Dan Kennedy wants me to speak at his event?

28 replies

I got this e-mail today..

So there's been a big announcement going around at Brunson's empire ClickFunnels and his widely known event called Funnel Hacking Live.

And the announcement is...well...he's looking for one speaker to speak in front of 7,000 people.

Now I don't know about you, but it is one of the hardest things in the world to fill a thousand butts in the seats, let alone fill 7,000 of them.

And to give one of you the opportunity to not only speak but curate a new herd is one of the biggest gifts I can imagine happening to any Entrepreneur.

So if that's you, and you want the opportunity, here's what you need to do right now...

How To Apply: Go to Russell Brunson's Social Media linked below and watch his video for instructions.

I'm told that's all, but hurry, the deadline is Friday, May 26th.

Click The Social Links Below To Apply To Become A Funnel Hacking Live Speaker:


Here is the link; https://www.facebook.com/RussellBrun...9289033986604/

So Why did I post this? Of course, I wasn't under the illusion that Dan Kennedy wanted me to speak to 7,000 attendees of a Russell Brunson event.

But here was the offer;

1) post a video of how Clickfunnels (Russell Brunson's company)changed your life (of course mentioning the event).
2) Post your video on all your social network platforms.
3) Post your video to your entire e-mail list.
4) Get your fans (e-mal list) to vote for you being the speaker on the Kennedy Facebook page.

Get it?

This offer was a master class on how to get a high end Guru to promote Kennedy/Brunson's company/event/Facebook page. How to get you to do it for free. And the person who promotes them the most gets to speak at their event (without pay) to tell everyone how Clickfunnels changed your life.

And the draw, of course, is that you may get to speak in front of 7,000 people.

And all I could think was "How brilliant. How can I use the structure of this idea to promote myself?

I just has to share. This is a marketing forum, and I just got a glimpse of the best.
#dan #event #kennedy #speak
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Brilliant concept - but why such a short timeline?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Life has no remote...
    Get up and change it yourself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756751].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Brilliant concept - but why such a short timeline?
      It's just a 90 second video. It can be created and distributed in an hour.

      With just a couple of days to do it, you can't procrastinate. And also, they will see how many votes you got in a day or so. And that will tell them who has the best list.

      My guess is that everyone on the Kennedy mailing list got this invite. If only ten good gurus participate, it's a way to essentially do a joint venture with them all...while paying them nothing for the effort.

      How to get everyone on your list, to promote your event and product to their lists....for free.

      Kennedy always filled his events by using affiliates. Now they can do it all for free. Abracadabra!
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756752].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Besides brilliant, any negative bad tastes in your mouth with this offer?

    I'm thinking of how I might use this but when I saw your post, I knew there must be a catch. (Not that they wouldn't want you to speak - you could probably teach a lot of people stuff they don't know.)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756763].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      Besides brilliant, any negative bad tastes in your mouth with this offer?

      I'm thinking of how I might use this but when I saw your post, I knew there must be a catch.

      honestly, I don't think there is a "Catch". It was fairly well explained.

      The people who even have a remote chance of getting the speaking slot already know the drill. They are already successful marketers, and have used techniques similar to this to grow their list.

      I do know this...they really didn't need to fill a speaking slot. They are trying to build their list to whom they can market the event .

      It just dawned on me that they didn't say how long you could talk to the crowd. It could be just a ten minute testimonial. On the other hand, if you are a proven platform salesperson, they may give you 90 minutes to really sell your package..

      Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

      . (Not that they wouldn't want you to speak - you could probably teach a lot of people stuff they don't know.)

      Mark: Dan Kennedy and I have three things in common. We are almost exactly the same age, we grew up in the same area, and we are both jaded, grumpy old men.

      Speaking to a Russell Brunson group of screaming young inexperienced wannabes would cause me to blow my brains out.

      The video shows them rushing through the door. That isn't an exaggeration. They are so full of excitement that their brains have no space left for thinking.

