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Unread 21st Jun 2014, 01:00 PM   #1
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Default for client apps (a few questions)
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Hi all.

I could say that I'm a Junior Mobile App Developer, who develops mainly Android Native Apps for about 4 years now. I have published a few apps on Google Play Store and a couple of Games, but haven't really succeeded with them. It doesn't made much money for me (about 200 euros, I think). I really struggle to make money with Mobile (in my case it's Android).

So I seriously started thinking of making Mobile Apps for clients (individuals, small businesses, etc.). But, as I said before, I consider myself as a Junior Developer who cannot make a various kinds of apps for clients yet, so it would be cool to maybe simplify the work developing those apps for the people, who would consider of buying my services.

I found A service, which is saying that anyone can create Mobile Apps without any programming knowledge (and what is great, you can develop those apps for all major Mobile Platforms). One disadvantage is that it's kind of expensive for a person who is just starting.

So the questions would be for those people, who have already "played" with this platform:

1. Whether it is possible to start this kind of business for an independent developer?

2. The design of the apps seems really bad, in my opinion, because it uses the same design for an app for both Android and iOS. So how the customers pay attention in this case? Do they care at all about it? And what about performance of the app? I see that are built on HTML5 / jQuery Mobile platform.

Thank you for any comments and responses. Really appreciate it.
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Unread 22nd Jun 2014, 07:10 AM   #2
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Hi monireceiver,

I'm already active in selling mobile websites and apps to SMBs. and I'm also using a DiY App-Builder for that.

I also looked at biznessapps but had exactly the same concerns then you. In my opinion it is absolutely essentiell that an app looks different according to the plattforms. Each of the three big smartphone plattforms are following different design patterns, the smartphone user expect the common design in every app.

Due to these I've chosen another provider at the end.

1. Whether it is possible to start this kind of business for an independent developer?
Sure! As you have technical skills I recommend to choose a plattform which you can extend with your own developed functions. That's could be your USP.

2. The design of the apps seems really bad, in my opinion, because it uses the same design for an app for both Android and iOS. So how the customers pay attention in this case? Do they care at all about it? And what about performance of the app? I see that are built on HTML5 / jQuery Mobile platform.
Don't forget Windows Phone and the web. Especially for SMBs it is essential to have an optimized web presence for (potential) customers on the go.

Good luck starting your app-business.

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Unread 22nd Jun 2014, 06:33 PM   #3
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Sure the apps look the same on both platforms, but unless you are truly building native custom apps, biznessapps is worth considering. The value is in the fact that you only have a single codebase. When updating, you only have to update a single source which can then be pushed dynamically to both ios and android devices. This saves a ton of time since you do not have to double enter your code.

The SMB market for apps is becoming a commodity and that is driving the prices downward. I find it difficult to make a profit building native apps (even using libraries such as PhoneGap) building apps from scratch for the small business market.

I have 3 types of apps I offer. Low end, info and niche apps using Seattle Clouds. Mid-tier for small businesses clients using BiznessApps and then the custom high tier where I use PhoneGap to get full native high functioning apps.

There are thousands of successful apps out there that look the same for all platforms, so do not use only that criteria to select which app builder you decide to use.

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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 12:42 PM   #4
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I have been reading posts on this forum since last couple of days and your post seems to be right on the target about basic questions i had.

I am a software development consultant with 10 years of development experience. I started searching for resources to develop mobile app and came across this forum and introduced to this new world of mobile CMS (atleast new for me).

I am looking for some tips to start in this mobile app development for small business market. Specifically, is it too late to enter in this market or is it still room available to make decent money? Because over last couple of days i found bunch of companies which sells software for mobile app and looking at the number of companies, i am not sure if it is worth to start in this industry. But i want to get your guys opinion on it.

Thank you

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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 01:34 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by nj121 View Post


I have been reading posts on this forum since last couple of days and your post seems to be right on the target about basic questions i had.

I am a software development consultant with 10 years of development experience. I started searching for resources to develop mobile app and came across this forum and introduced to this new world of mobile CMS (atleast new for me).

I am looking for some tips to start in this mobile app development for small business market. Specifically, is it too late to enter in this market or is it still room available to make decent money? Because over last couple of days i found bunch of companies which sells software for mobile app and looking at the number of companies, i am not sure if it is worth to start in this industry. But i want to get your guys opinion on it.

Thank you

I think most of what Kevin is saying is spot on. I would however say although Mobile Apps are starting to commoditize a little, they are far from being a commodity, example its far from lets say, web development, web hosting etc.

Although I can only speak from our experience, my example would be that our resellers report when they approach a small biz about mobile apps they are generally the first and only that has ever approached them.

Obviously markets are different based on location but this has been our experience and the experience of most that we talk to in this market including our competition.

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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 03:41 PM   #6
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You can consider doing some servicing for Mobile Apps clients (individuals, small businesses), start there and I know you can do it because you have the skill set.

