Why Do You Shower Every Day?

by 99 replies
Yes that's right...Why do you shower everyday?

Most people would simply say for personal hygiene...And missing showers would only make your body stink.

Similarly if you don't motivate yourself every single day your attitude will start to stink and before you know it years would have passed and you will find yourself doing the same things you did 10 years ago.

This is the major reason why we should motivate ourselves every single day...It should be a part of our daily routine and not something we do just sometimes.
#mind warriors #day #shower
  • Holy moly, no wonder I stink!

    Kidding. I shower everyday simply because it FEELS good and invigorating. It doesn't matter if you're happy or sad, it STILL feels good.

    Very good analogy, Ryan. I know for a fact that this won't work with everyone. There ARE folks out there that don't shower everyday. I was in the Navy, I know! There was a guy I knew who got busted down from rank because he was so dirty. In fact, he was called "Dirty Cheek."

    Okay, I'm getting off subject here. I'll try to use that on my siblings. I've tried everything else to motivate them. Even money. Still being bums. If only they'd at least be bum-marketers. That'd be great!
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    • Ha, you're funny.

      Of course I shower every day. If I didn't I wouldn't stand to be close to myself. And I wear all natural deodorant so most days, I can barely last half a day without taking another shower.

      Ok, on to the real subject. Yes, I motivate myself every singe day. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to wake up in the morning. So, every night, I write important steps to follow the next day that help me reach my top 10 goals.
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    • Similarly, I read "self-helps" and visit forums like this one every day because it feels good and invigorating!
  • lol...that's a very good motivation..
  • An interesting analogy. I must say, I have fallen out of the habit of doing any sort of affirmations or real motivation/meditation.

    Perhaps just simply printing two things... a picture of lake house realty that I'd like to buy and.... my son's upcoming college tuition bill and a picture of him (okay, maybe that's 3 things to print).
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  • Hi Ryan,

    I was curious about the title and so this is what you mean. Good analogy.

    Personal Development Blogger
  • I try to take showers twice a day, but it has been pretty hard lately.
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    • Usualy I take a shower twice a day. but when I visited Indonesia for holiday, I took a shower at least three times a day. I traveled to Jakarta & Surabaya, those cities had a very warm climate. If I didn't take a shower my body was so sticky & stink.
  • if you dont shower every day and your over theage of 18 your nasty!
  • Cleanliness and Contemplation. I do my thinking in the shower
  • I roll out of bed and go straight to my running shoes, put them on, and I'm out the door before I can talk myself out of it. After 30 minutes, I have no choice but to shower...
    This thread brings to mind a line I heard, "I shower every Thursday, whether I need it or not", lol...
  • Banned
  • Yes, I shower everyday. The only time I do not shower is if I am feeling under the weather or just want to lounge in PJs all day. Oh wait....that was yesterday.
  • showering everyday is a neccesity for me, i try to shower twice a day once to wake me up in the morning and again at night to kinda cleanse away the stress of the day and give me a piece of mind which in turn allows me to sleep much more peacefully!
  • It's been said you shouldn't wash your face everyday. If you wash your face everyday you are washing away the natural oils it produces that creates a barrier against the environment and keeps moisture in, resulting in dry skin and premature aging. For those that wear makeup you should wash that off everyday. If you go to bed without washing it off then you are aging your skin 7days. What about the people that work in very dirty environments? Nice moisturized young looking dirty face or dry clean old skin?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thank you for that information I didn't know that.

      One thing I read about was that it's better for you to take cold showers or at least end your shower with cold water. Supposedly it energizes your body. You can take a hot shower like always but once you're close to being done spend the last minute or 2 under cold water and finish.

      Been doing this myself and i can tell a difference in my energy level compared to showering with only hot water.
  • We shower everyday to:

    1. Make ourself fresh
    2. To clean ourselves from all the dirt
    3. Habit
  • Well another reason we shower and brush our teeth is because it is the bare minimum of human habit taught as a child. Also, noone likes to smell themselves in a nasty order. However, with lack of money it's easy to delude ones self, BS around, and, get sidetracked....To make money as a way of life you have to be veeery serious about achieveing something other than mediocrity.
  • It is important to develop daily healthy habits: good personal hygiene, eating right and motivating oneself - a perfect combination.
  • Question remains: How do you shower your attitude everyday. Anyone giving away some cool action steps?
  • Banned
  • Great analogy.
    Of course I shower every day. Even twice.
    But motivationally - you're right in saying that we have to constantly motivate ourselves.