      I have severe allergies to "Rah Rah" and "Woo Woo". And those events are supported by this duo of fantasy and hope.

      My biggest paydays came from speaking to these kinds of groups. But I just don't have the stomach for it anymore.

      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      Hansen and Canfield got uber rich with their Chicken Soup franchise, all via collaboration. Sure let others do the work, take a piece of the pie.

      OLDEN days, "Congratulations, your Poem has been accepted by the Americana Poetry Society, and will be included in the upcoming ANTHOLOGY, get your copy for only 59 bux." Gee, I must have a dozen of those laying around, so I am a published poet (sort of).
      I think "Who's Who" did the same thing. A funny thing about authors (except for the ones that know better). They will pay retail for books, directories, magazines...that even mention them. And getting a page of your content in print? Now they buy multiples.

      I have several relatives that have bragged that they were "published"....and I knew that they were simply paying for editing, layout, art, printing services offered by a Vanity publisher.

      I didn't have the heart to tell them that writers get paid by publishers. They don't pay to get their book published.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756900].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Besides brilliant, any negative bad tastes in your mouth with this offer?

    I'm thinking of how I might use this but when I saw your post, I knew there must be a catch. (Not that they wouldn't want you to speak - you could probably teach a lot of people stuff they don't know.)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756764].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author animal44
    Yep, I got the same invite...

    But would I join any club that would have me as a member...?


    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.
    What I do for a living

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756784].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    So pretty much the person with the biggest list will be invited?

    Everybody else just promotes it for free.

    I'm out of the running because I don't get along with Brunson. Don't like him and won't buy anything he sells. I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756842].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      So pretty much the person with the biggest list will be invited?
      Everybody else just promotes it for free.
      I'm out of the running because I don't get along with Brunson. Don't like him and won't buy anything he sells. I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
      Interesting. Or is it? Not about you and Brunny, isn't that fairly common? Anyhow...

      I like cults. Or at least I like to use that word; it resonates better than secret societies, circle jerks and huddled masses.

      In the video we see the screaming fans, as if they were at a Beatles concert (believe me, there was a lot of screaming there). 7,000 fanatics packed into a small arena. Well, I often wonder how big these things are, OUTSIDE of the cult.

      Take POLITICS (please). Are there more than a few million Americans who actually care about what happens inside the beltway? They are called political "junkies" for a reason.

      Marketing junkies. Automobile junkies. Or I guess, raving fans. Having paid my dues, long ago, in the Dawg Pound of the Cleveland Browns, I get conditional obsession, really.

      I suppose it is one of the main principles of successful business; finding and keeping fans. Jobs knew it. Trump knows it. Some Warriors do too.

      Isn't it somewhat odd that supposedly PUBLIC SPEAKING is fear #1 for most people, yet there are those who crave to be on the stage, if they are qualified.

      What would be really interesting, after all is said and done, to know how many of those 7,000 tickets were sold to people either participating in this, or following along.

      It is a good lesson to see unfold, getting your buyers to do some selling while giving testimonials. Got to hand it to them, they run their cults as efficiently as L. Ron Hubbard did back in the day.

      Thanks for the share. I think I have some RB supplements laying around, but I don't yet need a cure for cancer? was it?

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Gordon -

    Filsaine who was one of Brunson's early mentors started groove funnels which was in direct competition with click funnels.

    Clickfunnels was old, outdated, and expensive. Filsaines Groove funnels has the same features and are way cheaper. Plus, Groove has a free forever feature.

    Brunson does know marketing...but if you've noticed most of his latest FB ads they've turned off the comments or stay busy deleting comments. Click Funnels is losing a lot of big customers to Filsaine.

    One of Brunsons latest marketing ploys was 'giving away tons of Kennedy's info etc for free' you just paid shipping...

    problem was the free part was only for the trial period and then customers were being billed monthly. It came back to bite him with a lot of upset people.

    I don't like marketing that takes advantage of people. It's scammy and unprofessional.