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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 04:22 PM   #7
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I'm a reseller for Bizness Apps and happy with their service.

What's cool about the reseller program Bizness Apps offers is you really can create some custom looking mobile apps, I can show you some if you want, but best of all they have features that SMBs will actually see a return on investment from all ready to go. Food ordering, mobile shopping carts, push notifications with geofencing and other crazy stuff, reservation system, really awesome layouts to choose from, and more.

Also one thing I'd note is I've had 1 client ask to build a custom app once, but when I got a quote from an engineer it was way higher than they expected -- so we went with the out of the box solution I provide with Bizness Apps.

So from a developer stand point I think you'll run into this situation where SMBs will come to you wanting a custom app, sometimes with the cash to develop it, and then others that have a much much smaller budget where bizapps can make sense.

Another thing biznessapps does is they help you sell if you're not familar with how to break into the small business industry. It's tough at first but they have all the information available to you & you get a dedicated account manager your first month. They called me all the time to just check in to make sure I was moving towards my first app sale, which I landed in my first week from a friend. They also got a cool forum too, PM me if you sign up I'm on there as "jonathan123"!

And to answer your questions...

1. Absolutely. There are still independent web developers and 100s of DIY website builders. Companies like bizapps just make it easier for YOU and more affordable for the BUSINESS. It's sorta a win win IMO.

2. Apps are definitely not built in HTML5. No way. You can tell by downloading their preview apps -- specifically on iPhone you can see all the new iOS 7 UI elements. Do you develop iPhone apps using xCode? I can tell in a flash. Android apps built in Eclipse using Java, duh. Their mobile websites are in HTML5 though, which is standard for mobile web development.

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 06:21 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by 9AppAve View Post

I think most of what Kevin is saying is spot on. I would however say although Mobile Apps are starting to commoditize a little, they are far from being a commodity, example its far from lets say, web development, web hosting etc.

Although I can only speak from our experience, my example would be that our resellers report when they approach a small biz about mobile apps they are generally the first and only that has ever approached them.

Obviously markets are different based on location but this has been our experience and the experience of most that we talk to in this market including our competition.

Bob, Thank you for your insight. Yes, i believe this market is not that explored yet. There are tons of opportunities.

I came across multiple websites which are selling mobile app development environment. I would be going with the most matured plateform. Based on you guys experience do you know any matured plateforms out there....

So far i came across following websites:
(many others but don't look very professional products so i am not listing them here)

I see that some folks mentioned about seattlecoulds and biznessapps here.

I don't have any experience on mobile development but i am a very senior level developer who has developed many enterprise level apps so i don't really have problem modifying or learning any technical things.

Besides my strong technical background, i like to start out with the very good mobile app development plateform. Initially, i don't want to start configuring mobile apps but to set it up but when i grow into this business, i like to have more and more control.

Can you guys please suggest strong and advanced mobile app development background and where we still have room to make money?

thank you so much for your support guys
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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 06:25 PM   #9
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JagSEO and Jonathan than you for your responses.

Jonathan, i came across your other posts about biznessapps and you seems to be supporting this plate form big time.

Can you please share some apps here which i can download and test it out on my iphone? Just want to understand the capabilities of the platform.

Also if there are others who has/know other good apps in another platform, please share it so we all can make better decision.

Thank you so much guys
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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 09:21 PM   #10
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Let me roll back a bit on my statement about SMB apps becoming a commodity. What I meant was two years ago, I was getting $2K-$3K to build apps and $100-200 per month just for hosting/updating. Prices are down about 25% in my market, but still quite lucrative. The problem is all the ads on Facebook and others 'build your app for free'. Those are basically html5 sites and not true native apps.

It is really just like any other product when marketing to small business owners. Sure they can find SEO guys for $99 a month or a website for $500, you have to be able to sell a value proposition.

I still have a corporate job (actually a java developer) so my time in front of clients is quite limited so that is where my focus has been on building apps for me and earning from them directly and not having to deal with clients.

That being said, since I have two years experience with both BiznessApps and Seattle Clouds, BA is a much better platform for small business apps. The caveat there is that BA typically has a cost per app whereas SC is a fixed monthly cost for unlimited apps.

Yes, I think there is still a huge market for apps for small business owners. Any business with repeat customers where you can use the app to re-engage the customer base. I also love the new geo fence capability where you can send push notifications based on geography (think competitors or high traffic areas).

If you are seriously considering BA, 9AppAve has a great deal going in the Forum Classifieds section.

Originally Posted by nj121 View Post


I have been reading posts on this forum since last couple of days and your post seems to be right on the target about basic questions i had.

I am a software development consultant with 10 years of development experience. I started searching for resources to develop mobile app and came across this forum and introduced to this new world of mobile CMS (atleast new for me).

