nonsense?

Maybe! Or maybe not!

Have you ever tried to build the famous furniture kit, without looking at the plan?

Not easy huh? Some, however, succeed because they will do it following their instinct and find out how to proceed without further explanations. By cons, most will try, try and try again without achieving the final result.

It is exactly the same with the law of attraction. For some, it is self-evident, they know exactly what to do to achieve their goals or else simply they have been trained. For others (the majority) it will not be so simple, they will have to follow the instructions in order to achieve their goals and realize their dreams.

Learning is not particularly complicated. It is only to simplify your life. In our world advanced technology, we tend to believe that if there was a manual we'll have to deal with a headache!

The law of attraction does not go into the most difficult things to do, far from there. All, as far as we are, we are able to use the law effectively. And you will see that over time you won't even need to think about it; use the law of attraction will become for you just as natural as eating, drinking, and sleeping or simply breathe.

Your life will become a real puzzle; you'll only need to choose the pieces, see how you will insert them and leave less to chance (even if it is known there is no chance) or to fate.

Gradually, you learn to "furnish" every moment of your day, your week, every week of your month ...

It is you who henceforth will hold the reins of your life and who will do exactly what you want without leaving room for the unexpected, but especially with no room for undesirable things that is happening to you right now and which you didn't really want to happen.

But as you may know, nature does not like empty space and the universe either; so if you leave "empty", the universe fills them with what she has on hand and it may not always correspond to your expectations
#mind warriors #attraction #law #secrets #success
  • Hi- I beleive in Law Of Attraction and i think that if you know how to use it then nothing can stop you from achieving from what you want....

    Perhaps thanks for such a nice and lawfull share
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    • I do not think it is a belief. I think it is a Law like the Law of Gravity or Physics and is working all the time.

      Whether it works for anyone in a manner that they control deliberately or if they just let it go on default like most people is the only difference.

      To me it is no different than people believing that man could never build a flying machine. No way could you overcome gravity and the laws of physics and get that much weight into the air!!!

      But someone who understood the Laws and applied them correctly did indeed put tons of weight in the air and we have airplanes and now it happens every day and is not exceptional at all.

      For those who have figured out how to apply the Laws deliberately do it so commonly that it is just part of their nature now.

      Those who still think they can't don't even try. The Law stays the same for all.

      BTW, two sites to get daily help for free are and

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    • Glad to see that you like my post
  • The meaning of Law of Attraction can easy been misunderstood.

    Think about what you want and fake your affirmation and you will get what you want!

    That is so wrong! Law of Attraction, really means the action that you must take so you can manifest what ever you want. Or better said you reap what you sow.
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    • I have studied this for some time with paid and free coaching. One thing I have learned is that is there ebb and flow to everything.
  • I think the Law of Attraction is useful only as a starting point.

    If you have a mental picture of where you want to be, who you want to be, what you want to be, you’ve taken the first step towards success.

    But without consistent effort you won't get anywhere. There will be a lot of obstacles and things that make you want to quit. Only with hard work can you overcome such obstacles.
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    • Just go into the fantasy mood like most people doing when they play the lottery, they hope for the big wealth without doing something to earn it. True wealth must be earned, and so more you sow what you want so more you will reap it. It's all supported through your action which can support your goal or sabotage it. You always will get and attract by the action you take.
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  • Hi, I believe in the Law Of Attraction, like previously stated it's a law that is always working, whether we believe it or not. I've been on a journey to learn how to use the LOA in a way that truly works.

    I think that's the key to find a way to make the LOA to work for YOU. And it's the explanation why alot of people think it's absolute bull, but I've had results using it. For me it has become a way of living, to always focus on the positive of life. It's definitely all about changing yourself so that you can see the desired results.

    My 2 cents on this wonderful law, which I continue to master every day. Well goota go.
  • @yieldway

    That was a good post. I believe in law of attraction, but I have a slightly different view of it. I see the law of attraction as something that exists and has certain properties or characteristics. But, it isn't something that you can use to get stuff.

    It's like air or gravity. You don't use's just there and you take it in and out of your lungs automatically. Similarly, when you get up in the morning, you don't use gravity to get out of bed. It's just there and it works and it functions in a certain way. Even if we don't understand how it works, it still works.