    I won't go into the whole thing about funnels in 2023...that's another whole discussion.

    Anyways, these are just my opinions of course.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756855].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Groovy. I say they all know marketing, and at its very foundation is knowledge of people...and their mighty lizard brains.

      You remind of the OLD guys, and from afar, we all thought they were buddies, friends and had a secret handshake they shared. I think today, we may have that same view of the all the IM gurus being in the club, having secret meetings at Tony Robbins castle, waiting on surfer boy Frank to show up.

      I suppose an inside view today, would be like seeing how so many of yesteryears Masters and Gurus shunned the likes of a Jay Abraham and his escapades into the diamond market. Ah, they learn from their "mistakes" though.

      I guess we all get to choose whom we like, and follow, and to that, to each his own. Whatever happened to that salty little droid? He won a few battles but lost the war?


      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Gordon -

      Filsaine who was one of Brunson's early mentors started groove funnels which was in direct competition with click funnels.

      Clickfunnels was old, outdated, and expensive. Filsaines Groove funnels has the same features and are way cheaper. Plus, Groove has a free forever feature.

      Brunson does know marketing...but if you've noticed most of his latest FB ads they've turned off the comments or stay busy deleting comments. Click Funnels is losing a lot of big customers to Filsaine.

      One of Brunsons latest marketing ploys was 'giving away tons of Kennedy's info etc for free' you just paid shipping...

      problem was the free part was only for the trial period and then customers were being billed monthly. It came back to bite him with a lot of upset people.

      I don't like marketing that takes advantage of people. It's scammy and unprofessional.

      I won't go into the whole thing about funnels in 2023...that's another whole discussion.

      Anyways, these are just my opinions of course.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756865].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        You remind of the OLD guys, and from afar, we all thought they were buddies, friends and had a secret handshake they shared. I think today, we may have that same view of the all the IM gurus being in the club, having secret meetings at Tony Robbins castle, waiting on surfer boy Frank to show up.

        I am becoming an old guy

        I think most of us know that they already know who the person is that they will pick to speak. It comes down to the biggest list...and they know who it is.

        The old days of marketing were a hoot. One copywriter would write a book...and I call them copywriters even though some weren't and actually hired copywriters to write for them...

        and 10 other top 'copywriters' would swear it was a book every person interested in copywriting had to have.

        Then another would write a book and the rest would all swear it was the best.

        It was/is all selling dreams. Dreams that for 99.99% of people would never materialize.

        It all boiled down to selling hope and dreams and the chance at being wealthy. How many actually achieved wealth? I'm guessing a fraction of 1%.

        I've sat and looked back at marketing over the years...most of it was all nonsense...and I'm talking about the info marketing, not the product marketing, although it's had its share of nonsense. These days we've got people getting hired fresh out of college by marketing agencies. Some of these new marketing 'experts' are starting to realize that their college ideas of 'everyone should love everyone and everything' has got a lot of problems. That's also a whole different discussion.

        But, people will always chase dreams...and some will always be willing to spend a buck or two to chase them.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756873].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Filsaine who was one of Brunson's early mentors started groove funnels which was in direct competition with click funnels.
    I didn't care for Filsaine so it just passed down....hadn't made the connection till you mentioned it.

    Take POLITICS (please). Are there more than a few million Americans who actually care about what happens inside the beltway? They are called political "junkies" for a reason.
    I maintain if you move the FBI and the IRS and perhaps Dept of Education to headquarter in Nebraska or South Dakota or Oklahoma...the political junkies would fall like dominoes. Wouldn't be as much fun to be a lobbyist if you actually had to enter flyover country.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Life has no remote...
    Get up and change it yourself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756866].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well you need some great courage and confidence to do this as speaking in front of 7k people its not an easy task

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    and 10 other top 'copywriters' would swear it was a book every person interested in copywriting had to have.

    Brain bubble: do you remember when Joe Vitale was a 'valuable reviewer' for every single new book or product in the IM field?