I am looking for some tips to start in this mobile app development for small business market. Specifically, is it too late to enter in this market or is it still room available to make decent money? Because over last couple of days i found bunch of companies which sells software for mobile app and looking at the number of companies, i am not sure if it is worth to start in this industry. But i want to get your guys opinion on it.

Thank you


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Unread 25th Jun 2014, 10:45 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by AUKev View Post

Let me roll back a bit on my statement about SMB apps becoming a commodity. What I meant was two years ago, I was getting $2K-$3K to build apps and $100-200 per month just for hosting/updating. Prices are down about 25% in my market, but still quite lucrative. The problem is all the ads on Facebook and others 'build your app for free'. Those are basically html5 sites and not true native apps.

It is really just like any other product when marketing to small business owners. Sure they can find SEO guys for $99 a month or a website for $500, you have to be able to sell a value proposition.

I still have a corporate job (actually a java developer) so my time in front of clients is quite limited so that is where my focus has been on building apps for me and earning from them directly and not having to deal with clients.

That being said, since I have two years experience with both BiznessApps and Seattle Clouds, BA is a much better platform for small business apps. The caveat there is that BA typically has a cost per app whereas SC is a fixed monthly cost for unlimited apps.

Yes, I think there is still a huge market for apps for small business owners. Any business with repeat customers where you can use the app to re-engage the customer base. I also love the new geo fence capability where you can send push notifications based on geography (think competitors or high traffic areas).

If you are seriously considering BA, 9AppAve has a great deal going in the Forum Classifieds section.

As we have spoke in the past, I knew exactly what you meant and where you were coming from in your previous post:-)

I just wanted to make sure the guys who are new to this and don't have your experience understood that there is still nice margins.... Although I am biased, I agree with your statement about BA's Platform is the way to go when approaching small biz. If you are simply
looking to build apps and a lot of them and promote ad networks then SC may be the better option because of the licensing structure.

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Unread 26th Jun 2014, 12:56 PM   #12
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If you want to make apps -- SC is the way to go.

If you want to build an app company -- BA is the way to go.

I just can't imagine any customers actually keeping a SC app on their phone TBH.

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 26th Jun 2014, 02:32 PM   #13
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It's a fairly popular website so there must be something to it. No harm in trying. Good luck.

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Unread 26th Jun 2014, 05:28 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by nj121 View Post

Bob, Thank you for your insight. Yes, i believe this market is not that explored yet. There are tons of opportunities.

I came across multiple websites which are selling mobile app development environment. I would be going with the most matured plateform. Based on you guys experience do you know any matured plateforms out there....

So far i came across following websites:
(many others but don't look very professional products so i am not listing them here)

I see that some folks mentioned about seattlecoulds and biznessapps here.

I don't have any experience on mobile development but i am a very senior level developer who has developed many enterprise level apps so i don't really have problem modifying or learning any technical things.

Besides my strong technical background, i like to start out with the very good mobile app development plateform. Initially, i don't want to start configuring mobile apps but to set it up but when i grow into this business, i like to have more and more control.

Can you guys please suggest strong and advanced mobile app development background and where we still have room to make money?

thank you so much for your support guys
nj121 I sent you a PM that I think you will find extremely useful

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Unread 30th Jun 2014, 05:34 AM   #15
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Thanks bob I will be checking out in a day or two and will get back to you.

Thank you
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Unread 30th Jun 2014, 07:59 PM   #16
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Thank you for sharing your thought and experience on this. Seems like BiznessApps a reputable company to go with? but it can be expensive for a start up $300/month. I wish they have a 'beginner' price with few apps for less monthly fee.
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Unread 2nd Jul 2014, 07:26 PM   #17
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I have just sold 3 mobile apps (within the last 2 weeks) to local business owners using Como. While Como does not have as many features as Como it is still a good platform to start using for your first few clients. Many SMBs are looking for native apps that have the basic features. You can find a mobile app platform in your price range or you can presell a mobile app, collect deposits and use that money to join the reseller program of your choice. Good luck with your mobile app business.
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Unread 2nd Jul 2014, 07:54 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by freebluebird View Post

Thank you for sharing your thought and experience on this. Seems like BiznessApps a reputable company to go with? but it can be expensive for a start up $300/month. I wish they have a 'beginner' price with few apps for less monthly fee.
You could always use their website builder & CRM to get started for free, then just work on selling one app with their trial accounts then sign up. Just email them asking for demo account codes and saying you're going to presell an app before you sign up!

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 16th Jul 2014, 03:43 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by jonathan12345 View Post

If you want to make apps -- SC is the way to go.

If you want to build an app company -- BA is the way to go.

I just can't imagine any customers actually keeping a SC app on their phone TBH.

This cannot be further from truth.

