The Worst Way To Become A Leader And How To Fix It

by 8 replies
You might struggle with 1 key aspect of leadership.

I had a tough time with this block. I worked for quite a while, thinking that I was a leader but on a subconscious level I obviously felt differently.

After much wheel spinning and serious introspection I found this out:

I was trying to be a leader but decided to chase followers.

If someone "had no money" to join my home based opportunity I became attached to them, or pestered them.

I felt desperate on a deeper level, connecting with folks who obviously had tons of blocks and problems of their own.

I tried to con myself into thinking I was a leader and I allowed a few nice words from individuals to get to my head....not that I felt "puffed up", but I did believe on a conscious level that I was qualified to lead, when in fact my subconscious had other ideas about this...

Now everybody can be a leader. You can choose your thoughts, which moves you into a certain vibe, which moves you into certain acts, which can help you inspire others, and rally the troops.

But few want to embrace the uncomfortable feelings which arise during this growth journey. On an unconscious/subconscious level I feared trusting in the Universe to supply me, as I let go followers, excuse makers, and folks who certainly were not leaders at the time.

Nope, I feared too much, to let go, and form a vacuum which made room for fellow leaders to move into my life.

How did I release this fear of release? Through deep meditation, contemplation, and mindfulness during interactions with others. I began to observe my self-defeating tendencies, instead of acting on these impulses. Like chasing someone or attaching myself to someone with no money, waiting, hoping and wishing they would join, instead of releasing on these folks and continuing to network with leaders.

Of course, when I say release I mean to continue building a relationship, yet not attaching myself to the individual. Some of my top producers were on the fence for months; scared, skeptical and simply not prepared to hop on board at the time. So I am not about disqualifying anyone permanently. But I am about spending most of my day connecting with folks who think, feel and act like leaders.

I learned how to get past this follower-frenzy block through mental science. Through changing my programming, by actually observing where I was mucking it all up. After that, it became easy to act with posture, to become more direct and honest with folks, to explain less, to be forward, and to simply tell folks that they were not a match for my team, at the time.

Do you struggle with chasing followers, or do you find yourself spending your days with people who are frightened, struggling financially or generally pessimistic? How are you getting past follower-frenzy?
#mind warriors #fix #leader #worst
  • Perhaps it is best to attract others, rather than to try and collect others.
    • [1] reply
    • Attracting works best Michael.

      Anything else is manipulation, which does not work. Force negates again and again.

      It leads to The Chase, and what you chase, flees.

      Pull back, attract.

    • [DELETED]
  • I strongly agree with Ryan that attraction always works. Being a leader of the group, you need to show some attraction in order for them to follow what you have accomplished. Try to show them that you're not the worst leader in town.
  • One of the best quotations in this regard, is paraphrased as follows; "A leader has the ability to make other people follow him naturally" i.e. no coercion or other fancy tricks.
  • One quote"Leadership is the born habit" seems to be true in your case if you think about it.
  • I think the phrase you use "chasing followers" is definitely indicative of not leading. If you're chasing you're not leading and if you're chasing followers you are not in front of anything!

    Very true that we must all work through our struggles to become who we envision ourselves to be, who we truly want to be. Becoming a strong leader has more to do with looking at yourself and becoming who you want to be. This inspires others around you to have that for themselves and you become a leader more by example then talking anyone into following you.

    I have heard that the best leaders are those who can communicate their vision and inspire others to take part of that vision of their own accord. It's all very interesting to think about.
    • [1] reply
    • Being a role model of success requires a lot of work. I was in a MLM program which is still thriving, but keeping the motivation up each and every day in finding prospects was time consuming and physically exhausting.

      I used to chase people because I held them to their word but eventually came to the conclusion that the internal motivation is what's needed from each person. I believe that being successful requires a lot of work and perseverance and networking. At the point of being successful and then putting your name out in front of people will give the credibility that so much leaders strive for.
  • For me, I think that leadership is based on respect, honesty and loyalty...from both sides.
  • Banned

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