    Then he made his own producgts following his stellar performance in "The Secret"

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Life has no remote...
    Get up and change it yourself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756874].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Brain bubble: do you remember when Joe Vitale was a 'valuable reviewer' for every single new book or product in the IM field?

      Then he made his own producgts following his stellar performance in "The Secret"

      Yes. The world's first hypnotic copywriter.

      He took words and phrases from leading hypnotists and claimed if you used them in your writing you could hypnotize your reader. You can't. You can learn how to keep their interest, but you can't hypnotize them through reading.

      His secret...if you plant the suggestion they'll be hypnotized when you read his stuff, you begin to check yourself as you read...it's a mind thing, but the person isn't hypnotized.

      I remember when he bought a Rolls Royce and was selling brainstorming sessions in his car to talk about your business and he'd give you ideas. Of course, there were takers.

      Now I think he's more into meditation and other stuff like that. Don't think he has anywhere near the following he used to have.

      But yes, he used to recommend just about everything...quite sure it was in exchange for the favor with his stuff.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    there were takers.

    In IM, if you are a good talker, there are always takers.

    I think he went full woo-woo after his movie debut. Described now as a 'spiritual teacher'.

    He caused one of the first arguments I had with a self-appointed guru. I mentioned that no one with a business to run could spend every day 'reviewing' new products and a long time member on this forum (who is no longer in IM) said I didn't understand the level of 'productivity' of a 'real marketer'. I told him I might be new but I knew how long 24 hrs was. He never liked me after that.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Life has no remote...
    Get up and change it yourself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756878].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    In IM, if you are a good talker, there are always takers.

    I think he went full woo-woo after his movie debut. Described now as a 'spiritual teacher'.

    Good talker...but more importantly, working with others.

    If you look at the top IM marketers, they aren't one-man bands.

    They make connections...and share back and forth with their connections. They also use affiliates.

    An Internet Marketer will sell a book on what to say to someone to get them to buy...but that's not the real secret. You can almost say anything to the right list and still sell if you can get a good recommendation from someone.

    The real secret (I think) in IM is not focusing only on the details of what and how to say it...but spending the majority of your efforts making connections and sharing lists and reviews. It's a long subject but I hope you get the drift of what I'm saying.

    Back to what I was saying earlier about copywriters reviewing other copywriters' books...it was a well-planned sharing of lists that got results. The book could have been total crap, but because Bob recommended it, it must be great. Back-and-forth sharing of reviews.

    The little guy is all about buying dreams and hopes...the top guys know it's all about their connections that get the little guy to buy.

    Yes, you can have some success selling your own info product or something like that...but the real success is having the connections that you can share.

    So, this I guess was 101 on how so many scams make money.

    Added: And yes, I do think he went a little woo hoo. I believe he even put out his own songs that are supposed to be some type of spiritual healing songs.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    About 20 years ago, they (members of the GK club; well, the leaders) were doing something similar: inviting people to be authors (because authors get authority).

    They'd pay them a nice chunk of money; they'd hook you up with a ghost writer (if you needed one). The book would have some 12 -15 chapters (each for a different business owner).

    When done, you'd get a number of copies for free (and could buy more if you so desired) that you'd give to any prospective client (to boost your chances of being hired).

    The first chapter, the introduction and the editor were the guy who invited you.

    If a quarter of the people used the product as imagined, the organizer would get his name in front of a ton of business owners for free (well, the effort put into coming up with the idea, finding participants, collecting the money, paying the editor, the printer (print on demand was not there then) and such).

    Brilliant idea then. Brilliant idea now.

    I am, however, miffed: I have not been the first one invited and that's my birthright, damn it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756887].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      About 20 years ago, they (members of the GK club; well, the leaders) were doing something similar: inviting people to be authors (because authors get authority).
      When done, you'd get a number of copies for free (and could buy more if you so desired) that you'd give to any prospective client (to boost your chances of being hired).
      Brilliant idea then. Brilliant idea now.