I started with BA but moved to SC for the following reasons:-

1. BA advertises a lot on FB and that causes problems for me as I was on their enterprise $1000 per month plan that allows me to get other resellers. BA undercuts your efforts in building your reseller network because they will come up with ridculous offers once in a while that undercuts your pricing. They literally blast emails to MY resellers and offer them prices lower than what they offered me!

SC on the other hand is extremely quiet in the social space, they simply support their resellers quietly without stealing the market from them.

So if you want to build an app business, you are better off with SC.

2. BA apps are very limited when it comes to design customizations. All apps literally look the same.

SC is designed for developers in mind: you can literally code your own customized HTML designs and upload them as templates. SC even have a module that allows you to integrate Phonegap functions, so that you can add custom native functions to your app.

Check out this app of mine with a custom designed template:-
HTML Preview: BNI Synergy Singapore


(Please ignore the screenshots, those were from the 1st version before I upgraded the design to a custom design.)

Such customizations are important because it allows resellers to DIFFERENTIATE their offerings from other resellers: if you have HTML/CSS/Javascript knowledge, the sky is the limit with SC.
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Unread 16th Jul 2014, 10:39 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by willylim View Post

This cannot be further from truth.

I started with BA but moved to SC for the following reasons:-

1. BA advertises a lot on FB and that causes problems for me as I was on their enterprise $1000 per month plan that allows me to get other resellers. BA undercuts your efforts in building your reseller network because they will come up with ridculous offers once in a while that undercuts your pricing. They literally blast emails to MY resellers and offer them prices lower than what they offered me!

SC on the other hand is extremely quiet in the social space, they simply support their resellers quietly without stealing the market from them.

So if you want to build an app business, you are better off with SC.

2. BA apps are very limited when it comes to design customizations. All apps literally look the same.

SC is designed for developers in mind: you can literally code your own customized HTML designs and upload them as templates. SC even have a module that allows you to integrate Phonegap functions, so that you can add custom native functions to your app.

Check out this app of mine with a custom designed template:-
HTML Preview: BNI Synergy Singapore


(Please ignore the screenshots, those were from the 1st version before I upgraded the design to a custom design.)

Such customizations are important because it allows resellers to DIFFERENTIATE their offerings from other resellers: if you have HTML/CSS/Javascript knowledge, the sky is the limit with SC.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree.

You were probably seeing the Facebook ads because you visit the bizness apps website. I see them for every app builder that I check out, including SC. This is called ad retargeting.

As for competition with resellers, I cannot imagine having more of an issue than with seattle clouds. Every day I see a new program for $XYZ/month where you can join using the seattle cloud platform from someone else.

For design, it really comes down to how well you utilize the platform. I've seen and made some really custom looking applications. I'm attaching a few here that I have come across recently from BA. They recently uploaded a nice new icon set for new apps. Best way to go is to test them out yourselves though. Compare side by side. Just my 2 cents.

For the app you uploaded Willy, Bizness Apps has had that same layout available for as long as I've been using them. Check out this app here: -- if you're set on SC you might want to adjust your website since it's displaying to your customers BA app demos still...

I'm obviously a huge Bizness Apps fan boy. Built my app company without a single issue so far. Their app builder, lead generator CRM, and website builder all come together to help you build a business. SC can allow basic content but limited utility & functionality for customers, which will show low return on investment for small businesses IMHO.

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 16th Jul 2014, 08:26 PM   #21
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I find it ironic that "Jonathan" appeared shortly after my bizapps post. He was brand new and if you look at his posts they are all pro bizapps. So, just be aware i guess, to me its shady. My experience with bizapps is documented in this message board.
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Unread 16th Jul 2014, 10:15 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by indiana141 View Post

I find it ironic that "Jonathan" appeared shortly after my bizapps post. He was brand new and if you look at his posts they are all pro bizapps. So, just be aware i guess, to me its shady. My experience with bizapps is documented in this message board.
Just posting my opinion, sharing my experience, and hoping to help others. Take it as you may.

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 17th Jul 2014, 12:16 AM   #23
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How are you guys going about and talking to businesses?? also what about rsales associates to sell your apps for you?
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Unread 17th Jul 2014, 09:35 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by neroa1 View Post

How are you guys going about and talking to businesses?? also what about rsales associates to sell your apps for you?
Regardless of what platform you're using, what product you're selling, or what area you're selling from selling to small businesses is tough. I started with my local network for my first sales then moved towards cold calling now do a bit of online marketing for my business. Now I generally get new sales with referrals from my existing client base.

I'd suggest this path, but whatever path you choose, each time you speak to a small business owner you'll have about 30 seconds to get their attention, then have to deal with objections from there. Preparation is key!

Here are a few typical objections I run into and how I get around them.
(I grabbed these tips online from others and use them in my sales approach.)

#1 Objection : “I can't afford this.”