    When I just started off online, I put a sticky on my computer monitor saying "WDYDFYSTD" - that's "What Did You Do For YourSelf ToDay". Every time i looked at it, it kept me from straying into sites that wouldn't advance my business (and being online provides MANY distractions).

    I was very focused then, but when success arrived - my intensity lessened.

    Time to put that sign up again, and get new profit streams. Thanks for the kick in my butt!
  • I shower everyday to get the salt water off my skin it helps me keep my senses invigorated and helps to keep e motivated as well

    we all need something to keep us going!!
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    • What a great anology.

      I shower everyday for cleanliness of course and to wake up my senses and help me think more clearly about what I will accomplish today.
  • I shower everyday in the morning after exercising cuz it wakes me up, gets me thinking about what I'm gonna do for the day, and makes me not stink. Nothing worse than trying to work at the computer and your only co-worker, yourself, is driving you out of the room with stinky pitts, lol.

    I shower my attitude everyday by climbing out of the shower, sitting down and meditating for a few minutes, then I sit down at my desk and close my eyes for a few seconds and think about my day. Then I open my eyes and get to work.

    Motivation and keeping a good attitude, especially when starting out, can be difficult. One key is to do something everyday that is a success. Even if it doesn't make you any money right away, do something. The small successes will keep you going and motivated to make the big successes. Just do something that makes you feel successful every day, no matter how small of an achievement it is you will feel it.
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  • I shower everyday, but everybody's different. Tell your friends to lay off it - it's YOUR body!! =]
    Thanks for the kind advice, but I think I'm gonna start showering every day. It was sort of a one day thing--my friends don't bring it up anymore. But thank you for your kindness, you'll definitely go far in life. :]
  • i dont shower every day! I really enjoy a shower and should do it more often. I used to when I had a j.o.b. I think maybe I need to get a life and face to face friends. lolz that's actually kinda funny
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    • I know exactly what you mean. When I had a j.o.b., I showered every single morning, even on weekends and holidays when I didn't have to go into the office. It was the fact of facing people that made showering daily the only option. That, plus the feeling that I couldn't leave the house without it.

      Since about 15 years ago when I started doing a ton of physical labor around my house and keeping to myself, the showers have gotten farther apart. Sometimes, I skip 2 days because I'll be getting dirty again anyway, like when I'm building things, digging up garden beds and making serious repairs.

      Silly really, because that's when you need MORE showers, not less. So I change my sheets more frequently instead. Physical labor takes all the energy I have, leaving little for showering.

      I've discovered, however, that not showering will make hot days feel even hotter. I put it down to the fact it's probably because of the oils blocking the pores and preventing good circulation. On hot, humid days I'll sometimes shower twice a day.

      Sometimes just for fun, I like to see how long I can go without having a shower before I drive myself insane. But I do love showers because they just feel wonderful. Apparently, the ions in the water lift your mood.

      So showers do motivate me and improve my attitude, especially if I haven't showered for a week.

      Apart from that, I usually have little slogans around my monitor that I pick up here and there:

      "I came to win, so why wouldn't I win?" William Shatner on why he always expects to succeed, and does.

      "Is this action making me money?" Can't remember where that one came from, but it makes you think.

      "You are living your reality." Hm. Don't remember that one now, but it basically said that the life you have now came about because that's what you worked for. So if you're always thinking you'll never have money, you will live without money.

      I'm always finding inspirational quotes that end up on my computer.

      One of the best motivational devices I ever had was a huge Key to Success. On the same concept was a pyramid. In both cases, I put my goal at the top and then entered a series of things I had to accomplish to get there. Each day, I worked on something on the list and marked it off.

      The reason it worked so well is that it was huge (about 18-24" high) and graphical. I hooked it on the wall where I would always see it. Marking items off was quite motivating. I could watch the "thermometer" fill up with yellow highlighter as I completed each task. Other systems I've tried usually become lost in my workspace (hidden inside a 3-ring binder, for example) where it's not visible unless I physically open the binder.