      Hansen and Canfield got uber rich with their Chicken Soup franchise, all via collaboration. Sure let others do the work, take a piece of the pie.

      OLDEN days, "Congratulations, your Poem has been accepted by the Americana Poetry Society, and will be included in the upcoming ANTHOLOGY, get your copy for only 59 bux." Gee, I must have a dozen of those laying around, so I am a published poet (sort of).

      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      Good talker...but more importantly, working with others.
      If you look at the top IM marketers, they aren't one-man bands
      On the submarine, Weds were circle jerk night, I never did join in. A one man band can do as much as he wants with leverage, however, especially with IM, it doesn't hurt to have friends in a syndicate, or a group of like minded objectivists, if the main objective is money at any costs. Wonder if Vitale got his woo woo from his Aikido days, remember it from my Kent State days. Not that Aikido is woo woo, but the whole Chi-Ki-Qui part gets close to that line.

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      In IM, if you are a good talker, there are always takers.
      I think he went full woo-woo after his movie debut. Described now as a 'spiritual teacher'.

      He caused one of the first arguments I had with a self-appointed guru. I mentioned that no one with a business to run could spend every day 'reviewing' new products and a long time member on this forum (who is no longer in IM) said I didn't understand the level of 'productivity' of a 'real marketer'. I told him I might be new but I knew how long 24 hrs was. He never liked me after that.
      As a self appointed guru, I feel a little left out. I may have to pick a fight with you just for the sake of argument. I mean Kay, some days are only 23 hours and 56 minutes. That extra four minutes to a guy like Joe, he can manifest some really nifty ideas. I love how he transformed into Mr. T over the years, all that bling. YIKES.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756892].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I got a couple of those too. So, I am a published poet too, though not a poet. Interesting thing, life.

        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        OLDEN days, "Congratulations, your Poem has been accepted by the Americana Poetry Society, and will be included in the upcoming ANTHOLOGY, get your copy for only 59 bux." Gee, I must have a dozen of those laying around, so I am a published poet (sort of).

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756984].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11756986].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          I got a couple of those too. So, I am a published poet too, though not a poet. Interesting thing, life.
          There were other "directories" that were a bit more focused, that you could be included in for a fee.

          Back when...someone online started a guru stock like index. They rated the gurus, and it daily changed depending on which one was at bat, and who was on deck for their collective 2K LAUNCHES.

          Maybe someone remembers that thing, if so, I'd love to look at it and see who is still going strong.

          Probably an idea someone could run with today, if so inclined.

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  • Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    And the draw, of course, is that you may get to speak in front of 7,000 people.

    And all I could think was "How brilliant. How can I use the structure of this idea to promote myself?

    I just has to share. This is a marketing forum, and I just got a glimpse of the best.

    Circumference Doom vs The Mere Funnel:
    How to Broaden Your Horizons The Inevitable Way

    Claude Feeds the 7000 -- Oratory suggestions c/o Princess Balestra

    "In the traditional view of the funnel, ever more sophisticated versions of the essential offer compel you to buy.

    In my version of the story, I belly flop onto your house and demand menaces.

    Can you see now why girth is superior to length?

    Moreover, now you may question ... is electricity even a FUNNEL?

    You switch your vacuum cleaner on, and fifteen and a half seconds later, it is instantly available to clean your carpet?

    My direct sales experience says funnels are more immediate than you may imagine -- and this is true whether I tell you this is the case, or not.

    So what difference would it make if you ignored me?

    Friends, your shoes are not nailed to the floor -- you may flee from this hall if you wish!

    But into which funnel would your enthusiasm self-propel so easily?

    If you rejected the guy whose Sales Colossus Factor ever swelled?

    With zero ego other than everything I said just now -- or ever?

    You didn't hear about that?

    Well, let me tell you ...

    and I have to confess now that I did nail all of your shoes to the floor ...

    except for Dan ...