First thing you need to do is believe him. Then get the small business to agree that he’d buy your product if he had the money. Keep at him until he agrees to buy it on some sort of payment plan. Offer financing, if you can. For example instead of $1000 upfront you could suggest a higher monthly fee as an option. Main point is you want to work with him here. Another way to view "I can't afford this" is really "It costs too much".

#2 Objection : “It costs too much.”

It’s all about demonstrating value. Small businesses usually make purchases out of desire rather than need. And because a customer’s desires are often hard to pinpoint, a good salesperson or marketer must think beyond the obvious when he figures out how to sell things. Basically, you want to sell a return on investment they'll see from your product. For example, with a mobile app they'll get XZY more customers from this XYZ feature -- or their employees with save XZY time because of XYZ feature. You get the idea.

#3 Objection: “I can do this myself. Why do I need you?”

This objection is easily overcome with the “value of time” argument. Ask the prospect how much he could be making a year if his business were running at maximum efficiency. Figure out how much that equates to on an hourly basis. Almost certainly (especially if you have coached him correctly), that number will be a lot higher than the price you are asking for your service. Get him to agree to that proposition and you have clinched the sale.

#4 Objection: “Let me think about it.”

‘Let me think about it,’ secretly means the business is still interested in your product or service. It’s just that he’s still not experiencing enough pain to push him over the edge and make him buy. You need to create a sense of urgency, like a price increase or a decline in revenue scenario that will occur if your product is not purchased. You need to overcome this objection by making sure your reasons for him buying are clear, the return on investment is obvious.

Main points when selling to small businesses:
- Have a great product above anything else
- Sell it at a price that will show return on investment
- Features tell, benefits sell
- Focus on leveraging your network
- Try to get sales from existing client referrals
- Remember the sale doesn't end after the proposal is signed
- Consider specializing and becoming an expert in one industry
- SMB sales is a numbers game, don't give up easily
- Create a professional looking presence online
- Make your value proposition crystal clear
- Your first sale will be the hardest, they get easier over time
- Do not hire sales people until you can sell yourself!

Hope this helps a bit!

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Originally Posted by jonathan12345 View Post

Just posting my opinion, sharing my experience, and hoping to help others. Take it as you may.
So Jonathan, do you mind if I ask you directly? Other than being a reseller, are you in anyway employed or receiving compensation from BA?

Bear in mind I don't care if you work for them. There are other owners/employees of platforms touting them on here. I just want to know where you are coming from.

Truth be told, I am still not convinced on native apps for small businesses. I am still leaning towards mobile web apps, but that's just me.

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Unread 17th Jul 2014, 10:06 AM   #26
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I actually thought of another question regarding native apps and push notifications. If a business has multiple locations and wants to be able to send a push to the customers of just one location, can they do that with just one app? Or would they need to have an app for each location?

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Unread 17th Jul 2014, 10:22 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by mobilemarketer2012 View Post

So Jonathan, do you mind if I ask you directly? Other than being a reseller, are you in anyway employed or receiving compensation from BA?

Bear in mind I don't care if you work for them. There are other owners/employees of platforms touting them on here. I just want to know where you are coming from.

Truth be told, I am still not convinced on native apps for small businesses. I am still leaning towards mobile web apps, but that's just me.

Nope -- just a reseller.

I feel like it's all too common to only hear the bad about companies and not the good. So I was just trying to share my positive experience. Also, the bigger the BA community / BA forum becomes the more knowledge shared the better all our businesses become, so was just trying to help everyone involved. I understand though that BA is not for everyone and has some upset customers, which is very understandable, I'm just not one of them. Regardless, I'm only trying to help. Not cause drama.

However, I can't deny I'm a big ol bizapps fan boy. I think that's already confirmed. I'll try to keep my comments more neutral.

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 17th Jul 2014, 10:24 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by mobilemarketer2012 View Post

I actually thought of another question regarding native apps and push notifications. If a business has multiple locations and wants to be able to send a push to the customers of just one location, can they do that with just one app? Or would they need to have an app for each location?

Yeah absolutely.

Most platforms have a feature where you can send a push note within a certain radius of an area. For example, if you had a location in 2 different cities, you can target just the users in the 1 city to receive the message. This would allow you to target push notes based on location of the user and their nearest restaurant or whatever.

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Originally Posted by indiana141 View Post

I find it ironic that "Jonathan" appeared shortly after my bizapps post. He was brand new and if you look at his posts they are all pro bizapps. So, just be aware i guess, to me its shady. My experience with bizapps is documented in this message board.
I can verify that Jonathan is not "shady" or an employee of biznessapps he is just an excited reseller who knows the product and gained success.
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Unread 17th Jul 2014, 08:28 PM   #30
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I do not know Jonathan, and do not always agree with him, but I think his advice is spot on and best of all FREE!

It is obvious to me that he is making real apps and real money. Not one of these marketing gurus on their next offering.