      In my world, if it's out of sight, it's out of mind. But there's only so much room on my walls.

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  • oh but i do have a good attitude!
  • It's suppose to be a Skin food, to feel comfortable and fresh, inasmuch as we do eat everyday, i think we've got to SHOWER everyday.
  • One way to have an instant attitude makeover is to practice having an attitude of gratitude. If you're feeling low, lonely, depressed, down, defeated, discouraged, unappreciated, forsaken, unloved, etc.,

    You can look up and begin thanking for clothes on your body, a roof over your head,
    breath in your lungs, vision in your eyes, hearing in your ears and if you have food to eat, food in your body.

    We can thank our way into a more excellent attitude.

    "Create in me a clean heart, a right spirit and a renewed mind."
  • For the same reason I READ every day. Think about that one...

    Create simple habits and your life changes... FAST!
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  • Banned
  • I love the analogy!

    I must admit that my attitude toward making money online could use more motivation, and that is exactly what I had planed to work on this weekend. I just so happened to come across your thread, and was like, 'Hey, this is exactly what I need: a motivational shower every single day!'

    In a way, you can say this thread in itself can be a motivational booster. It reminds us that we need to stay focused and stick to our goals. This thread is going into my subscribed threads list

    Ok, off to take that motivational shower now :p
  • Interesting =3
    • [1] reply
    • You know you are right. I find that if I shower before I go to work I feel great and happy as a lark.

      However, if I take a shower the night before and then go to work I wake up sometimes with a bad attitude and a lack of appreciation for my job.
  • I shower everyday and sometimes twice a day. I do this because it's something that got drilled into us (me and my siblings) while growing up. After playing or doing things that make you sweat, we were forced to take a shower to relax the muscle and clean up.

    As far as motivation goes, being able to shower everyday is something I never thought of sas a result of it being already a habit. I do need to be motivated to shower. And now that I know, if I can get anything to become a part of me like taking a shower has become, then I'll very much be able to accomplish such tasks with little or no effort.

    Thanks for bringing this to my awareness...
  • shower in the morning will keep me afresh in the whole day
  • I love this!
  • excellent point

    I would qualify it by adding the frequency and type of motivation depend on the person.

    If you are right, then finding the exact things that motivate you at this time and making those a priority should be the most important thing you do daily.
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    • because I go to the gym every morning and going to work sweaty and stinky is just not right...
  • I live in a hot/humid climate. I could not do otherwise.
    Good thing the water supply is OK albeit the cost of the cubic meter is certainly not cheap. I would even say it's a true ripoff.
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    • It feels good being cleaned. I couldn't live with myself otherwise.

      But yes, motivation is important--good analogy!

  • Banned
  • Mommy told us we had to and we just never stopped!
  • I have no problem skipping a day of showering as long as there was no work out involved during the day. I'm not a big sweater, I'm in air conditioning all day long, I don't wear cologne, and I buzz my hair weekly.
  • Did you know that Marlon Sanders says that YOU MUST SHOWER everyday and that's one of his secrets to success?

    You're probably laughing right now but I am serious!

    You know how sometimes you're just lazy and start
    working on the computer the moment you wake up
    because you're so Enthusiastic?

    Yes, we've all been there...

    I've found that I get more stuff done if I shower,
    have my breakfast first and do a few pull-ups
    and push-ups.

    It's refreshing!

    So, yes, please get a shower!

    STOP! Did you know that most people get the biggest
    revelations or ideas while in the shower?

    I know I do! And it's probably because my mind is just so
    relaxed and I actually have nothing going through it at that

    Trust me on this one!

    GET A SHOWER... yes every morning :p
  • Good point Saiful. I keep saying I'm going to get a waterproof whiteboard installed in my shower so I can write all my ideas down.

    Anyway, I think if you need to motivate yourself everyday you're doing the wrong thing. I really like doing what I'm doing, so I don't need to motivate myself, I just do it.

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    • Good Question!

