4 replies
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I know if I wasn't so tired I could figure it out, but I have a funny email I received that I'd like to post. It has a couple of .jpg graphics in it. How can I get that email to copy and paste in here?

It's worth sharing the laughter... and it's a good one.

Do I make an html web page and upload it, or do that and paste the code here?

Thank you!
  • Profile picture of the author Lynette Crase
    Hi Michele

    Whenever I want to include an image in a post I upload the image to one of my websites and then use the image tags for the forum [img] [/img] Just put the link to the image inside the tags and it should show up.

    Hope that helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Right click on that photo and then select "copy image location" - then cut and paste so you aren't publicly displaying the email addresses.

    When you get the image location - just click your post where you want the image to appear then go to the toolbar and click the "add image" icon - a box will appear for you to paste the image location in.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author newbie2011
    Just copy the contents of your email and paste in MS word to send email.
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