    In order to get any benefit from the law of attraction, you have to understand the nature of the universe. For example, you have to learn about the cycles of creation and destruction. Life is a creative thing. We were born to create. If we are not creating and adding value, then we are not in harmony with the way the world works.

    The biggest thing to understand about law of attraction is "being". What matters is who you are as a person and the type of person you are becoming. The whole process of the law of attraction is about what happens in your inner world of thought, emotion, and spirit (your being).

    First, you have to want to become the best version of yourself that you can be. That begins with a desire that you have to honor and commit to. From there, everything that you think and do has to be congruent with that desire.

    As you grow, you will develop skills from talent and experience. You can then share theses skills (or the results of the skills) with others. In this way, you contribute value.

    The whole concept of getting stuff is just a by-product of the way you live your life. As you learn how to "be" and create value, you begin to notice the things you want in life. As you become clear on these things, you naturally move towards having them "show up" (whether that means you go to the store and buy it, or someone gives you a gift, or you win it, or you trade something for can show up by any mechanism....and you should not be attached to any particular delivery mechanism).

    That's a very brief overview of how I understand law of attraction. You should definitely define what you want in life, but don't think about law of attraction as a means of getting these things. Once you start getting things you want, you'll be able to see how law of attraction was at work. But, you can't use it in advance to get to the end result.
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    • "That's a very brief overview of how I understand law of attraction. You should definitely define what you want in life, but don't think about law of attraction as a means of getting these things. Once you start getting things you want, you'll be able to see how law of attraction was at work. But, you can't use it in advance to get to the end result."
      Quote from # 10 up there...has a really long name...Just exactly what Steve Jobs said...
      "Follow your heart and in hindsight you'll see how all the pieces came together, but you can't see them up front!"

      Actually, it's quite funny how this works.
      Every day I need to learn something new, as I'm in business and need to.

      Every night as I go to bed, I figure out what I need to learn the next day to move ahead towards my goals.

      Every morning without fail, one of the first 3 emails (only have a few now, unsubscribed from almost everyone)will contain exactly what I need.

      I am constantly shaking my head and have that weird feeling run down my arms and up my spine as I just shake away in awe!

      Something surely is doing something out there somewhere !

  • I totally agree with you...maybe I didn't choose the right word by saying "use". What I meant is understand the law of attraction... have a strong desire, think of it and then the law of attraction acts and this could be for any aspect of ones life. LOA is always here and what we think of the most is what we attract to us.
  • I believe the law of attraction helps, but not by itself. you have to take action to get results. you can't just sit there and believe it will happen, many people misunderstand that. its not about making the universe do what you want, its about flowing with the universe to do the things it can allow you to do. the universe controls you, you don't control the universe, u must change with it, it doesn't change for you
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    • @yieldway

      Opps, sorry...I wasn't discrediting what you said. I was speaking generally. Many people who first learn about LoA think of it in terms of learning how to "use" it.

      @Carlton Baran

      I agree with this completely...but there is a small part that I would add. If you are in harmony with LoA, the action you take and the results you get will seem effortless. If you are struggling with something and you are not enjoying yourself...this is a clear sign that you are not in the right state of being.

      The weird thing is that once you start living your life in the right state of being, it doesn't mean that everything in your life is just going to magically get fixed. As humans, we fluctuate in our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs all the time.

      So, we might do things correctly in one area of our life and mess things up in another. You have to condition yourself to be in the right state of being on a regular basis so that you can enjoy the lifestyle you want. If you get it wrong, it just means you have more to learn and more to practice.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • The only missing piece in this discussion, for me, is the concept of "kaizen." That is the concept of taking sometimes minute baby steps toward your goal. We tend to think that the goal is the only thing that is worthwhile. But the nature of the process, for me, determines the worth of the goal.

    So I am taking small steps, and honoring each step. That is not to say that I won't take a large step if presented to me, but in understanding the worth of MOVEMENT TOWARDS MY GOAL I am inching ever closer to it.

    Hope that makes sense.
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    • @doingwrite

      This is actually a critical concept in the process of personal development. The problem many people face is their own comfort zone. It keeps them immobilized. The process of taking baby steps is what can move someone past their own inertia.