That being said, it is no different that an argument in the U.S. on Ford vs. Chevy or Coke vs. Pepsi. Everyone has their opinion.

I use both SC and BA and both have their merits. In fact, if I could take the best parts of both products, you could have a nearly flawless app builder.

I may be getting repetitive to some folks, but I use SC for niche and info apps and BA for small business apps. To me, two different solutions that in the end get you an app.

I would have gone with BA early on for ALL apps, but 12-18 months ago, BA was useless with AdMob. Just did not work. For me to publish niche apps, I needed banner income without a cost per app. SC was an easy solution. Since then, SC has made some refinements and allows more customization with native pages as well as PhoneGap support.

Jonathan, although I do not agree with all of your statements, please continue to share. Without a doubt, I think your posts add EXTREME value to this forum, even for a BA fanboy. :-)

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Unread 17th Jul 2014, 09:32 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by AUKev View Post

I do not know Jonathan, and do not always agree with him, but I think his advice is spot on and best of all FREE!

It is obvious to me that he is making real apps and real money. Not one of these marketing gurus on their next offering.

That being said, it is no different that an argument in the U.S. on Ford vs. Chevy or Coke vs. Pepsi. Everyone has their opinion.

I use both SC and BA and both have their merits. In fact, if I could take the best parts of both products, you could have a nearly flawless app builder.

I may be getting repetitive to some folks, but I use SC for niche and info apps and BA for small business apps. To me, two different solutions that in the end get you an app.

I would have gone with BA early on for ALL apps, but 12-18 months ago, BA was useless with AdMob. Just did not work. For me to publish niche apps, I needed banner income without a cost per app. SC was an easy solution. Since then, SC has made some refinements and allows more customization with native pages as well as PhoneGap support.

Jonathan, although I do not agree with all of your statements, please continue to share. Without a doubt, I think your posts add EXTREME value to this forum, even for a BA fanboy. :-)
Thanks man. At the end of the day we're all trying to accomplish the same thing, take our clients MOBILE!

However you do it, it's up to you, but I think we can all agree mobile apps and mobile websites are the future of small business marketing! Cheers AUKev!

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 18th Jul 2014, 09:34 AM   #32
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Ok guys, I thought of another question. Does either BA or SC have a way for the client to have access-or partial access-to make modifications to their own app? I'm just thinking if a client wants to remove a menu item or change the price or, say, if they want to add a new service offering. I know that I can do this for them for a small fee, but I'm thinking that if it is a 2 minute change then they might not want to have to pay me for it. I mentioned partial access because I am assuming there might be things in the control panel that you don't want them to have access to. Thanks again.
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Unread 18th Jul 2014, 10:20 AM   #33
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Definitely not an option with SC. You basically have a single login which gives full access to ALL of your apps. Not something you would want to do.

For BA, each app has a separate login, so you in theory could give access to an individual app, but you cannot limit what they can access. So they could change anything in the app and potentially cause problems.

Definitely one benefit of BA because you could allow your customers to send their own push notifications. Not possible with SC, unless you get a third party service like Push Note Server for sending PN's.

Originally Posted by mobilemarketer2012 View Post

Ok guys, I thought of another question. Does either BA or SC have a way for the client to have access-or partial access-to make modifications to their own app? I'm just thinking if a client wants to remove a menu item or change the price or, say, if they want to add a new service offering. I know that I can do this for them for a small fee, but I'm thinking that if it is a 2 minute change then they might not want to have to pay me for it. I mentioned partial access because I am assuming there might be things in the control panel that you don't want them to have access to. Thanks again.

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Unread 19th Jul 2014, 10:56 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by AUKev View Post

Definitely not an option with SC. You basically have a single login which gives full access to ALL of your apps. Not something you would want to do.

For BA, each app has a separate login, so you in theory could give access to an individual app, but you cannot limit what they can access. So they could change anything in the app and potentially cause problems.

Definitely one benefit of BA because you could allow your customers to send their own push notifications. Not possible with SC, unless you get a third party service like Push Note Server for sending PN's.
Want to be clear, my point of responding to this thread is to not to dispute Kevin, he knows SC and BA very well. He also is a White Label client of mine as a few week ago ( in full disclosure ) however that is not why I think highly of him, I just do... "He knows his stuff"

My guess is the last time Kevin had a White Label through BA or a White Label provider this option was not available.

You can indeed give clients full access or partial access through the platform. With that said its all or nothing, meaning, if you restrict certain access for one client it restricts it for all clients.

We are currently working on a custom mod to change this.