    (remember to wink at this point)

    (remember to pause at this point)

    who the heck in heck Dan might be!

    Why did I do this?

    Because, for the next fifteen minutes, the miracle of Circumference Doom Methodology will flow forth from my bosom till every concept of funnel you hold dear is flattened to an unsuckable straw from which I will compel you to nonetheless suck.

    I can't stop this from happening: such is my planet-destabilising gravitas ... "

    (Tony Robbins is on his feet now, askin' to be shaht in the brayins, an' even Seth Godin cain't believe he evah wrote out nuthin' so stoopid. Tactically, this is when the dancin' girls appear, but you gotta factah in how each an evry onea 'em might already have SWOONED OUT, so mebbe Claude gotta hire sum leopards or a $275,000 vase. I cannot covah evry eventyooality: I only a Princess.)

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Erica2112
    This is really nice
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Internet Trillionaire View Post

      Dan Kennedy sending messages from the grave. Now that's the ultimate marketing reach.
      Which Dan Kennedy died? Cause the B.S. author and marketer, referred to in OP, is alive and well.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760135].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Which Dan Kennedy died? Cause the B.S. author and marketer, referred to in OP, is alive and well.

        Yeah, he thought he was going to die, andso he sent a message to everyone saying that he was going to die.

        Lots of people hen took it to mean he was dead.

        And....a plethora of them started saying "I remember when I taught Dan Kennedy..." or "I worked with Dan Kennedy for years"....

        Or even, "Dan told me I have the rights to sell his products"/

        But then...the old guy didn't die...he slowly got better. And now, this old...grizzled...grumpy....non-social guy (I'm a month older than he is, I think), gets to read all those claims.
        One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

        What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760243].message }}
  • Jus' to say, the not zackly inflooentchwaahl rappah Dank Energy is still gowin' down there in Fort Bragg CA.

    "tbh I receive more misdirected enquiries for that Kennedy guy than I do for my own unique and revolutionary brand of rap," says Dank, "but I found the right medication now, and I don't want to kill nobody no more."

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11760666].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DRMB
    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


    I got this e-mail today..

    So there's been a big announcement going around at Brunson's empire ClickFunnels and his widely known event called Funnel Hacking Live.

    And the announcement is...well...he's looking for one speaker to speak in front of 7,000 people.

    Now I don't know about you, but it is one of the hardest things in the world to fill a thousand butts in the seats, let alone fill 7,000 of them.

    And to give one of you the opportunity to not only speak but curate a new herd is one of the biggest gifts I can imagine happening to any Entrepreneur.

    So if that's you, and you want the opportunity, here's what you need to do right now...

    How To Apply: Go to Russell Brunson's Social Media linked below and watch his video for instructions.

    I'm told that's all, but hurry, the deadline is Friday, May 26th.

    Click The Social Links Below To Apply To Become A Funnel Hacking Live Speaker:


    Here is the link; https://www.facebook.com/RussellBrun...9289033986604/

    So Why did I post this? Of course, I wasn't under the illusion that Dan Kennedy wanted me to speak to 7,000 attendees of a Russell Brunson event.

    But here was the offer;

    1) post a video of how Clickfunnels (Russell Brunson's company)changed your life (of course mentioning the event).
    2) Post your video on all your social network platforms.
    3) Post your video to your entire e-mail list.
    4) Get your fans (e-mal list) to vote for you being the speaker on the Kennedy Facebook page.

    Get it?

    This offer was a master class on how to get a high end Guru to promote Kennedy/Brunson's company/event/Facebook page. How to get you to do it for free. And the person who promotes them the most gets to speak at their event (without pay) to tell everyone how Clickfunnels changed your life.

    And the draw, of course, is that you may get to speak in front of 7,000 people.

    And all I could think was "How brilliant. How can I use the structure of this idea to promote myself?

    I just has to share. This is a marketing forum, and I just got a glimpse of the best.
    Thank you for the information, Claude.
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