      For example, let's say that someone knows they need to exercise for 30 minutes per day in order to reach their health and weight goal. Well, that probably seems like a lot of work to someone who isn't doing any exercise right now.

      So, the solution is to do 5 minutes of exercise. Most people can accept that they can perform an exercise for 5 minutes. And if they can't....what about 1 minute?

      Just by breaking the inertia and committing to the 1 minute, you quickly realize that you can do much more than 1 minute. Very quickly, you're at 5 minutes and then 15 minutes. In a relatively short period of time, you can be right up to the 30 minute target.

      One thing I would caution against is relying too heavily on this concept. Everyone has certain talents and abilities. If you find those areas and focus on them, you may not need baby steps. You might be able to move forward very quickly.

      As long as you are looking for the opportunity to take the bigger steps, this principle can be extremely helpful.
    • This makes perfect sense to me. So many times people get intimidated by the idea of their larger goals, so intimidated that they never try. The large goal seems so unattainable that they can't seem to visualize it at all.

      Tiny, manageable steps is the only way anything gets accomplished. And the great thing is the more of these steps you take, the bigger they become. This happens, I believe, because you have adjusted your mind to the possibility of the goal. When you can believe in your goal and visualize it then every action you take becomes an action towards that goal.
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  • Great post yieldway! It made me think and realize a lot of things about life. Anyways, life is beautiful so live it to the fullest!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • @hireava Oh thank you... enjoy life and be happy :-)
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    • I certainly believe in the Law of Attraction. Although, like others have mentioned, you have to get in the mindset of 'doing' to see results. Sitting on your couch and hoping for $100 to flutter in from the window isn't going to help.

      I think the Law of Attraction works naturally. When a person wants something -- truly wants something -- their hunger becomes insatiable until they get whatever they're after. So they will end up getting what they want... usually.

      Of course, the above example can be switched around to fit a bitter and pessimistic person who strives for nothing and expects the worst.

      As I sit here, I have a deep need to experience peace for one day in my house. That would require both cats and my dog to coexist peacefully, however. And while I believe in the LoA, I do not believe in magic.
  • It's quite right that some have misunderstood the Law of Attraction. Its just all about positive thoughts and at the same time making it happen, through you. You can't just imagine on getting the job without applying and making it to the final interview. You also need to exert effort and do your part.
  • This is a great discussion and I think a lot of good points have come out of it. I agree that you can't just sit around visualizing a desired outcome and expect it to magically come to you...however, if you do just sit on a couch and vividly imagine a desired outcome on a regular basis, it will soon become impossible to continue lounging on that couch. I believe that practicing the LOA will compel you to take inspired action.
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    • The main tenets of the Law of Attraction is taught in basically every self help book and piece of ancient literature there is. I think many people that reject it either don't understand it (i.e. thinking taking action has little or no part in the process) or are turned off by the new-ageness of a lot of LOA teachings that are prevalent today. Once you get what it really teaches you'll see the same thing repeated in the great success classics from decades ago as well as in The Bible and other ancient works.
  • The Law of Attraction is very real, though it's been commercialized in a manner that suggests it's something more miraculous than it is. However, I'd have to admit that there is a sincere level of mystery to it, one which has yet to or simply cannot be entirely explained scientifically.

    Dr. David Hawkins states that the Law of Attraction calibrates at 250 (For those of you who know who he is), and he also feels it's been over-commercialized. However, he goes onto state that the Law of Attraction is something that, when holding something in mind for a prolonged period of time and with a sincere level of intensity, those thoughts tend to manifest in a similar or identical form.

    Consider the words of Brian Tracy:

    The Law of Attraction states that you attract into your life that which is in harmony with your dominant thoughts.

    This doesn't mean that by wishing for a Lamborghini, that it's going to magically appear into your garage... No. However, a sincere desire for something will go so far as to change your very mental attitude and biochemistry in a way that will allow you to actively pursue your desire with a much more natural sense of progression towards your goal.

    In other words, it has the possibility to change both your internal world and your external. It's something that virtually every successful person has used, whether they're conscious of it or not.
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    • Some great insight here! I believe the Law of Attraction just is, and that it is only when we understand how it is working in our own life that we can take steps to change the manifestations that are being created (or not created).