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Unread 20th Jul 2014, 05:14 AM   #35
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Talking about BA and SC, they both have In-App purchases feature, right? Well, have someone read this...
"Google to stop labeling apps with In-App purchases as 'free' By the end of September, Google will no longer label apps as “free” if they allow for in-app purchases. The change will certainly take place in Europe but is likely to affect Google users around the world"
My question is, how will this affect BA/SC in-app purchase app? and if we have an app that offer discount voucher/offer via Paypal, will this be considered as 'in-app purchase'? Thanks
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Unread 20th Jul 2014, 02:13 PM   #36
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Good to know Bob, that was certainly not available 18 months ago with BA.

Everyone, please feel free to dispute me any time. I know much about building apps, but still have TONS to learn. :-)

I am excited to see that the Mobile Marketing forum here on WF is finally getting some good discussions. Let's keep the questions and suggestions coming to make us all better developers and marketers.

Originally Posted by 9AppAve View Post

Want to be clear, my point of responding to this thread is to not to dispute Kevin, he knows SC and BA very well. He also is a White Label client of mine as a few week ago ( in full disclosure ) however that is not why I think highly of him, I just do... "He knows his stuff"

My guess is the last time Kevin had a White Label through BA or a White Label provider this option was not available.

You can indeed give clients full access or partial access through the platform. With that said its all or nothing, meaning, if you restrict certain access for one client it restricts it for all clients.

We are currently working on a custom mod to change this.


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Unread 20th Jul 2014, 02:20 PM   #37
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I do not know the exact answer to this, but I am going to take a sophisticated guess. When you have and In-App purchase, it is registered with iTunes or with Google Play. Mostly because they want to take their 30% cut from those transactions.

While people can purchase stuff from your app via PayPal or affiliate links, by the definition of the app stores, that is NOT an In-App purchase.

In theory, my understanding of the TOS of the Play store, apps are not supposed to sell anything that is not an In-App purchase. I have violated this in many apps without reprisal, but the fine print in the TOS is that anything purchased in an app, should be via In-App purchase. (this was as of 18 months ago, have not verified recently).

So based on this info, apps will still identify as free as long as there is no charge to download or do not have registered In-App purchases.

Whether or not the app stores crack down on outside purchases is yet to be seen. Not sure they can ever do that completely right? If I build an app that is for mobile commerce, it is really not within their rights to remove or refuse my app because they do not get their cut.

Make sense?

Originally Posted by freebluebird View Post

Talking about BA and SC, they both have In-App purchases feature, right? Well, have someone read this...
"Google to stop labeling apps with In-App purchases as 'free' By the end of September, Google will no longer label apps as “free” if they allow for in-app purchases. The change will certainly take place in Europe but is likely to affect Google users around the world"
My question is, how will this affect BA/SC in-app purchase app? and if we have an app that offer discount voucher/offer via Paypal, will this be considered as 'in-app purchase'? Thanks

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Unread 20th Jul 2014, 05:18 PM   #38
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Thanks AUkev. Very good info.
Just to clarify, in-app purchase - what about app like 'livingsocial' where you can download for 'free' and you can purchase deals inside the app via Paypal I believe, this is not an 'in-app' purchase, right?

by the way, either BA or SC platform, can we create an app like livingsocial where we can offer different deals in app, where also users have to sign up a login account to purchase the deal, where the purchased deals can be downloaded or emailed to users and where users can take to store to redeem the deal, can all these be done on the BA/SC app?
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Unread 20th Jul 2014, 06:54 PM   #39
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Your statement is correct. The true definition of In-App purchase is something going through iTunes or Play stores. Paypal, Jvzoo, Clickbank et al, are not really an In-App purchase.

Out of the box, BA or SC does not have exactly what you are looking for, but you could be creative and get close. There are 'loyalty' type options where users can 'check in' as well as proximity loyalty, but these are designed to have a single one per app. For example a store owner or restaurant wants to offer them for a single location.

There are options where you can build a mobile website that has a membership option and 'iframe' in the website so it feels like part of the app, but will require an internet connection.

You could also consider the app with affiliate links. Living Social and Groupon both have affiliate programs where you could show offers with your link and get paid a commission when people purchase.

You might consider something like Clipper Theme (mobile optimized) which you can create offers and iframe the site into your app.

This all works great for Android, but you would have to add a ton of extra functionality to get it approved by Apple. Not impossible, but certainly more work.

One thing I LOVE about BA is the ability to make tabs 'inactive'. Inactive tabs are not seen by Apple Reviewers. So, you build your app, optimized for the Apple Reviewers to get approval. Once approved, you can make some pages inactive and make other pages active (swap them around). They show up immediately in the app, without having to go through the Apple approval process again. Basically a way to get pages in the app that iTunes may not like, but you can activate after approval.

Originally Posted by freebluebird View Post

Thanks AUkev. Very good info.
Just to clarify, in-app purchase - what about app like 'livingsocial' where you can download for 'free' and you can purchase deals inside the app via Paypal I believe, this is not an 'in-app' purchase, right?

by the way, either BA or SC platform, can we create an app like livingsocial where we can offer different deals in app, where also users have to sign up a login account to purchase the deal, where the purchased deals can be downloaded or emailed to users and where users can take to store to redeem the deal, can all these be done on the BA/SC app?

