How Bad Do You Want It?

by 9 replies
Dear Fellow Warriors,

I write this because I am tired. I'm tired of the scams the lies and the glitters that seem to keep the unknowing in a perpetual state of Darkness. They force feed us non-sense promising us happiness they sometimes even go into detail to show us what they feed us but somehow they manage to poison us. Day by Day we die a slow agonizing death, we become anti-social, we neglect our daily responsibilities and before we know it we've hit rock bottom and we've spent so much time looking up to the light that when we get back to reality it is all gone.

We've been POISONED

Our minds are being destroyed slowly. We've become impatient marketers instead of internet marketers. We turn on our computers everyday and we try a new product, you know how it is your mind is filled with the possibilities. Thoughts like looking at our own personal bank accounts with figures ranging from six and upwards, but as always we are left more confused and worst off with less money. Now the problem isn't the product(in some cases) the problem is you.

I've read before that it takes 10,000 to master anything. Also it takes 21 days to form a habit what this simply means is that it takes TIME and PATIENCE and HARDWORK (Practice) to be successful.

I want you to answer this question how bad so you want it? I want you to sit down right now and look deep within your soul how bad do you want it?

How Bad Do You Want To Be Successful?

I was in a position about 5 years ago just like you. All I wanted to do is get into Internet Marketing and Get Out with a Million Dollars with a little Work (which I was promised but obviously didn't achieve). I wanted to invest nothing and get something. Well my friend it doesn't work that way and if you are thinking this way you would NEVER and I repeat NEVER be successful online and in life.

To be successful you've got to be consumed with the thought of being the best. You have to be willing to out work your competition. You've got to be willing to over deliver every time you create a product or provide a service or what ever your business is. The best players in life are the ones who are willing to work hard and aren't afraid to take risks. What I say is the more risks you take the luckier and richer you become. You've got to take action! You've got to kick yourself in gear and wake up.

Listen I go to sleep sometimes at 3am after working on my online businesses from 6pm and I wake up at 5am. You know why? I'm determined. I'm determined to stay up an Hour later than you. I'm determined to pump out more content then my competitor. I'm determined that as long as God gives me strength that I will be the best at whatever I do.

You have to be the type of marketer that keeps his competitors on their toes. You've got to have the mindset that nothing is going to stop you from being the best. You must have the best products. You must have the best services, the best food, the best what ever it is that you do you've got to be the best.

One thing though, you have to take ACTION if you are ever going to become successful. How can you own a business if you spend most of your time reading techniques instead of implementing them. One thing I've always believed in is that if you fail quicker you will reach success faster. Ever since I've read that quote its been my motto. Another one I like is the Harder you work the more lucky you become. Success can only happen if you throw all you got at life and see which one works.

Its time to get off the sideline benches and step into the game. I was a bench warmer for many years and I gave my money to the players on the court asking them to show me how to play and guess what they never really had the time to. What I did though was observed what they did, take what they've showed me and I HIT THE GYM HARD WORKING ON THE TECHNIQUES THEY THOUGHT ME.

If your going to play the game you've got to practice. I know by now I must have gone over the limit, but the truth is I want to see more success stories and less whining. I want to see more action because as I said, I'm tired I really am and I love all of you and want you all to be successful, but listen you've got to want it SO BAD that you're motivated to get up off the bench and make it happen.

Truth is no one on this forum or even in this universe can guarantee your success only you can. So Take Action.

God Bless


Now Let's Make some MONAY!
#mind warriors #bad #motivation #success 101
  • So bad that i want to have it right now.
  • I want to be successful a lot.
  • Are you willing to work for it. What are you doing right now to achieve it?
  • Very bad, i want to be a billionaire in just a blink.
  • Haha o boy how I would love that. Shazam Blink sitting on a beach NO WORRIES. I'm soon there though
  • Banned
  • Great copy!
  • I am dying for money. I just wanna have it anyhow.
  • I am not dying for it. I think money changes human being. So I want to earn only the amount which I need.
  • Excellent post!
  • Banned

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    Dear Fellow Warriors, I write this because I am tired. I'm tired of the scams the lies and the glitters that seem to keep the unknowing in a perpetual state of Darkness. They force feed us non-sense promising us happiness they sometimes even go into detail to show us what they feed us but somehow they manage to poison us. Day by Day we die a slow agonizing death, we become anti-social, we neglect our daily responsibilities and before we know it we've hit rock bottom and we've spent so much time looking up to the light that when we get back to reality it is all gone.