      I am sad to say that since hitting puberty so many...many eons ago, my body tends to produce these strange odours that makes it a necessity that I shower each day. It is an odour that only a mother could love, which, I don't want to inflict on my fellow human beings.
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  • Banned
  • AS the saying goes, health is wealth!
  • Since I was a child, my mom told me to take a bath everyday and it's a must.It's give you a relaxing feeling all day long as long as you know you're already cleaned.
  • I use to take a shower daily......I'ts a hobby.........
  • Excellent points. Zig Ziglar says that we don't eat just once, which is why we shouldn't read a book just once, or listen to an audio cd or mp3 just once. We should be constantly feeding our head with positive information.

    It takes 11 positive thoughts to overcome 1 negative thought that comes into your mind.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [4] replies
    • Really a good analogy.Lately i have been motivating myself on a regular basis.
    • Banned
      I agree with most of the other posts on here.
    • I shower for two really reasons. Just for hygeine purposes but also i think that after a shower i just generally feel more refreshed and its a good way to begin your day!
    • A cold shower every morning after waking up removes any remaining "sleepiness," freshens my mind and makes me ready to face the challenges of the new day. I feel more productive when I took a bath before working than when I don't take a bath (or just wash my face). Maybe the cold water has a good effect on my brain.
  • Well, I take a shower every day, sometimes more than 1 Basically, if you have sex that often you really should do this, because if not ... *it really stinks*

    Have a nice one
  • I take a shower in the morning then also after work when I'm at home I also take a shower to take off all the smoke dirts cause I commute every day from work. So I needed to take shower twice a day.
  • Banned
  • Because its over 100 degrees here in Sacramento and a shower wards off heat stroke.
  • This is an excellent analogy. I wouldn't think twice about taking a daily shower. It's a habit. Cleaning your mind should also be a daily habit. I've gotten out of practice lately and I can tell the difference.

    When I was doing prayer/meditation and visualization in the mornings, I was much more optimistic, energetic and focused. I rarely procrastinated. In the busyness of life, I let those things slide. Funny that I was thinking about this very topic last night and I find this thread today. Especially considering that this is an old thread.

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  • Aside from stinking, it wakes me up in the morning.lol
  • haha shower and motivation nice analogy
  • Good point - clean your body and your mind every day to face the world looking and feeling your best.
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    • I know I am really late, but this was a cute thread....have to admit I was surprised that so many felt the need to affirm that they do, indeed shower daily.

      Again...really neat thread.

      ...and, yes, I do shower daily...and I also see why everyone made their affirmations....


  • clean my body and make me aside from stink. lol
  • lol. That's a funny prerspective.

    One of my mentors taught me, stay positive always and your dreams will manifest
  • Yeah, it's huge to work your mind, body and soul together. Shower is like the best part of my day!
  • I have a 30 minute commute to work each day and then same on the way home (funny that!!).

    Great time to listen to CD's/Ipod loaded with motivational stuff - Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar.

    Here are my life rules -

    1. Give 100%
    2. Smile
    3. Serve others.


    3a. Shower daily.

  • Banned
  • Because I look like a Zombie without it...
  • I love that! It's true, we need to keep motivating ourselves every day.

    And it's the same with taking action on the steps that will make a huge impact on our business... every day. Not just every now and then.
  • It gives me a fresh start! pun intended!
  • Banned
  • I guess biologically to rid myself of germs and other germs and mentally to feel fresh and alive after 6 hours of sleep. But i do shower at night at well, to feel sleepy though
  • interesting
  • I must admit when im not in a relationship I don't shower everyday but I never leave it more than a day.
  • I shower twice per day. Once in the morning to freshen me up for the new day and again at night to wash away the stresses of the day and relax me before bed. Really helps me get a good night's sleep.

    Plus, as the old saying goes..."Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
  • I remember a motivational coach one time said that, "personal growth is like taking a shower. You can't just do it once and think you're all set. You must take daily actions." It should be just like brush your teeth or taking your vitamins, if you need to.

    That said, this shower thread is a great analogy.