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Unread 20th Jul 2014, 08:45 PM   #40
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How much are you guys charging in terms of setup per client with a mobile app?


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Originally Posted by AUKev View Post

There are options where you can build a mobile website that has a membership option and 'iframe' in the website so it feels like part of the app, but will require an internet connection.
@AUkev, very good suggestion.

Originally Posted by AUKev View Post

One thing I LOVE about BA is the ability to make tabs 'inactive'. Inactive tabs are not seen by Apple Reviewers. So, you build your app, optimized for the Apple Reviewers to get approval. Once approved, you can make some pages inactive and make other pages active (swap them around). They show up immediately in the app, without having to go through the Apple approval process again. Basically a way to get pages in the app that iTunes may not like, but you can activate after approval.
This is smart, but don't want to take the risk of app being deleted once Apple finds out though

What about SC platform, I believe it has the feature where we can point to an external website url, where the deal site is set up similar to LivingSocial site, would that be a better option and will Apple approve it?
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Originally Posted by freebluebird View Post

This is smart, but don't want to take the risk of app being deleted once Apple finds out though
Apple will only remove an app from the app stores if it has been deemed offensive. There are many many older apps that are approved years ago that would not be approved today due to lack of functionality. So I don't think this would be an issue I think!

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Unread 22nd Jul 2014, 11:16 AM   #43
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There are a number of requirements for Apple approval and one of the problems is a lack of consistency. Often, it just depends on who is reviewing. I have had flawless apps rejected for petty reasons and less than stellar apps approved the first time.

A few of the stringent items are at least 10 tabs, as much 'native' functionality as possible (gps, camera...) and a maximum of 1 outside linked tab (to an outside website).

As far as approval goes, there is not a huge difference in approval of Apple apps whether they are BA or SC. Comes down to quality and originality.

Originally Posted by freebluebird View Post

@AUkev, very good suggestion.

This is smart, but don't want to take the risk of app being deleted once Apple finds out though

What about SC platform, I believe it has the feature where we can point to an external website url, where the deal site is set up similar to LivingSocial site, would that be a better option and will Apple approve it?

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Are these platform BA or SC suitable for create an app for 'affiliate or CPA' program? e.g Amazon affiliate program or any other?
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Unread 23rd Jul 2014, 03:07 AM   #45
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i am currently looking into the matter of site that provide templates for doing too.

seattleclouds and biznessapps look like interesting options. one has to also consider the subscription cost of these services, if it's worth it vs how much you will charge your clients
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Unread 3rd Aug 2014, 03:37 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by bjadams View Post

i am currently looking into the matter of site that provide templates for doing too.

seattleclouds and biznessapps look like interesting options. one has to also consider the subscription cost of these services, if it's worth it vs how much you will charge your clients

If you are concerns with subscription cost, SC has a lot of Reputable resellers too where you can get Lifetime Developer plan. You just pay once and options for monthly and yearly are also available.


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Unread 9th Aug 2014, 02:27 AM   #47
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Google will have a free, solid operating system and its own version of HTML which everyone will be using. Google is obviously trying to eliminate the client application world.

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Unread 25th Aug 2014, 05:14 AM   #48
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what is the pricing i should put for do it yourself service? / do it together service / complete managed service?

can u send me these details so that i can work on it

also what would the same be for mobile website alone /mobile website & mobile app /mobile app only?

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Unread 26th Aug 2014, 08:19 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by meganetwo View Post

what is the pricing i should put for do it yourself service? / do it together service / complete managed service?

can u send me these details so that i can work on it

also what would the same be for mobile website alone /mobile website & mobile app /mobile app only?
I personally wouldn't recommend trying to get a small business to do it themselves, they'll end up asking more questions on how to use the platform which will take more time than just building it for them, which you can also charge a service fee for.

I recommend pricing around $1000 set up and $50-$100/month depending on the level of service AFTER you build the app for them. For example, you can offer to manage their push notes, send them monthly analytics reports, and be available for revisions for $100/month, or be hands off or $50/month.

I recommend asking for a higher price as it makes your service seem more premium, covers you for time making sales which can be time consuming, and positions you as a mobile marketing expect the business owner can rely on.

However, I have seen DIY platforms for SMBs as low as $20-$30/month but the conversion rates is probably in the low 1-2% like any DIY model I would guess. Do it for them is the way to go IMO.

I resell mobile apps for a company called Bizness Apps. Not affiliated at all, just a fan and supporter.
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Originally Posted by jamelorys View Post

Google will have a free, solid operating system and its own version of HTML which everyone will be using. Google is obviously trying to eliminate the client application world.
Are you saying Google will have it's own free native app maker and/or web app maker?
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