      Law of attraction isn't just for getting what we want, it is how things go from inspiration to manifestation. It is the law of creation and also goes under different names and schools of thought, not just general New Age speak.

      Looking forward to seeing more responses...
  • Yhe Law of Attraction will work if you work, but you must know what you are doing, thank you
  • I enjoy reading this thread. Everyone shared their opinion. And now i know what Lay of Attraction really is.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I believe in the Law of Attraction. Whom you surround yourself , what you feed yourself with will soon manifest in you. Many are not aware but it does unconsciously build up your unconscious beliefs and actions, thus affecting the outcome of every action.
  • Great Post Yieldway, always wanted to learn more about this kind of stuff.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I've always been skeptical about it (have actually blogged about my skepticism with it too).

    But I'm not so sure anymore. I do think mindset and beliefs are everything and that what we have in life ultimately starts with what we believe.

    However, there are some situations where the person truly is a victim.

    I certainly wouldn't tell a battered wife "Just visualize a better husband" or "set better goals".

    Or am I missing something?
  • Use the Law of Attraction as a form of motivation.. And not merely depending on it 100%!

    For instance: Let's say your goal is to marry Romeo, you can't possibly marry Romeo if all you do is sit on the sofa all day "Think Think Think" thinking of what if i were to marry Him, ohh how i wish i could marry him, gosh he's my dream guy etc!

    You needa go get out there and take action, for action creates result!

    Okay this is another topic, anyway..

    Just use the Law of Attraction to your benefit/advantage instead of using it against you (unknowingly).

    Hope this help,

    God Bless,

    because nothing is guaranteed
  • I can't believe it, i belive that you can change the world if you want by your energy level. But energy from the Universe...really..i cant believe that!
  • Well I do agree with what you're saying in the quote above about beliefs. And maybe I'm one of those people who are too cynical about these things. But how do you explain the subconscious being connected to "the universe" without the conscious also?

    I think the environment we're in can really negatively influence who we are and overpower our conscious and subconscious beliefs.

    Is there a book you would recommend that gets more scientific about this?
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    • The Law of Attraction is so simple. But, it's effect is so powerful that we may doubt it or say it is only part of the big picture.

      The Golden Rule is also simple. Yet, it is accepted as a basic truth. Like the Golden Rule, there are many different angles from which we can analyze the Law of Attraction.

      The Law of Attraction predicts human behavior. Human behavior is varied. Does applying the Law of Attraction yield the desired results every time? No...and neither does the Golden Rule. But, both will positively effect human behavior, given a sufficient sample size.

      When dealing with people, it is wise to keep both the Golden Rule and the Law of Attraction in mind. That combination is the most likely to help the leader get a positive response from a group of people or from an individual.
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  • @M Milken - gracias. Will check them out - hopefully they've got a kindle version ;-)
  • I believe in the Law of Attraction as well.

    But I ALSO believe that it's NOT the only law out there (11 laws in total if I remember well)!

    The thing is, we can't sit down and just think to become a millionaire. We must DO something to show the universe that we deserve it. And the LoA will assist us on the way to our goals

    So, it's time to take ACTIONS!
  • i will keep practicing the law of attraction every day
  • Think! If the Law Of Attraction was enough by itself to manifest reality... then every 11y.o. would have the bicycle or XBox they wholeheartedly and passionately dreamed & craved...

    (Un)Fortunately the Universe doesn't run on greed and desire (alone).

    I would say that the so called LOA is more sort of a condition than a law. That is, if you are not locked on your destination, you've got less chances of getting there.

    Creating reality is so much simpler than trying to decipher the writings of the Kybalion (in its more pop form {The secret} or in its more mystic version of Hermes Trismegistos)

  • I use LOA principles if I forget or misplace something.

    If I forget something instead of declaring "I can't remember...", I would say "It will come to me soon" - and it invariably does. Similarly when I misplace something I say "I'll find it later" then I forget about it and I usually find whatever I'm looking for in a place that I'm supposed to have looked..

    It may not be as immediate as some would like but it works for me.

    I think the reason that it works for me is that I believe it will.
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    • <<<<<

      This is how I see the LOA as a viable tool in life.

      You have to be able to believe that you can achieve your goals.