    However, I'm going to "stand out from the crowd" and assume you guys don't have many young friends who are geeks and hardcore gamers? Depending on your body's sweat gland, some sweat and stink more than others. I take it almost everyday since it's summer, but know plenty of folks who admit skipping a week or so. They probably take deodorant or something.
  • I shower everyday for personal hygiene and of course for me not to be soo stinky. I do not want people will tell that I have smells. lol
  • Rituals, daily and otherwise, are an important part of happiness in general, according to studies cited in "Happier," by Tal Ben-Shahar.
    When a mere 40% of your day can be counted on, reliable, under your control, it increases our motivation and tolerance (and effectiveness) to handle the 60% that life and challenges throw at us.
    Shower power!
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    • I shower twice a day, once when I get back from the gym in the morning and right before bed last thing at night
  • Great analogy and advice. Yeah keeping yourself motivated is very important to be succesfull and get somewhere. Well there are times, when you feel really down and the motivation level is low. I try to motivate myself, but there are time that i fail, but i dont give up. Looks like i have to shower every day, and evaluate the deeds what is needed to be done.
  • Banned
    Great point; I notice I'm currently struggling with motivation. Any ideas what can help?
  • Because I'm a guy, and women like guys with a clean
    azz. If it weren't for women, I could go for months w/o
    showering...I mean, what would be the point?

    And EVERY man here knows I'm telling the truth.
  • I'll admit to not showering every day. If I do, my skin gets
    dried out.

    This has varied over the years depending on the climate
    I live in and I certainly showered every day when I was
    younger because my body and hair got greasy otherwise.

    My body no longer produces as much surface oils and I've
    found washing them off every day to have a drying effect
    which I don't like.

    Odor isn't much of a problem. I do some dietary things
    that make my sweat less pungent.

    I learned how not to shower every day by spending a lot
    of time living outdoors, camping.

    My feeling is that it's good to be clean, but it's also good
    to learn how to live in nature and not impose modern values
    on the natural state of the body all the time.

    It can also be beneficial to interrupt and challenge core
    cultural assumptions on a regular basis. This is not for
    everybody, but if you want be different from 99% of the
    people (and be a very wealthy entrepreneur) you might
    want to consider not behaving as most of the people do
    in matter pertaining to your own self where other people
    are unaffected.

    You could argue that other people are badly affected by
    being around anybody who doesn't shower every day
    because they stink, but that's an assumption that is
    inaccurate. Not all people in all situations stink if they
    do not shower every day... and even then, many people
    keep dogs and other very smelly animals and we encounter
    them a lot but don't object to their odors very much so
    it's a little absurd to say you cannot tolerate the smell of
    another person who has missed a shower when you
    tolerate the smells of animals and babies with poopy diapers.
  • I find that if I don't shower in the morning,
    I feel lazy and unproductive all day long.

    It's good that I really value productivity,
    at least it gets me to shower everyday
  • having a shower cleans my body & mind. I feel fresh & ready to get to work after a shower, before a shower im lazy & lethargic
  • Yes.. I shower everyday
  • I like having clean balls
  • Apart from personal hygiene, I shower because it feels good and it's a great time to just stay and think about things
  • Great metaphor for what we should do every day on a consistent basis to keep our minds attuned for success. You need to do your meditation, goal and vision setting processes, etc. on a daily basis just like you shower daily so as to keep your mind in top shape.

    This has to become an unconscious habit so that we invariably attract success and abundance to ourselves in every facet of our lives.
  • This post surely made me smile. Yeah. Right. For hygiene and to avoid smelling like rotten bananas. One thing why, we shower is that for us to feel fresh and invigorated. Imagine working the whole day, feeling sticky and heavy. Would that help in your business? Of course not, you can't center your focus due to that funny and uneasy feeling.
  • It's part of the IM lifestyle to shower everyday.

    Imagine hitting F5 in your Paypal account all day long without taking a shower?

    How can anyone enjoy that?
  • I tend to shower everyday, but I admit to missing a day here and there. Some days I just feel like laying around and doing nothing.
  • I like to sing in the shower, i don't sing anywhere else, and I'm not very good at it! I am not very talkative in the mornings, and I heard that it is good for us to sing in the shower, nice empowering songs or something cheerful! Gets my vocal cords ready for the day! & we look better when we shower.

    I have tried showering in the evening, then thinking I didn't need a shower the next morning! I feel terrible!
    I prefer to shower in the morning, evening is optional!
  • Excellent analogy. Motivation is like a muscle if you don't use it you lose it.
  • Well I can't afford not to take a shower everyday. For me if I want to feel fresh and makes my self very clean if I take a shower.

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