      The way you formulate your goals both in your mind and on paper, will help you to believe. Use words that are TRUE for you.

      e.g. "I love having a lot of money" rather than "I have a lot of money"

      It's no good sitting and waiting for LOA to send you boatloads of money just because you have asked for that. You must look for the opportunites that are presented to you to take you even one small step closer to what you want.

      Don't sit and wait - do something today!

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    if you believe in LOA then you are on the way to success. If not , go and search for bob proctor and you will believe in LOA after trying his stuff ! simple !
  • “What You Set Is, What You Get.”

    “If It’s In There, It’s Out There.”

    “At The End, Nothing Else Matters.”
    -----Ankur Sancheti
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  • There's a HUGE piece of the puzzle missing from most of the teaching out there, and the element of action is almost always omitted to make the message more palatable. Most often though, people try to figure out whether they agree with something before they even try it.
  • Keeping it simple...

    Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

    Every act is preceded by thought....

    You attract by default based on your programming or by conscious thought...

    The mind changes its shape to that of the thought...the object...

    Thought is a dynamic and creative force and you can manifest wonders with proper direction...

    Your thoughts create your destiny!

    Thought is a great force. The best possible way to use this amazing
    power for highest effect is by the practice of meditation.

    Meditation can truly transform your life.


    Cert. Pranic Healer/Facilitator
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    • The law of attraction is true encouragement. We are creating our future with our own thoughts. Most of us sabotage ourselves with our own thoughts. The conditions we live in we continue attracting it. We are the effect of our own thoughts. If we can fix our own thoughts problem, we are on our way to be free.

      There are different formulas to help and here are a few:

      About Be-Do-Have. Just ask yourself this question: If you could Be-Do-Have anything, what would you?answer: blah, blah, blah... Now assume you Be-Do-Have everything you wish. Now if you could stay long enough in this state of fulfillment it will eventually manifest itself.

      Example of Emotional states: regret, pity, sympathy, fear, hate, anger, hostility, boredom, conservatism, cheerfulness...This emotional states apply for short and long periods of time.
  • Great Post mate... thanks for that

  • Hi Michael.
    I couldn't agree with you more. The LOA is working whether we are conscious of it or not and is totally based on the dialogue we are having within ourselves. If we believe that we will be successful, we will be successful. If we continue to focus on the negative, that is what we will get.

    In "Conversations With My Higher Self" the author breaks it down by saying if we put 50% of our focus on happy thoughts and 50% on worries, the universe will match those thoughts with experiences that are half pleasant and unpleasant. However, if we spend most of the time thinking of pleasant things... stop complaining, judging ourselves and others then, we create the space for better things to happen in our lives.

    It is not magic or pie in the sky thinking, but how the world has worked since the beginning of time. Like attracts like and you are exactly what you believe.
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    • Gosh, I just went to press the LIKE button for the last posts and it wasn't there!

      I think it's time this software was updated to include Likes, Laughs and Votes!

      However, what you both say is so correct.
      The Law of Gravity works, regardless of our belief or knowledge about it!
      So too with all the Laws of the Universe.
      We were placed here to have dominion over them, that is to use them for our pleasure and benefit.

      I think a lot of us have not quite grasped this concept yet!

      Oh...Happy New Year everyone!
  • The amazing thing about the law of attraction is that many of us seem completely oblivious to it for a good portion of our lives. Then one day, A HA ! something clicks and it all starts to make sense. And for that, we have a lot to be grateful for!
  • Thanks for the great post.
  • Mostly our life flows in law of attraction.

    "Your Attraction Causes Your Feeling, Feelings In Return Causes You More Of What You Attracted. It's A Never Ending Process."

    "Law Of Attraction Is A Universal Law; Power Law Of Attraction Is An Approach To Apply It For Instant Manifestation."
  • Watch THE SECRET! to know more about the law of attraction
  • You need positive thoughts and energy, and you need to learn how to truly focus so the Law of Attraction can begin working. When you find that you are experiencing other negative, counter-productive emotions, you must get rid of those thoughts and feelings right away.

    Look at the things that you dream about or think about when you are all alone. What kind of life or career do you imagine yourself having?

    Everything you have achieved so far in life is a result of daily positive affirmations? It might be hard to believe but it's true.

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